An application written by Soltaxxy. [Accepted]

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An application written by Soltaxxy. [Accepted]

Post by Soltaxxy »


Greetings everyone in the Red Rose!

The first step, introduction

I’ve been working on this application from time to time now for over six months and I really hope you won’t get disappointed! I will start to introduce myself in both real life and in Tibia since I know you’re not any guild which doesn’t care who joins the guild. I’ll write about how old I am, where I live, what I’m struggling for in both tibia and my real life and what I do for a living, and much more of course. This is just a little introduction about what you’ll read below this strip. Last but not least I’ll write my role playing story which I hope you’ll like, the idea with it is to get a good impression from you which I hope most write them for, and not just to write it to complete the application.

The second step, real life information

My name is Philip Persson and I live in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. I’m 17 years old and I still live together with my family. I’m educating to a carpenter and what I’m struggling for is to one day own an own building company. I have also got great grades in school, especially in English. I do have some minor problems with grammar but during those years I’ve been playing tibia I’ve learned more then you can imagine. As I read on your homepage a couple of weeks ago I saw that decent English was one of the criteria’s but it depends what decent English means to you. I do understand and can talk English; I’m also able to write English as you can see.

You might think that I’m a bit young, but I’m mature and I can of course take my own responsibility for the most part. I’ve got several interests such as watching television, being with friends and sports. I also play hockey, which is my favorite interest. I play it 4-5 times each week including hockey games.

The third step, character information

My character’s name is Soltaxxy. I created it for about 2 years ago. I’m a knight which I choose because the vocation seemed easy to handle. I began to play Tibia in 2003. The reason was because one of my best friends in real life moved to Saudi Arabia and we used Tibia as a communication program but after a while I started my journey trough Tibia. My first world was Secura, the world where I faced my first dragon. . As some says, “You’ll never forget your first dragon”. Unluckily I died and that’s the reason why I remember it. I’ve had several characters on Antica which I began to play a few months later I started my journey.

I had a druid named Zy’lin, I remember standing outside the depot making ultimate healing runes almost every day. I also remember I used to be Sobi’s rune maker. Zaweron was my Sorcerer, nothing special with it really but with all the characters I’ve had before Soltaxxy only gained around level 30 or less. I wasn’t much for hunting and I’m still not, I’d rather stand in depot talking to friends or discuss in the Game-chat.

I’ve also had several guild but I’ll only mention few. For about 2 years ago I decided and wrote an application which I posted on their homepage. After around 4 months I joined it. I had the rank Tiro Draconis which is similar to your rank Novice. I was only a member for a few months because I had some problems with one of their member, later I left the guild to avoid further problems. But I died a few days later by his friends, the reason why we had problems won’t be discussed here. But happily we are now friends. I’ve also been a member of other guilds which didn’t require any applications. My latest guild was Transformers where I was the recruiter, I tried to do my best but a lot of the members were inactive and they still are so I left it.

The reason why I want to join the Red rose is to reach the same thing as I did in Valheru. I gained a lot of friends and experience. I don’t have any friends yet in the Red rose but I’ve had a few talks to the members which all seem to be nice.

The fourth step, the role-playing story

The Dragon!

Help! My friend yelled. I ran into the room and Gerucca seemed affrighted. A burglar had sneaked through the bedroom window and had stole her valuables. She was crying and told me that the burglar also stole the medallion which once belonged to her mother. I asked her when it happened and she said it happened only a few minutes ago so I ran out from the house and hoped to see the burglar. And there he was, sneaking trough a crowd of people. The burglar had a disguise, a black a cape, a pair of leather boots and he was wearing a cap. I followed him to the outskirts of Venore, our home town. I was really close to him and suddenly he stopped and turned around, I saw his glowing eyes trough his cap. He wasn’t just a burglar. But still I kept on following him. After a couple of minutes of following I saw a sign which said, “Private forest - strictly no unauthorized hunting”. I ignored it and kept on following the burglar which was moving fast. Later we arrived to the Black Knight Villa. There were once an earthquake there and the Villa was sunken into the swamp. Unluckily, the commander of the Royal Army was in the house while the earthquake occurred. And there are rumors that some people have heard him yelling for help. And that’s the reason why I’ve stayed away from that area. I was still following the burglar and he ran through a camp of hostile humans, Amazons. They kept on throwing spears on me but I made my way to the other side of the bridge where I was safe. The burglar knew I was following him so he kept on running until we came to a mountain pass where I lost the sight of him.

It was foggily and cold outside and I stood looking at the mountain pass. It was dark in there and I was afraid. But I was stupid enough to enter the dark mountain pass. Hours of seeking and after a while I was so exhausted that I didn’t know what I was seeking for but suddenly I saw him. He stood in the end of the cave and was holding in the medallion. I also heard him saying something, Spells!

And suddenly he turned into a big, green and angry dragon. There were no options except fighting him so I grabbed my sword and shield. I realized that I was too weak so I began to run for my life but he was way faster than me and when I turned around he hit me. And there I lied, cold and lifeless…

The end!

I really hope you’ll like it! And feel free to ask anything about me. And when I wrote my role-playing story I just let my thoughts flow.
Eques of the Red Rose.
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Re: An application written by Soltaxxy.

Post by Jahala »

Hello there Soltaxxy.

First I would like to say, this is one of the few applications we had during my time as a Red Rose wich really caught my intrest. And that you have been working on this application for a longtime also shows your intrest for the Red Rose itself wich Im sure we appreciate and will take you far. Im also looking forward to speak to you ingame so I will contact you when I get the time for a smaller conversation :).

"The reason why I want to join the Red rose is to reach the same thing as I did in Valheru. I gained a lot of friends and experience. I don’t have any friends yet in the Red rose but I’ve had a few talks to the members which all seem to be nice."

You may have more friends within the Red Rose then you know, since some us may have diffrent souls besided our main souls within the Red Rose, some you may have meet on hunts, quests or walked passed us at anytime. We do follow our applicants careful and we do a deep check up about their past. But dont think this as a negative thing rather as a positive thing that we care about our applicants and that we want them to fit within our guild as good as possible.


I wish you the best of luck and I will look forward to speak to you ingame.

Yours, truly
- Jahala.
- Pupil of Rob'Doomsday.
- Bloodbrother to Exius and Dunja.
- Retired Ambassador of the Red Rose.
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Sir Balder
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Re: An application written by Soltaxxy.

Post by Sir Balder »

Greetings Soltaxxy,

I agree with Jahala. I'm happy to see that someone understands how to make an application, showing their care. Your application has been noticed, obviously, and we ask you to stay patient as we consider it. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to contact Red Rose members so we better can get to know each other.

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Re: An application written by Soltaxxy.

Post by Skorn »

Well it is nice to watch a decent application, I hope new posters can learn something about how to make an application...I wish you good luck
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Re: An application written by Soltaxxy.

Post by Soltaxxy »

Thanks Skorn and I'm really grateful for all the answers! And I'm also looking forward to talk with you in game, Yalaha.
Eques of the Red Rose.
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Re: An application written by Soltaxxy.

Post by Sir Balder »


As you already know by now, you've been accepted as a Novice of the Red Rose. Congratulations, and welcome!
