Feeya's Application [Accepted]

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Feeya's Application [Accepted]

Post by Feeya »

Greetings leaders and members of the Red Rose!
Prepare yourselves for a long application! Here I go... ;)

Character information:

My character name is Feeya.
The actual account my character is on was created Feb 15 2005, 14:45:37 CET, though I created Feeya in 2007-ish.
The whole reason why I started the character was 'cause I wanted to be able to play in peace with my friends,
which I at that point couldn't on my back then "main" character..
I had a few problems with blood hungry villains for a while then, and this was the solution I found.
Though not long after I created Feeya, it all got solved anyway.
But somehow I kept feeling paranoid, thinking they'll come after me just to mess with me, and I lost the urge to play. So I retired.

With the game getting worse, in my opinion, and all the hate that reside in some players of Tibia,
I thought I'd never in a million years come back.
But one day I proved myself wrong.. Nothing can replace the feeling that playing Tibia brings you.
The bonds of friendship you create through this game, it's irreplaceable.
People ask me "if you're basically only chatting, why don't you use MSN?", well it's simply not the same.

So this is me trying again, for at least a small piece of a peaceful enviroment, in a somewhat chaotic world,
and I'm planning to have many fun days ahead, and spend them with my wonderful friends, and hopefully guildmates!

Previous Guilds:

This character has only been a vice leader for Vuzufune's guild Mouse Volta.
I never made it to any other, 'cause I'm too serious when it comes to guilds.
When I go for a guild, I stick with it, I give it my heart and soul.. :)

Friends and foes:

Through my time in Tibia (6 years now, since I had another account 1 year before I created this)
I've been truly lucky to find true friends.
Such as Thib (back then Thibodaux), Black Falcon, Cinny, Dragonhart, Verdil/Lasdar, Gorox.
I don't have any enemies that I know of.

The best things about Tibia:

What I like best about Tibia is the socializing.
That is what makes me come back each and everytime I've taken a break.
You bond with people so easily when simply just standing around,
sharing a conversation with anyone, a stranger perhaps, with an open mind..
Yes, the best part is the "pointless" stuff like running around with ugly outfits,
making a few jokes and help out when help is needed..
I think you get the picture ;)
My goal in Tibia is to simply have fun.
Why else would anyone play a game? :)


I'm mostly a lonewolf when it comes to hunting,
mainly 'cause I feel like a pain in the butt when asking for help and such..
I don't wanna bother people or take their time unless they really insist on it.

My favorite city in Tibia is Ankrahmun.
Simply 'cause it's good for all sorts of levels, with many mixed creatures to kill. You could never get bored!
I usually go for Dragons or Tombs, which are usually empty 24/7 nowadays.

My reasons to join:

I'm not gonna lie to you, as I have a very honest way of living.
When I first thought about making an application to join the Red Rose I wasn't sure I'd fit in.
It seemed like such a serious guild with many rules, and 9/10 being denied..
Well, it felt as if it was a long shot to even try getting in.

Well.. As I mentioned before, I don't seek to join just any guild.
The guild has to be built upon respect, trust, friendship and loyalty.
From past experiences I've realized the way to keep a guild successful is to simply..
Do stuff together, whether its just hanging out with fellow members outside the guildhall,
or if it's hunting, training together, helping out..
A guild needs to be active and follow a certain structure,
without exception, to not fade away and become inactive.
Bonding with the members is to me one of the most important parts of being in a guild!

After studying your codex some weeks ago,
I realized you got the stability that I am searching for in a guild.
Which doesn't really come as a surprise, seeing you've been around for a like decade, and still going strong.

A few of my old friends are in your guild, Black Falcon and Cinny.
Seeing I've known them practically all my Tibian life, I wanna be where they are.

After having met a few of you.. It shocked me, but I must admit..
I could consider those I met friends of mine in a heartbeat. :)
Wow, I love this guild already. I'm really looking forward to meet the rest of you!
I hope I get that opportunity!

