Minniery's Application [Accepted]

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Minniery's Application [Accepted]

Post by Minniery »

Greetings Red Rose!

My name is Minniery, i am a level 74 (and growing) Royal Paladin. This account was created in the year of 2002, and has been actively played. I have no enemys, it takes too much time and energy away from my goals to deal with such foolish things. Alot of my friends are now retired, including some in the Red Rose (Natures lord) but some are still around such as Zapatch, Mygroth, Pachwork, Himmelhüpferin and some more =). I like to hunt dragons, and heros in Edron mostly, that is where i have spent most of my tibian life. I very much enjoy team hunts, and completing quests with friends, aswell as hanging out and trading storys.

I have been wanting to join the Red Rose for quite some time now, They made a impression on me when i first joined tibia. I can remember all the friendly people that were more then happy to spend some time to help you or even just sit around and chat with you. And who can forget all the beautifull events that you guys have hosted in the past. I know you guys are going through a period of inactivity but i still beleave there are people still online and active enough to make new friends with or even more. After all these years of playing tibia i still feel that i would fit in with your family!
I am hoping to join Red Rose to meat new people and create new friendship.
Now i know many people say that just because it sounds good and stuff but i say it out of truth. as i have come back from the retirement i probably have on my friends list that was once FULL of green names probably 6 friends that are now active so im kind of lonely.
I am also looking for a group of people that suport each and stand by eachother no matter the odds. Im hopeing to join this guild and grow strong while enjoying myself and having fun, weather its hunting with eachother, doing quests with eachother, just chatting with eachother.

Im not much of a story teller, but here it goes =)

Well my name is Minniery and i am a level 74 Royal Paladin.
My life began in a little town by the name of rookgard where i was to start a journey where i was comitted to find adventure and quests. i ventured around this town of rookgard full of joy as i saw many new people. These people showed me how to hunt and survive against the beasts that terrorized the undergrounds of rookgard. Soon i became more mature and strong and it was time for me to sadly depart from these people i grew acustom to, yes it was time, finally time to go and explore this new main land everyone always talked about. So off i went to this mainland full of hopes and determination. My first day in mainland i can remember, was so much bigger and was full of much more people. I can rember the fear i had as i saw the first sight of people being slayed by what i thought was other fellow people. I soon found out that these lands were full of both evil and good, death and life. I was determmaned to survive and grow strong. I met so many new people here in this new land, people of grate pride and heart, people that had similar goals of my own.

I hung around with these people for a long time and trained hard with them, had a good time, and shared happyness. My friends quickly grew stronger then me and i had to sit behid as they went and adventured newer and greater things that i was still too weak to explore. Some of my friends went to wars never to be seen aswell. These were becoming to be tough times for me as i sat behind. But i soon came to relise that even tho these friends were a bit stronger then me i still had the same knowledge because after these hunts they would still come back and share the experiences with me. After a while i grew tired of losing friends so i decided to retire for about 2 years and settle down for a while.

About two years later i come back and had the gratest fealing of happyness and excitement as a old friend of mine Zapatch Messged me.
He too was happy to see me and hear i was back in action. Once again i am full of the fealing i had before, this fealing of determination and quest seaking. I hope to grow strong and now i have to work harder then ever to catch up to my friends that i regretingly left behind some time ago..

The End.

Hope you enjoy the story. And also forgive any misspelling i might have made, i am a horrable speller :P

I hope you give me a chance to prove myself that im relly worth being apart of what i here is a great friendship and guild

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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Skyzo »

Ashari Minniery!!
I've enjoyed a lot your application,, I hope know more about you
Msg-me in game, if you can catch me :)

Skyzo, the Banshee.
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Minniery »

I will do my best! =)
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Black Falcon »

Greetings Minniery, I like your application!
Try to find other roses online for a chat, this will help make the process quicker ;)

Good luck!
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Minniery »

I will, thanks for the advice Black Falcon =)
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Chikilina »

Greetings Minniery!

Thanks for your application. Hope we get in touch in-game soon.

Best of my wishes,
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Sir Alpha »

Great application Minniery
I already spoke with you in game,
you seems to be a nice guy :)
Good luck!
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Feeya »

I wish you best of luck!
Was nice talking to you :)
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Minniery »

Thank you all :D Hope to see you guys again soon :P
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Re: Minniery's Application

Post by Minniery »

Hello again Roses! :D

Is there anything that i can do for you guys while i wait to here what you have decided for my fate? =)

Yours truly,