Greeting the crowd...

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Avenlia Silvershade
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Greeting the crowd...

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

... is always a hard thing to do. Having said that, it is with great joy I want to say hi to all of you.
My name is Avenlia Silvershade, and I'm a little fellow who very dearly loves to roleplay within a smaller community.
Some of you I already know. Some, I believe, have visited a few of the old Society of the Black Rose gatherings - and if that's the case I probably greeted you then. But no worries, I'll greet you again.

And for the majority, the people I don't know - please be nice to me! It's quite intimidating being here, on an alien forum.

Having my social intervention fears overcome, I just want to say that I might hang around on your forums - taking bad advantage of it by being so rude that I might use the chance to roleplay a tiny bit. Is that okay?

All the best wishes,
Avenlia Silvershade.
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    Re: Greeting the crowd...

    Post by Anr »


    It's so good to see you here !!
    I'm pretty sure I'm not only talking by myself when I say you're very welcome to roleplay and share your words with us..
    I miss your nice stories.. :)

    I hope life is treating you well!

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    Re: Greeting the crowd...

    Post by Black Falcon »

    Greetings Avenlia!
    I'm glad you found your way here. I hope you find our forum enjoyable, and dont be afriad to post :)

    Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible.
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    Avenlia Silvershade
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    Re: Greeting the crowd...

    Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

    Thanks a lot Anr! I miss reading yours as well.

    @Black Falcon, I'm certain I will find it enjoyable!
    Thank you!

    Avenlia Silvershade
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      Re: Greeting the crowd...

      Post by Rob'Doomsday »

      We already had our "contact", but again, so nice to see you here :)
      Something called my attention, stories? Do you have some to share? I love stories!
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      Re: Greeting the crowd...

      Post by Sasirel »

      Greetings fellow Tibian, may banor guide your path to a safe journey. We should make contact to get our introductions in order. If you tumble upon a lone moment, you should only whisper and I will listen. Tis I promise you. Keep safe and stay in the light.

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      Re: Greeting the crowd...

      Post by Kolbit »

      Greetings on rose petals!

      It's always enjoyable to read some of your stories, and roleplaying wouldnt be bad either.. <grins>

      <hands over a rose>

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      Re: Greeting the crowd...

      Post by Jakpad »

      Avenlia Silvershade! would you be so kind to msg me ingame! :)

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      Re: Greeting the crowd...

      Post by Darkness power »

      Hail the Red Rose!
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