Nabekis application ~* [Accepted]

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Nabekis application ~* [Accepted]

Post by Nabeki »

A little bit about me:
Heya. My name is Hiam and I'm 18 years old. I live in Sweden and I usually spend my time with friends, family, work, school and stuff like that. Partying, BBQs, babysitting. Yeah I do all kinds of stuff.
I've been playing Tibia since I was 9, yes, I know.. Wtf?! Anyway, I'm like an on-off button, sometimes I am very active for a few months then I go kinda inactive for a few aswell :p. My cousin and my rl brother forced me to start playin tibia, at first I hated it but after a while I kinda started liking it because I met alot of lovely / funny people.

Some of my closest friends are:
The whole guild Noose, Cinny, Beshina, Black Falcon ( when I can actually stand him *cough* ), Valor Soul & Ruslex<3.
I probably have a few enemies because I am or have been married to the wrong guy(s) but I've never noticed anyone trying to kill me or hunt me etc for the last 3 years I believe exept like random pks when I'm afkin' outside PZ or such.
I'm a peaceful player, but I stand up for my friends and my family.

I've been in a few guilds in the past, not always wisely chosen and some may not even be remembered right now but they were/still are all great.

I belive my first guild was Con Air, me and a few RL's started it up around 2004-5 for fun when we got our first premium account ever. We were so exited haha but it got disbanded when we lost our premium. Oh god were we sad about that..

A year or so later I joined "Right click to attack", I belive Cirux and Soul Stalker started it up.
I Made alot of new friends n family, oh we had alot of fun aswell but then suddenly almost everyone went retired so we kinda drove apart and the guild got disbanded aswell. Shame.. :/

After that I kind of got hunted by Petros for being Glorgos RL friend or something like that so I joined his guild Dynasty tactics I believe it was named. But a friend ( Gimli ) got me off the hook so I left the guild / war but got killed anyway so I re-joined it, then I got paid for my death and I left the guild again and were never touched by them again.

My third guild is Noose, I joined it about 2-3 years ago. I'm currently leading it aswell with a second character but since all of our other leaders, or well a few of them changed worlds n other stuff it's kind of in-active and members started leaving and I was so stressed out about it. Then I had a talk with the other leaders and then we decided we would keep it as a memory and we would close the recruiting and not invite anymore people untill or IF we would want to make it active again. So I decided to leave with Nabeki to join some other more "active" guild and I tought Red Rose would be a great choice.

What I usually do ingame is talk, really. Nothing more to it. I'm not a big fan of hunting or so. But I do enjoy group-hunts and stuff like that but it happens very rarely :(.
My biggest goal on this game is level 100. I'm even going for it, very soon!
Oh and rl goal: I wanna be a billionair before I'm 25, no joke! :D

I would like to join RR becase I'm looking for a guild that has a tight bond and that likes to do stuff together. Also I like the fact that you have structure and in my eyes, respect. Unlike other guilds, mostly war guilds, that has no respect nor shame at all. I've seen you guys keeping this guild alive for so many years and I really respect n honour that.

Anyway I gotta admit I got the worst imagination in the world, so no laughin about my short so called story!
Here it goes.

It all started when the cold winds from the ice islands west of Carlin started to blow.
Many of our creatures died by the frost and my mom told me to take my younger brother with me to search for a warmer place to live.
So me and my brother started to search south of carlin and discovered the cold mountain of Kazordoon.
Once we entered it we were lost in its deep mines. Many days went by and we started to get hungrier and hungrier since our food supplies started to vanish.
One day we found our way out from the cold mountains and we took south from the mountains and we splitted up, my brother and I, since we had heard about two different cities.
One of them was Venore and the other one was Thais. My brother walked to Venore and I walked towards Thais. 10 years have gone since that day we splitted up and i havn't heard anything from my mom or my brother. Are they still alive or dead?

Thanks for your time.

, Nabe .
*+. Nabcakie.+*

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And do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come.
Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Leojaliz »

Hello Nabeki!

Nice application :) Also we have the same rl goal :mrgreen: try to catch me for a chat ingame!

Good luck!
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Mild »

Hiho Nabeki... Thanks for your application..

try to catch us in game...
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Cinny »

good luck hunnn!! you'd be such a good Rose
I really hope to see you with us soon :D.. i miss being in the same guild as you <3
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Sir Balder »

Greets Nabeki,

Thanks for your application. As Mild said, please try to reach as many roses as you can,
so that we may better get to know each other.

Good luck! Yours,
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Hey hey!, really nice to see you here =D
Best of luck!
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Chikilina »

Hello Nabeki,

Hope to meet you soon and thanks for your application.

Be safe,
Propraetor of the Red Rose
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Black Falcon »

It is nice to see you here, Nabeki ;)
Nice application, I wish you good luck.
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Skyzo »

Ashari Nabeki;
Thanks for your application,
I hope to know more about you, so Good Luck!!

See you in-game!
Skyzo, the Banshee.
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Re: Nabekis application ~*

Post by Feeya »

I wish you best of luck! Would be nice to see you as a rose Image