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Anr's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:21 am
by Anr
Hello everyone :)

I must start off this application saying I’m probably unknown to most of you.. There might be a reason for it, for the past five years I’ve been playing on Rookgaard, as Lilla Canazza. A bit odd huh? Yeah, most would say even “stupid”. But well, when I came to Antica in 2005.. I felt I didn’t fit that well on the Mainland.. so I made my way back to Rookgaard and met amazing people like Master Slayer, so I made of it my hometown.

I’ve got a couple stories to tell about my times in Rookgaard I guess.. Ive been on guilds like Loremasters and the Rising Dragons Antica (Lilla’s still on RDA). I don’t really remember when Anr was created, but I guess it wasn’t long after Lilla. I’ve acted as a tutor twice, for a couple months.. As Im always up to help anyone (really, I love to being able to put a smile on someone’s face =P)! But I decided to retire of my tutor duties after having missed a few updates and not feeling I was really going on with all the news. O.O

I started actually playing with Anr at the beginning of this year.. because after all those years in Rookgaard, I’ve seem friends come and go.. until I found myself alone. That was when I decided to move on and go for some Mainland’s adventures.. Actually I like to say Anr is a Lilla’s messenger sent to Mainland, aimed to learn everything she cans and bring her knowledge back to Lilla. It’s the truth, as far as I wanna learn what I can about the Mainland and I spent most of time talking to people who are willing to tell me some cool stories!
We all know Antica’s Mainland is pretty chaotic nowadays, but I managed to meet some people who were worth living on it for. And I’ve always kept my habit of not showing myself too much, so I could live in peace. I’ve been in only two guilds with Anr.. Black Rose Society (the reborn project of the Society of the Black Rose) and Nine Inch Runes.

I didn’t stay on the Black Rose Society for long, although I had some fun moments there! ^^ I loved the idea of being able to roleplay again, but unfortunately the reborn project didn’t really work out.. and I decided to leave when I realized it was quite inactive.

So, some time after it, I heard about a guild called Nine Inch Runes, and I was told it was a peaceful and active guild. So I thought “Why not giving it a try?” and I was surprised when managed to get myself in! Yay! I don’t regret a single moment on that guild.. What can I say? It was just a wonderful time I spent with those guys :)

But, as you can see, Im not much of the powergamer player kind. I’ve always heard about the Red Rose, of course, and how calm and peaceful you are. I guess it might be just the right guild for me, as far as I think you wouldn’t consider me crazy if I tell you I travel around cities to read and collect books, or to check out on houses’ decoration (whats up with the throwing items around thing? O.O).

Well guys, that’s pretty much the basics of what you can know about me, I’m a peaceful woman and my aim on Tibia is to meet interesting people, hear and share some good stories and have a good time.. whatever it may mean! Attending to events, hunting (although im a chicken lazy mage and Id rather read a book instead o.o) or whatever.

I’m gonna leave you with my RPG story now, and would like to invite any of you to come have a chat with me anytime! ;) Pardon for my English btw, I’ve been working on it for the last years hahaha.

“The sound of swords touching and the screams of men in pain couldn't let her sleep. She turned around, but once again she heard what seemed to be a war, cold and violent as only the wars could be. The smell of blood invaded her head, and then she opened her eyes.

She didn't fall asleep... She couldn't sleep for days actually! That was only her own devils chasing her inside her mind.

The old woman stood on her feet, only to remind herself how weak her legs were now. Her dress which was once brighty white was now dirty and creased. And her long hair which was once amazingly blond was now brighty white.

She had changed, as much as the world did. The only things that were the same about her were her clear green eyes and her memories. Memories of so many battles in her childhood, memories of a society of poets she joined once, memories of friends who were taken by the gods, memories of a broken marriage and a lost love, memories of a family she once joined. Memories and more memories...

She walked around the abandoned wood cabin where she have been living for the last days, and went outside to watch the sun hides itself behind the mountains, on the far east. Then, a young soldier walked to her, "Amazing! I've never seen an old woman like you holding a weapon. What do you hunt?!”
She looked down to her hand, to realize she never stopped holding her bright sword, a gift from a friend long gone. She looked to the young man with a sad smile on her face and said, “I hunt my ghosts."

Her name was Anr, and she laughed to herself while the sun was disappearing on the horizon. Her clear green eyes reflected he last traces of light, and she knew on that moment it was the warning of the gods telling her the first nocturnal creatures were coming out of their caves to haunt her.

Anr slowly went back to the old wood cabin and closed the door behind her. Who was watching it could think that the old woman was hiding from the creatures outside, but she knew she was actually going back to her own devils.”

P.S.: pardon me if it’s a too long application, I just got myself writing and writing >.<

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:18 am
by Nirdor
It's good to see you alive Anr ;)

Too bad with the BRS guild, sh*t happends :/

Nice application and Good Luck :)

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:47 pm
by Anr
Nirdor! Good to see you too old barbarian :)

Indeed, it was sad that the Black Rose Society didn't go as well as Avenlia planned.. but what can I say? It wasnt for lack of effort, not at all.. I guess people just don't come to Tibia looking for this kind of (roleplaying) fun anymore :/ Well, they don't know what they are missing!

Thanks for taking a look on my application! :D

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:42 pm
by Skyzo
Ashari Anr,,
I have to say that is a beautiful application, I've enjoyed it a lot
I hope see you around tibia, and have some chats :)
Good Luck With Your Application

Asha Thrazi.

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:11 pm
by Sasirel
I really enjoyed your application, honest and humble. Your RPG story was very nice. We do actually have alot in common, im no hunter im a social guy that loves stories and tales of others and sometimes make my own aswell. I reside in Darashia as I have been for many years, I would very much like to meet you! Contact me ingame im looking forward to it!


Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:08 pm
by Chikilina
Greetings Anr,

Thank you for your nice application. I would like to meet you in-game.

Be safe,

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:03 pm
by Feeya
I, too, enjoyed reading your story!
I wish you the best of luck, and looking forward to see and/or talk to you in game :)

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:54 am
by Cinny
Great application, good luck! :)

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:29 am
by Nabeki
Great application Anr :) Lookin forward meetin you ingame!

, Nabe .

Re: Anr's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:51 pm
by Capitan
Good times are comming, I can feel it!! :)

Good luck Anr, hope the god Banor stay with you in this long way...

Be safe.