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Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:14 pm
by Gimli Wulfstan
Goodluck brynolf!


Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:50 am
by Meriado
Hiho, Brynolf!

Good luck and feel free to catch me in-game for a chat anytime!

Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:08 am
by Rob'Doomsday
Good luck Brynolf, I hope we can have a chat soon. :)

Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:45 am
by Brynolf
Such friendly greetings!

Thanks to all of you Roses that keeps helping me in-game, and also thanks to those of you that lure me into pk-traps! Sometimes you just gotta do those kind of things to keep it interesting! :lol:

Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:35 pm
by Mild
You know.. pk-traps bring excitment to the game... also since you are back, you must meet all new stuff... you have just met a pk-trap :P

A little update..

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:23 am
by Brynolf
I told you I have no enemies. As you might have expected, given the nature of Tibia, this would not be true for very long..

I was rushed in Thais dragon lair by about 8 guys. These are the names I could remember from the chaos before i died:

Bonecrusher lvl 87 Knight
Demon Blake lvl 86 Master Sorcerer
Reyy Mysterio lvl 59 Sorcerer
04:13 You see Neokize (Level 40). He is a royal paladin.
04:13 You see King Of Dragonz (Level 64). He is a knight.

I was also scammed and robbed by Messi the messias, a lvl 47 Knight. You can read about it here ... id=3386951

I intend to reap vengeance on these new found foes with all the furious smithing-power that I can muster. I expect this won't affect my application.. after all..

The knife cuts and the wound heals,
But the scar, that scar remains,
And just as every night has it's dawn
Every rose has it's thorn.


Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:54 am
by Munch
Sorry for your death Brynolf. I hope you recover.

Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:18 pm
by Brynolf
It was pretty tough, losing 15 minutes worth of experience and no items :roll:

.. although I did use up all my pots before I died, so it all cost a bit considering the blessing. Let's say an hour worth of gametime maybe? Wasn't losing a months work when you die like I'm used to. Probably should have just suicided anyway though since I had no chance of getting out and no one was online that could have saved me (Simu was online but afking in his house as usual :))

Re: Brynolf greets you all!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:28 pm
by Nirdor
I have had trouble with Demon Blake long time ago. Killed my real life friend once after helping him with dessert quest.

A little update..

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:36 am
by Brynolf
I think I figured out how they even knew to find me down there, since their mock-reason that I killed Neokize three months prior was obvious BS.

Yesterday I was hunting in Orc Land, when Neokize pops up at the entrance of the fortress with a friend. Shortly after a third member of his guild joins their party. The third friend is Ivitz, a lvl 59 RP that also used to hunt in Thais dragon lair. Back then he was not a member of the guild, and I messaged him afterwards and asked if he was ever attacked or killed down there, telling him to watch out for these guys. Now it's pretty obvious he tipped off his friends saying I hunt there alone and it was a perfect place for a kill, perhaps knowing I'm "new" to the game and not necessarily have blessings. I start to ask him why he killed me, but they don't seem to speak english very well. One of the guys says "shh" and "kill for noob". Neokize however says that he will pay me, and I ask for the very reasonable sum of 15k for my blessings and potions - he agrees and I help them clear the quest-room. He is supposed to parcel me the money in depo, but alas there was nothing in my depo when I logged in today.

I wasn't completely sure these guys had anything to do with the killing since I didn't catch all the names in the chaos and only saw them together with the same clothes afterwards in Thais. Now everything is much clearer and I can add these names to the list:

04:12 You see Kawtex (Level 61). He is a knight. He is Member of the Von der Macht (Marianni Guardian).
04:12 You see Lost Night (Level 60). He is an elite knight. He is Member of the Von der Macht.
04:12 You see Rosso (Level 45). He is an elite knight. He is Leader of the Von der Macht (Sabs Guardian).

Maybe I'm a bit hung up on dying, as it was a much bigger event when I used to play, but I just can't shake the feeling of wanting revenge. This whole guild seems like a bunch dishonest lowlifes.