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My Application- Cinny [Accepted]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:59 pm
by Cinny
Creation date: October 13th, 2002

About me in real life: My name is Michelle. I’m 20 years old and live in the United States. I spend my time going to school, working, partying with my friends, listening to music, and playing Tibia.

Some of my close friends: Black Falcon, Fierce Mortal, Vuzufune, Lasdar/Verdil, Beshina, Nabeki, Rob’Doomsday, Thibodaux

Foes: I can’t claim that I get along with everyone, because everyone has people they don’t like. But I can honestly say that I am very easy to get along with and I never start problems with anyone. Even if I don’t like someone, I act civil towards them.

How I play: I am a very peaceful player. I cannot stand conflict and I solve problems diplomatically. In the 8 years that I have played, I have probably only killed about 10 people and they were all low-level waste characters that attacked me and were just begging to get killed. Oh and one was a misclick xD

Where I Hunt: I like to switch things up when I hunt so that I don’t get bored. Lately I have been leveling in Cyclopolis, Plains of Havoc, and Helheim.

When I first started this game long ago, I was in several guilds with friends. Nobody would recognize the guild names, but they introduced me to how guilds work.

My first legitimate guild was Hikari. I was in it at the same time as Black Falcon, from 2004-2006 and I eventually gained Doragon status (leader). Hikari was a huge part of my Tibian experience because it was like being part of a big family. We were a great group of people, and it shaped me as a player. Not only did these people help me with whatever I needed in Tibia, they got me through some rough times in real life as well. After Hikari was disbanned for various reasons, we formed a less-serious guild called Parental Advisory just to keep in contact with each other.

I joined my second serious guild in 2007, Shadar Logoth. There, I gained another close group of friends and formed bonds with some amazing people. Just as Hikari created Parental Advisory simply to keep in contact, Shadar Logoth formed Still Alive and Random. They were all disbanned after a while due to people changing worlds and going inactive.

What I like to do in game: When I am on Tibia, I like to socialize. Generally, if none of my friends are online, I will log off and try again later. When there are people for me to talk to, I usually hunt either by myself or in a group. I really enjoy group questing as well. Going on adventures with other people is a great way to bond while having fun :D

Goals: My most important goal in Tibia (and real life) is to enjoy it. I have found that I enjoy Tibia much more when I am surrounded by people I care about.

In addition, its always been a goal of mine to reach level 100 (although that isn’t too hard anymore). Since I came back to Tibia, I’ve gotten a lot closer to my goal because I have much more time to play.

Why I’d Like To Join: As I previously stated, I was inactive for a while. Three years ago I started a new chapter of my real life and I chose to neglect Tibia. After doing some growing up and finding out who I am, I’m back for more. I came back in March to find that I was guildless, and I began my search for a new guild that could provide me with great experiences just as my past two guilds have.
I decided to aim for Red Rose. It first caught my attention because of the history behind it. For as long as I can remember, Red Rose has always been a respectable guild. It takes a strong group of great people to have the reputation that it does.

Lately, I have gotten the chance to meet several members. By speaking with them I’ve learned a little more of what Red Rose is all about, and I feel that it has high potential to be what I am looking for. It caught my attention that you recruit based on personal character, not level and skills. There are too many people out there that are simply power-hungry and will do whatever it takes to get what they want. I’ve witnessed first-hand that Red Rose is better than this :P

Also, the guild has structure and actively recruits. Even Hikari and Shadar Logoth eventually got to a point where they only existed just for us to have a guild-chat. We always had a good time, but the guilds lost motivation after awhile and stopped trying to be an active part of the community. They both stopped recruiting until they eventually died. After all this time that Red Rose has been alive, it is still a functioning guild.


It was a cloudy day in September. I leaned against the temple walls and sighed. I knew I shouldn’t be there.. I was far too young to be roaming around the Plains of Havoc alone. Ignoring my instincts, I pulled my brand new boots out of my backpack and laced them up. They felt light. I knew I would need these for what I was about to do.
I tossed my old leather boots on the stairs, picked up my backpack, and slowly headed south in search of adventure. My heart started racing when I saw the corpse of an enormous spider. I couldn’t believe spiders could get so big! I reassured myself, “How hard can this be? After all, I kill smaller spiders with a single arrow. I can do this.”

