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Into the jungle.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:52 am
by Xakelfmun
A new day started for Xakelfmun the druid, at his new wandering place, called by the normal people by "Port Hope". I sleep most of the times in a little tower around the town, but Im thinking that soon I will have to stop doing it because some vagabonds are coming around to drink their wine and make noise. And a wise druid like me should always sleep well. Yeah, maybe it's time to move to a new house.
Seems many vagabonds made many noises the night before this story starts, and the druid Xakelfmun didnt sleep well... Arghfm, damn of a day!
I went towards the south east zone of the jungle surrounding the town of Port Hope, to find those big holes in the ground that were the home of some big spiders that my fire spells love to burn. Actually is a task for some foolish guy that gives some privileges in exchange... Whatever.
So I was hunting the arachnids for a little time, and going through two different caves communicated by a deep tunnel, when I came into a very dark and big room. Instantly I felt surrounded by loads of legs. I think they were 56 legs in total.
Oh man, I wished I had 4 arms, or maybe 8. I was drinking mana liquids like crazy, holding my weak shield towards those monsters, and trying to take my shovel out of the backpack to move some rocks in the ground and escape. But well, something in my mind told me to stay. "Let's go down in an honorable way, and not in a hole". So I started burning those spiders... It was an intense 30-40 second fight, and then I dont remember anything else. Like a deep drunkness night, everything just went black.
I woke up in Ab'Dendriel, with some elf caressing my forehead with a wet cloth.

- Get away from me!! - I yelled.

I never really liked elves, and only met two or three good ones. Even those, I still look them with careful eyes. I walked away a bit confused, and it took me some minutes to realize what had happened. And then, a few minutes later, like as if Banor sent himself someone, I found a Red Rose running around the docks of the elven city. This Rose was partying around there, really drunk, hitting on some cute girls that were there. As soon as I came close to him, I could hear his complaints about the Abden wine. "everything here just tastes like flowers.... you should taste the fibulan wine ladies... in fact, we can go there now?".
Oh ma, now that Im thinkin I may have messed up his plans.
Again, to keep his identity well hidden, I will refer to this rose just as "Rob".
Rob was kind enough, and even if he had no spears (though he always has some sword on him), to take a trip to Port Hope and run fast as he could to get my backpack which must have gotten lost somewhere in those dark caves. Some hours later he returned with everything. He was really sweaty and he freaked out when he saw that the girls from the docks were gone. So he just gave me the backpack and went to sleep.
I was still a bit tired too, so I decided to rest a bit as well. I went to the top of the Abden depot and took one portal which took me to the middle of the Venore swamps. A, such a calm place, nobody ever comes around. I had such a great sleep.
When I woke up everything was really calm. Maybe too calm. It was strange, but I had a great feel of joy inside me. I went walking around a bit through Ab'dendriel. I was walking around the northern area of the town about to go again to take the ship to Port Hope again, this time to kill every 8legged beast I could see; when I saw some strange shinning from inside a tree. The darkness of the place was the only reason why I could see that, and even that way, it was a major coincidence. I liberated an awesome kick some crazy assassin teached me some time before - KIAAAAAAA / Crack.... And the old tree broke in 102 pieces. It was dry and weaker than I thought... Now I was in front of an empty stump, so I came close and watched inside. The light that came out, was a little cloth bag lying inside the stump. I looked all around me and checked nobody was around. Took the bag and opened it. To my surprise the bag had a few shiny valuable objects.
If I had ran away from the spiders, I wouldnt have found that treasure. Because I wouldnt ever stepped Ab'dendriel again. I got around 30000 golden coins from it.
Banor always bless the brave fighters!

Re: Into the jungle.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:17 am
by Skyzo
Ashari mate!!!
Nice story, but be careful with the spiders!
I hope


Re: Into the jungle.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:12 am
by Chikilina
Brave Xakelfmun!

Re: Into the jungle.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:15 am
by Xakelfmun
Hehe. I'm glad you admire my mental strenght, Chikilina. Many women does.
As soon as I get a new place to live, I will invite you for some wine & other demonstrations.


Re: Into the jungle.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:54 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Nice reading, indeed.
Loved the way you angeled it, and how you managed to twist Tibia's uncomprehensive way of dying/living into a very amusing and understandable story.
Can't say anything else but great job, and you should definitly write more.

Best regards,
Avenlia Silvershade