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Naruciak Application [Denied]

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:01 pm
by Naruciak
1.I am playing Tibia since summer 2002, although I was quite a noob those days and always making lmms for my friends. After that I've done a break and started playing again in autumn 2010.
This is also the time when I started playing Naruciak, I'm playing this character most of the time when I'm online.
I've always played on Antica.
2.I want to join Red Rose guild since the rules are similar to mine
I know a few people of red rose and I think they are generally very friendly and There is welcoming atmosphere
3.Story time

My first Dragon Lord

All started on a sunny Saturday morning. The air was fresh and hot. Hearing the barking of roaming dogs of the Thais crossroads I woke up with a great feeling. I felt like something big and new should happen that day and i was really excited.
After I had breakfast I bought some new supplies; around twenty health
potions and ten mana potions. Xodet recommended to buy some more, but I refused since I got only 300 gold coins left; after a pack of guys had tried to kill me.
Leaving Xodet's shop I met Aruda. I always doubt she is an honest person
because nobody liked her...
Facing North I met several wolves. I killed them and cut some paws off - my druid paw addon was nearly completed. On my way through the Troll dungeon I faced a barely wounded Cyclops. I wondered where his combatant might be and searched for him, after I had slayed the creature. All I found were some bloodspots on the ground and on the walls around, as well as a broken sword and some worn leather boots. Suddenly anywhere a Cyclops yelled "I smell human flesh - HUM HUM!". Shocked by this I ran straight through the other monsters like Spiders and disgusting Rotworms.
Just the time I arrived the Dragon Lord screamed "GROOOAR", I was getting more and more nervous, but I didn't want to stop so near completing my dream.

I decided to go down the stairs and face the almighty creature - having my potions ready to drink. There was it, a monster feared since hundred of years, right in front of me, waiting for my strong sword. I ran up to it and unsheathed my weapon.
I started hitting the creature and it threw mighty fireballs for me, but I used
my health potions at the right time. Almost done, the Dragon Lord did a final bash - it cast its dreaded and infernal fire wave.
Heavily wounded I killed the monster and felt really great, until I
noticed I was out of supplies and the way home would be my dead. Despairingly I sat down and started to cry... until a warm woman's voice asked if she could help.
Surprised I looked around and saw straight into Aruda's face. After a little talk she helped me to get back and from now on she was one of my best friends.
Nowadays she always calls me "her great dragon lord hero", but I don't like this title, I'm just another guy in the lands of Tibia.

Real Life
I am a 16-year old student, born and living in Swidwin, Poland. My hobbies are Playing footbal with friends, watching tv with my dog ^^ and, reading interesting books

I hope you enjoyed reading my application,

sincerely yours,

Re: Naruciak Application

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:18 pm
by Chikilina
Greetings Naruciak,

Application noticed. Contact Red Rose members in-game for a chat.

Be safe,

Re: Naruciak Application

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:19 pm
by Anr
Nice to see you around here, Naruciak!
good luck with your application ^^

Re: Naruciak Application

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:21 am
by Black Falcon
Thanks for your application. Try to catch me and other roses in-game for a chat.
Good luck!

Re: Naruciak Application

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:34 pm
by Seaf

don't hesitate to msg me, in case you find me online...

be safe and behave...



Re: Naruciak Application

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:30 am
by Skyzo
Ashari Naruciak!!
Good Luck in your apply :)

Re: Naruciak Application

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:45 pm
by Sir Balder

Your application has been denied.
