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Application of VIcentihno...I hope Join Me...Ty all.[Denied]

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:34 am
by Vicentihno

My History...
A Big Warrior A Big Town
During mythological times … A small town began his development, the inhabitants dedicated their lives to work on the fields, the whole village was like a big family, and they remained as such for a long time. One day when nobody least expected, a big magician appeared, but he was not a good magician, on the contrary he was a powerful and evil dark magician who, with his evil power, turned the whole village into his slaves. As time went by and when the people did not have any more to give to the powerful magician, he began to attack them; little by little the people was disappearing few scarcely survivors had the will to survive or to hide from that evil magician. One day a young man was born who from its infancy was showing his skills. He worked hard to support few remaining survivors that were staying in the town without who had no fear for the powerful magician.
The young man grew up and turned into a big man but was not ready to face the big magician for such a reason he had to leave the town in order to find the person who could help him to achieve his goal which was to defeat the magician who for many years destroyed the village where he had been born. When the big warrior left nobody, for a long time, had any idea where he was. People believed that the warrior had abandonned them, others thought that he had died.
The magician kept on continuously attacking the village and its inhabitants began to lose hope that someone someday was going to rescue them from this anguish. Suddenly, the big day came, the magician was attacking the village over and over, when afar, in the distance, a silhouette began to take the shape of a big warrior. Everybody knew immediately that that shape was from the boy that one day left the town only to return with big force and great skills to defeat that evil force the magician was using against the innocent. The battle for justice and freedom had begun.
The battle was hard and nobody knew who might win, few survivors were supporting this warrior who might be their savior. After two days of battle the warrior did a last effort to defeat the magician but it was almost impossible for which he asked for help. Few survivors of the village who, on having seen that the big warrior was sacrificing himself for them, decided to support him. The attack was a joint effort against the all powerful dark magician, guided by a big leader, they defeated the powerful magician.
The magician was defeated and those few survivors were very grateful to the mighty warrior. The villagers did not know how to reward the warrior, they did not know that his biggest reward was to see his people happy again, as it had been even before the appearance of that dark magician …
The People was joyful and merry and continued with their activities along with the big warrior.

A little information of my real life. :)
I have 18 years old, im student of university, i like play Foot baal soccer, PLay Tibia and the same thing that do one boy, im very friendship, because ever i want more friends, on my character im training do the same about real life, friendship...
I Have PLaying Tibia a good time all time has been Great...2 years
I dont have anyone anemies...
Of the members of Red Rose Guild only i know Seiya Do Pegasus he is a good person, on the few time with hem he is very nice... But is very little time of i know hem...

Ty All...

I want join me The Red Rose GUild Because for me on this guild all people is A BIg Family..
How know this if i am not member? Because all people say and i see too...
Im searching that... a Big Family...

Re: Application of VIcentihno... I hope Join Me... Ty all.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:44 am
by Sir Balder

Your application has been noted. A first question, though...if you have read the application guide, what makes you think I'd like to read a line such as the following?
Vicentihno wrote:Level: 83 And go Up
We *do* have access to you know, so the information we can find there is really of no interest in an application.


Re: Application of VIcentihno... I hope Join Me... Ty all.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:00 am
by Skorn
very important points are the joining guide as Sir Balder said and that will help you to make a better application

Re: Application of VIcentihno... I hope Join Me... Ty all.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:53 am
by Sir Balder

Your application has been denied. Good luck in your future endeavours!
