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Wrath of the Emperor!

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:12 am
by Jakpad
Greetings Red Rose! We'r about to host Wrath of the emperor quest ~
me and Serppan have been posting on many boards, so we might not answer on all boards, its easiest to reach us on our board or ingame if you have any questions ~

First of all make sure you are done with children of revolution and got acces to deeper banuta!

Those who still need to have Banuta done are welcome to join mission 9 Sunday 6 Februari 19.00

Wrath Of the Emperor:
The date for mission 4 (Banuta mission) is at februari the 11th 20:00 CET

Mission 8-completion is at februari the 19th 20:00 CET

The rules while we doing the harder mission is following:

Always obey the killing team, stay behind the killing team, Try to help out as much as you possible can and bring your own supplys since you can be attacked from back spawn.

What you should bring:

Paladins: Bring a bow / crossbow to get the extra range, power bolts / onyx arrows, some assassin stars to hard situations (If any) manas and spirit potions and energy / fire walls

Knights: Manas and health potions

Mages: Icicels and sds and manas, energy rings (or utamo vita) energy / fire walls

Everyone should also bring scales of corruption to be able to resupply after mission 8 & futher.

everyone: 1 dwarven ring ~ incase.

Links to the quest

Children of revolution: ... st/Spoiler

Vagabonds members can help out with weekly task if anyone need those please pm any of us ingame.

Wrath of the emperor: ... st/Spoiler

There is a main killing team but its also not a service so we please want everyone to help out during the quest!

That was about all, hope to see many of you at the quest and that we will have a great time together while doing it!

Serppan & Jakpad

Re: Wrath of the Emperor!

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:43 am
by Mild
thanks for the invitation mate.