Fibula's nights

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Duke Belsazar

Fibula's nights

Post by Duke Belsazar »

It's a short poem I wrote some time ago about Fibula (originally in german). I made an english translation but unfortunately the poem lost this way it's rimes. Anyways I hope you enjoy it...

Fibula's nights

Not a single sound in the dark grove,
silent it’s till the day awakes.
Mellow the moonshine floods in light
Fibula’s cosy summer night.

Is the creek flowing, or is it not,
entirely made of moonshine silver?
Sounds an ayre so subtly, or does it not,
in the peaceful summer night?

In the east it dawns evermore visibly,
and the moonshine softly wanes.
But I won’t forget this quiet,
Fibula’s moonlit summer night.

Duke Belsazar

german original:

Nächte bei Fibula

Kein Geräusch im dunklen Hain.
Still ist's, bis der Tag ist erwacht.
Sanft erhellt der Mondschein,
Fibulas trauliche Sommernacht.

Strömt der Bach dahin, oder strömt er nicht,
ganz aus Mondscheinsilber gemacht?
Klingt ein Lied so zart, oder klingt es nicht
in der friedlichen Sommernacht?

Im Osten tagt's immer sichtlicher,
und der Silberschein schwindet sacht.
Doch ich vergess' sie nicht, diese ruhige,
Fibulas mondhelle Sommernacht.

Duke Belsazar
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Re: Fibula's nights

Post by Meriado »

Good job, Duke! It's always hard to translate things that has a flow, such as poems, but I think that you did a great job!

You should check out the contest hosted by TibiaNews. You can participate in three ways and one being writing a poem. The poem should be about a city in Tibia, but you can read more about that on the website. I'm going to participate myself and I'll also post my poem here when it's done!

The reward is a yellow rose! ;)
Duke Belsazar

Re: Fibula's nights

Post by Duke Belsazar »

Thanks for the info, Meriado, my "Fibula's nights" is now in the contest! Good luck for it with you poem :D

Duke Belsazar
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