Durik - First Dwarf with a Sword.....

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Durik - First Dwarf with a Sword.....

Post by Xandrja »

Buuuurp !

... and again laughs of three great bearded friends were heard able in all Tiquanda. Even that they claimed that hicks, burps and farts were only a part of natural protection against hydras and lizards but the power handled by their stomachs was much stronger. They were sitting in the most savage forest of the universe, the undiscovered Tiquanda, completely alone. No tigers, no lions, no centipedes, no ants, no wasps, no butterflies – even the plants which usually in April are in bloom were kinda dry. Unlike the poets from Ab'Dendriel, Tubil, Muril and Durik didn't notice anything strange in the surrounding area. It was truth that a little cask of best Jimbin Ale was covering their horizon for this night. Sitting close to the fire and emptying the barrel from liquid gold they had was best way of regeneration after hard working day in new mine.
They were a bit over 4.5 meters tall, of course if we sum up their highs all together and each of them was much easier to jump over then to walk around. As once gentle tailor from Venore said: these boys were vertically challenged.

- Buuuurp ! You turn Durik ! You tell story ! - said Tubil and let all the beer from his huge mug pass by his throat.
- Did I tell ye about 'Bloody Mary' ?
- Yes, 2 times last week you did. - Muril and Tubil replied in same moment
- Did I tell ye about 'me and the Snowhite'?
- Yes, yes. You , she, love and 6 competitors you beaten up. Give us some new – laughed Tubil and filled his lovely golden mug again.
Durik was a Dragon Eater, one of the last in the line, but comparing to his ancestors he didn't have many adventures in the past. He was sometimes even called chicken-beard, because discovering and travels wasn't his way. He loved his flat in Lower Barracks and if he only could he never left the magic triangle – Flat, Jolly Axeman and Uzgod shop where he used to forge for last 30 years.
For humans Durik looked like every other dwarf. Short, fat, bearded, with huge hands and permanently stinky shirt. True, he had several shirts, but he used only the one he had on himself now – Blue with some wired tree painted on and red letter in front and back saying: SURF IN HAWAII. He had no idea what is SURF and even more what does HAWAII means, but he got this shirt once in a parcel. It was the only present he got from anyone in his 55 years life. He wanted to give it back to Lokur because it was obvious 'parcel bug' but postman didn't accept it back due to fact sender didn't put his name on the box. This was his magic shirt, his amulet and dream holder in same time.

- I know ! You never hear about 'me and medusa' !
- Yes we did ! But keep it goin – this be a good one – said Muril and focused his attention on his old friend.
- It was just after Maryza's beer day. I remember it well because my head pain a lot that morning. I went to Uzgod as every morning and started to forge next crap sword for stupid Elf. You know, they think we sell them mithrill swords – and all three laughed loud again, took a bit of beer and Durik continued his story...
Then, a little human came to Uzgod. He was shorter then me, weigh was maybe like a baby rotworm. Dressed all in gray with sparkling stones all around. Uzgod said they were diamonds, and I must trust his opinion as you know how greedy Uzgod is. He never joke on money. Anyway, the man wanted a Fa-burger hand with stone reptile blade. I had no idea what he was speaking about, but when Uzgod agreed and took 1 million ! Gold pieces as a 50% advance I started to be scared. Fa-burger hand was piece of cake ... at least to Uzgod. He bought over 20oz of best quality gems from Teliza, used 2 or 3 golden ingolts and had it done after 3 days. In meantime I was doing regular jobs and only taking care that noone disturbs him. Next morning Uzgod called me and closed the shop! Yes! He who has it open even on Christmas Eve, who has it open all New Years Night, he locked the door and put CLOSET sign outside. Then he showed me that hand done. The most precious thing I ever saw in me life. Me think even Tibianus has got worse. "Listen me hard now!" said Uzgod to me. "We need ingredients for blade. We need Serpent Spawn tail bone and 10oz of medusas hair". "Me bring tail now, you go and get me hair". "After you forge with me for 10 days and me pay you 100 golden ingots"."Now you go!". As he ordered me, I went. I knew only one place where medusas have their flat. Liberty bay mounhill. There were no pirates around in the city so I reached the Medusa fast. I climbed up with some fresh Maryza's cake and a little cask to speak with Medusa. You know boys I am not a kind of a killer. I wanted to chat with her and get the hair using best dwarven diplomacy ever! The damn stone babe hit me with a chari and blow on me some stones! This was the fastest way downstairs I made in my life. But what muscles doesn't work, the brain must double. I headed to Telas in Edron and bought 2 full mugs of sulfur. I bought one ugly black sheep from traveling merchant and went to my dear green hair beauty again. I stuffed the sheep with yellow flames powder, wrapped it as a nice present and throw it up to medusa's cave. Then I opened a beer cask and drunk it all with in 1 hour. This time was enough for the acid to burn her all from inside. Obsidian knife <cling clang> job done. I felt like a rich man. I knew I will have enough gold to do not work any more in my life!
Next 10 or 12 days gave me the best lesson of forging I ever had. Serpent Spawn tail was so hard to shape, that mithrill seems like lump of dough. After we managed to make it spike sword look, worse job came. The hair had to be braided all around . I felt like a spinner, hair by hair making a net but leaving sharp spikes outside. I was exhausted.
The worst part is that the nasty, ugly little gray scum never appeared...

WHHHHAAAHAAAAA – a huge noise interrupted Durik story. WHHHHAAAAHAAAAA ! All three dwarfs stood up and tried to find the direction from which the sound was coming.
WHHHAAAHAAAA ! WHHHAAAAAAAHAAAA! HISSSS HISSSS ! And huge wave of hot water snuff out the fire. <Bang><Cling><Hiss><Ouch><Pfff><AAAAAA><Clung>.
Ten minutes later Tubil put the fire again. The friends sat as before. All was same, except they got one hydra head each roasting over the fire.
- Noone can see that good in dark as we the miners can – winked and laughed Muril. But hey – who cut the heads off?
- I did!! - said Durik hiding his precious Fa-Burger hand with stone reptile blade. Whose turn now ? - asked Durik laughing loud and pouring some fresh Ale to his mug...
Last edited by Xandrja on Fri May 21, 2010 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sir Balder
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Re: Durik - First Dwarf with a Sword.... (RPG Task)

Post by Sir Balder »

Nice story Xandrja!

It's clear that you've gotten to know the dwarven kin well after all your time in Kazordoon <smiles>

Gimli Wulfstan
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Re: Durik - First Dwarf with a Sword.... (RPG Task)

Post by Gimli Wulfstan »

what a nice story, couldnt stop reading it!

haha dwarfs isnt known to handle women so great, which Durik proves here ;)

I hope to read more about these three !

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