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Gimli Wulfstan's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:28 am
by Gimli Wulfstan
I'm really close now... just one hit and it will fall dead, father will get so proud of me.
my hands were squeezing the axe hard. I've practice this on simpler targets with my dad but I've never done this, am I a murderer? I shaked my head to get all thoughts go away. Slowly I raised the axe while I lifted my foot to take that last step, (cant fail now I thought to myself) but SUDDENLY the orc turns around! (I must act quick I thought) I swung the axe in blindness, not aiming or anything, but the swing were hard and it hitted the orc in his leg. The orc made a terrible scream, I got so afraid that I turned around and ran the fast as I could away from there. Dwarfs isnt known for their speed in running but this day was an exception I think, my legs just keept moving on their own. After a while I stoped, tired and sweaty. Just before I hit the orc in the leg I made eyecontact with him, he looked so sad, what if he only wanted to communicate? (argh! now theese thoughts again, I can never get as good as my father) I was supposed to impresse my father but now when I get home I have nothing to show him or tell him.

As time passed by I grew stronger and stronger but my stupid thoughts who prevented me from killing murderers like orcs and minotaurs still haunted me. They are still a living creature who deserves to live as much as me. I guess I allways going to be a coward. My friends and their fathers are all teasing me that I will become a baker who serves bread to them after their hideous trips. Maybe thats true? what If I become a baker? My father would get so dissapointed. Although I like to bake. It can make a whole village smell so nice! I love the smell of freshly baked breads.

It was a sunny and warm day I remember. The strongest dwarfs (including my father) had been on a mission and was supposed to come home today. I also had big news to tell my father, I managed to kill a full grown bear all by myself! He will like that I thought. Time passed by but they hadnt returned yet. The sun was on its way down when suddenly two dwarfs, Baragor and Gorek appeared. Everyone immediately stoped what they were doing and just stod there, almost paralyzed of what they saw. There were almost 30 dwarfs who left for some weeks ago, now only two had made their way back and to top it all it was our finest and strongest dwarfs who left. The women started crying and yelled their husbands names. Baragor was injured, he limped forward with Gorek helping him to walk faster. Gorek had a Dwarven Axe in his left hand, I recognize that axe I thought. I ran towards them, stoped infront of Gorek and as I thought, it was my fathers axe!
Gorek realesed Baragor and some young dwarfs came and took care of Baragor. Gorek turned around and looked me in my eyes, I stoped screaming and was preparing to hear the news about my father.
-He fought well... but there was nothing we could do, they outnumberd us. Me and Baragor were the last standing when suddenly a scream so loud it could brake a mountain in pieces appeard, the minotaurs immediatly stopped fighting, turned around and ran away. We realized it was to dangerous to stay, so we were forced to leave the dead bodies behind but I managed to get your fathers axe before we run for shelter.
He gave me a pat on my head and said, -Find the dwarven set then use it with your fathers axe and none will ever hurt you, get revenge, be strong and make your father proud young dwarf!

From that day I made a promise, a promise to my father and all the killed dwarfs. And since that im no coward anymore tho I still like to bake.
With my fathers axe, killing a orc and even a minotaur was easy things.
As my skills were getting better I prepared for my life long journey to fulfil my promise and
finding the dwarven set...

My axe is my pride,

Greetings dear roses!

My name is Gimli Wulfstan, im a dwarf which you can figure out in the story above. I wish I could tell you my age but I cant keep counting them anymore but after a few good beers I tend to tell women a age way beyond what im actually is...

Anyhow, this character was created Feb 09 2010 15 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              09 2010 15      end_of_the_skype_highlighting:45:16 CET, If I recall correctly it was
snowchaos here in sweden then. I've played since feb 2003, with some breaks included. As of many Im kinda addicted to this game. I recently began playing again, took a "break" in 2007 I think it was but now im back with Gimli Wulfstan.
I just got one friend and zero foes. All my friends have either stopped or moved to another world. So I havnt played so long hence; just got one friend. Tho I met a nice neighbour of mine, ( wink wink Black falcon ;) ). I've not been in any guild yet. I had some plans/goals before I created this character and one was to try the luck of becoming a Novice of the Red Rose.

Im one of thoose who like the rpg side of the game combined with making a long hunt and good music in my ears. I find it very peacefull and relaxing to turn on some music and just hunt. Right now I more or less lives in Mintwallin, im currently helping old Budrik out with a mission. But I tend to manage quite well down there, its plenty of fish, got wheet, windmil and ovens. Also i've found their storage, so im thiefing their food from time to time. Tho markwin creeps me out sometimes, I use to go and have a talk with the lonely prisoner.

I'm very mature in playing, I allways strive to be polite and helpfull! and of course protect the messengers from gods; the DOGS! ;)

Of course theres more then beeing a goal of mine to join Red Rose. This guild have allways had my respect (i've just played antica all my years playing this game)and allways been mature and kind.
Somehow this guild along with a few others is like the Role Model of how a guild should be and act. And this guild seems to belive in the same things I stand for when playing this game.

I hope this have been informative for you and I like to thank you all for reading.
Just drop me a message or write here if theres something you want to know!

Yours sincerely,
Gimli Wulfstan

Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 12:55 pm
by Sir Balder
Greetings Gimli,

Thank you for a wonderful story and a great application. Try to reach roses
in the Antican lands for a chat, so that we get to know each other a bit better.
I ask you to please stay patient while we consider your request.
Looking forward to meeting you!


Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:26 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Hello Gimli Wufstan, nice application.
I hope to meet you in game soon ;)
Good luck...

Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:51 pm
by Skyzo
Ashari Gimli!!
Nice application, I loved your RPG story ;)

I hope know more about you..
Asha Thrazi and Good Luck!!

Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:04 am
by Sasirel
Nice application:) Contact me in game for an chat if you would like:)

Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:20 am
by Chikilina
Hello Gimli,

Thank you for you nice application, I hope to meet you soon.

Take care,

Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:31 am
by Gimli Wulfstan
Im glad that you liked it :)

I will try to contact you all for a chat!


Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:43 am
by Soltaxxy
Hi there! Lovely application, i look forward to meet you :)

Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 11:21 am
by Xandrja
Greetings Gimli Wulfstan....

Looking forward to meet you.

Best wishes,


Re: Gimli Wulfstan's Application

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:37 pm
by Black Falcon
Greets Gimli!
I like your application. I look forward to meeting you in-game again. Perhaps we could share a drink and a meal at the kazordoon farms some day soon?

Good luck! ;)