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Meja Dilli Application. [Denied]

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:22 am
by Meja Dilli
Hello I'm Meja Dilli I have 14 years old and Im from Mexico and my name is Cristian Ariel.

I can remembered when I made Meja Dilli I satarted playing but by short whiles since my computer tapeworm lag I up to level 15 and later only I went away much to play another world with friendly but it only returns to antica in months some friends came with me friends in rl but now they no longer play in antica SOME are in different worlds REMAINED ONLY IN ANTICA LIKE LIGMO DARK MAGICIAN GERARDO DARK MAGICIAN EMILIANO AND ZIRITI they are very good friendly in rl as in tibia some times we are going to hunt together,
and i have some other friends in tibia Skorn, Selune, Mosho-hegazy,sirgo,nacuan,Ang Hell, Calatha of Astaroth, Dark Belit, Randa, Sir cheveantica, Ladatel, Sir Idra,Sir Abdo, Fire fether, Bollitoh, Master Inge, Alis Draw, Antenazo Knight, brother fede, Osso sorcerer, Cerberus Inferno , Lodaw, Dark Magician Chava, eunise, fantoamen , Gohamo Kipton, ceder aqua, jaia, Kichita, lord askur, sainto juan, sir piojox, sir nevermiss, skyguard, templarsito, weka ni mist neki all was a part of my history in tibia all of this will be in my hearts forever.

I do not have problems with any person does not like I to kill people fodder that is like killing people in the real life and if the bushes later you will have some consequences in some times is necessary to kill them since those people request therefore it by some thing that agan to you in fact I am a friendly person, but others when there is some war I must be shared in common with my guild and not to leave them like which they prefer to leave guild instead of to fight.

Here is my history...
Everything started when I played Meja Dilli I liked much and up level in beholder that it is in the entrance of kazz although occation was one in which died by its hands to level 14 in those times was different from these times, you did not beat as hard as now one druid level 10 can kill one knight with level 15 with the help of some sds then druid attempt to do that but quickly I with the help of my uhs cures to me and manages to enter protection zone after this I continue uping my level when i was 25 i go to the desert quest with a persons I don't remember his names because was a long time after the time pass i up to 30 and i join to Dark Hearts one nice guild, in dark hearts i found many friendly in which i found a great friendship and comradeship by hand of my leader and friend Ang Hell and my father Calatha Of Astaroth the time pass and i up to level 45 and Dark Hearts join to one War this was because a persons started to killed members of Dark Hearts and Ang Hell says: If you like to join to the war is ok but if you don't like you are free to leave, i join and we started all this in carlin my leader died because We could not cure it and he was completely traped since druid did not reach to use exura sio and we can't to use uhs in since the way a little to the north and I move away and was many people and trapearon to us then the leader say return to ab'dendriel and all came to ab'dendriel and the leader say i came to carlin to kill some more the war was over and Dark Hearts win I leave to the guild because no many people was online and i join to other guild with many friend but the guild was disable then of this i making more level and when i satrted the quest of In service of yalahar i know to many friend Jose Luis , Kasage and Hosage this is my history...:)

Thanks for this moment to hear or read :P my application

Meja Dilli :D

Re: Meja Dilli Application.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:23 am
by Rob'Doomsday
Thanks for your application,

Re: Meja Dilli Application.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:50 am
by Skorn
I wish you very good luck...i hope to see you in our beloved guild so soon...just have some patience

Re: Meja Dilli Application.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:19 pm
by Kajala
Greetings, Meja Dilli!
Your application is noticed.

With kind regards and best christmas wishes,


Re: Meja Dilli Application.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:37 pm
by Sir Balder
Meja Dilli,

Your application has been denied. Good luck in your future endeavours!