And even if I won't get accepted, I want you to know,
I've always respected the Red Rose, and it would be a great honor to be a part of such a wonderful guild.
To have the opportunity to help you withstand the waves that are crushing Antica at the moment..
Well, it would really be my pleasure!

And now to the part where I fail miserably.. I struggled with it.. Don't get your hopes up! :lol:

An extraordinary day, this was!

It started off with me and a few others gathering a team.
We were bringing along more than a hundred people for a very dangerous mission.
The place we were heading was called the Pits of Inferno.

We took a very huge risk bringing so many people down the dark and slippery slopes of the cave.
It was buried deep below the surface, and we met many dangerous creatures along the way.
We went through mazes and solved riddles to get to where we needed.
Some a little too brave souls wandered too far..
We lost a few of those along the way, and we were all really terrified.

We had already realized that bringing that many people with us was a bad idea.
It was hard to keep track of everyone, and the way down was very narrow.
We finally arrived to the place a few hours later.
When we thought we had actually made it, some people were jumping and screaming out of joy....


Many huge chunks of stone came rattling and bouching down the cave walls and were coming down right at us!
Then... Darkness.

From what I heard, it was only moments later this happened, but I couldn't tell; I was unconcious.
The first thing I remember seeing was something blue swirling right in front of me, moving further away.
There was a pair feet below that blue piece of material, and I figured I hadn't been hit by the stones after all.
I slowly turned my head up towards whatever it was, and then I saw them.
Some divine human-like creatures had come to our rescue.
They told us they had seen our fate and decided to intervene.

Some people were lying around, wounded from being knocked out of the way,
but most of them seemed to be okay.
They saved us!

I thought I'd provide some real life info:

My name is Sofia, and I'm 22 years old (turning 23 in August).
I've hated my name for as long as I can remember, so please just call me Fia (pronounced "feeya").
I live in Ludvika, Sweden. I'm currently unemployed, and not actively looking for a job either.
The reason for that is 'cause I got social phobia and at the moment seeking help for it..
I'm seeing a psychologist once a week, been trying out CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Theraphy) for maybe half a year or more,
and all I can say is that I'm stuck! Not moving forward in any way, so I'm starting to give up on this :(

I guess you could call me a nerd! I sit in front of my computer countless hours a day.. >.<
I like MMORPG's. Tried a few, but only 2, Tibia being one of them, was good enough for me to play a longer time.
The other game I played is Perfect World, it's a quest-based game, free to play and many girls playing actually.
I played that one during the time I was retired from Tibia ^^

Except for that, I like to hang out with my family (mom and sis + nephew), I love music+lyrics and like to relate to it.
I usually express my feelings through music a whole lot, so if was to get a boyfriend, he would need to understand how to interpret lyrics ^^
Besides that, I also like to read some.. My favorite book series are The Wheel of Time, written by Robert Jordan.
Those books inspired me a whole lot, and probably changed my life during the 11 years I've read them.

I guess that's all from me for now.
Hope to see you all around! ;)
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Hello Feeya! Nice to see you here.
It was a great application, get in touch with other roses now!
See you in game, and best of luck.
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Sir Balder »

Greets Feeya,

Thanks for a wonderful application, I loved it!

We've already had a short chat, and I hope more are to come. Like Rob
said already, please try to reach even more roses so that we might better
get to know each other.

Best wishes,
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Skyzo »

Ashari Feeya,,
Thanks for this wonderful application!
I enjoyed it so much, I hope have a talk with you in-game :)

Skyzo, the Banshee.
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Sherya »

Hello Feeya, great application.
Good luck :D
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Leojaliz »

Hi Feeya!

This was a nice application :) I look forward to having a chat with you sometime!
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Hey sister!
Great application indeed.
As many have already said, try to reach as many roses as you can online for a chat. And if I have time this weekend, I'll take you to Fibula so that you can meet some roses in person ;)

Good luck!
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Hello Feeya,

Nice application.

Good luck,
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Capitan »

Bonjour Fia, really great application, Im sure this will help you alot.

Wish you good luck.

Au revoir.
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Re: Feeya's Application

Post by Cinny »

hey hun good to see your application =) you did great
:** gl i love you