I trudged on through the tall grass. So far so good. I sat on a rock to catch my breath for a moment. That’s when I saw it…in the distance, I spotted a giant spider. It was alone and seemed to be feeding on something. Surely it cannot be a human, right? Spiders don’t eat people.

I hopped off the rock and back onto my feet, looked down at my boots, and smiled. “I can do anything with my new boots!” I headed towards the beast. It didn’t take long for it to spot me, and it started running in my direction at a very high speed. I aimed my bow straight at its head and shot; the spider didn’t even flinch. It was approaching quickly… and I soon realized that this wasn’t just a huge spider. It was an Old Widow. I’d heard horror stories about her from my older brother, but I never believed that she actually existed. “This is it. I’m going to die.” I was sure of it.

I considered throwing myself to the ground and giving up, praying that it would be a quick and painless death. But after a quick glance at my boots, I decided it was best to run for it. I knew that I was too young to out-run this horrible monster, but It was my only option.

So I ran. And I ran some more.

I snuck a quick glance over my shoulder. It was no longer just the Old Widow chasing me.. she had summoned two friends. I soon started to feel very sick, and I realized that I had been poisoned. I couldn’t breathe anymore and I was beginning to lose consciousness. “Faster. Don’t give up yet”. As I tried to run even faster, I tripped over the bones of a demon skeleton. “Whew”. I managed not to fall, but it slowed me down a great deal. They started gaining on me. This is the part where my life was nearly taken away in a single bite, and my memory starts to fade.

As I fell to the ground, I was even more sure that I was going to die that day. The pain was excruciating, and I knew I didn’t have much time left. I muttered the only spell I could think of.

“Exura Vita”

I immediately felt a lot better, and I jumped back up as fast as I could. I spotted the rock that I had rested on minutes earlier, and realized that I was already half way to safety. But my luck was running out, and I could barely breathe.

I had three more close calls in the next minute, and I was dragged down and bitten by each spider several times. Each attack brought me closer and closer to death, and it took all my energy to get the words out of my mouth.

“Exura Vita”
“Exura Vita”
“Exura Vita”

I stood up one more time and stumbled a few steps. I looked in front of me, and there stood the temple. In all its glory, I’d never been so relieved. I threw myself onto the steps and passed out for what seemed like an eternity.

The next morning I awoke in a pool of blood to a young mage poking me in the leg with his wand. He didn’t say a word, but held out his hand. I took it and stood up. He swept me up into his arms and started the long walk back to Venore. It took me a while to figure out who and where I was. But I was alive. And that’s all that mattered.

Thanks for your time, and I sincerely hope that I get the chance to meet the rest of you and become a part of something great!


Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:13 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Awesome application Cinny :))
Nice seeing you here!
Good luck ;)

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:38 pm
by Nirdor
Amazing Application :)

Looking forward to talk with you in game ;)

So long.

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:48 am
by Chikilina
Hello Cinny!

Nice application, I enjoyed it.

Good luck,

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:05 am
by Black Falcon
I'm happily suprised to read this application, Cinny. I've known you for over 6 years now and all though we dont always have the most... sophisticated discussions, I know you're a smart girl. You told me you had a hard time pulling this application together, so I kind of lowered my expectations a little. I had not anticipated an application this good, and I am really glad you decided to try.

I wish you the best of luck, and I know that you are a good and loyal person that is also fun to be around.

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:36 pm
by Skyzo
I really enjoyed your story and your application of course.
Good Luck Cinny!
My Best Wishes to you...

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:31 pm
by Vuzufune
A story worth reading :ugeek: Wishing you only the best of luck with your application Cinny :)

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:02 am
by Gimli Wulfstan
great application cinny!
enjoyed reading every little bit :)

Good luck!

Re: My Application- Cinny

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:38 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Welcome to our family :))