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Neverending story..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:20 pm
by Kolbit
Hey guys.. I would likle to try something and if you like it, just enter your contribution!

I thought i'd start a story here, and write some lines and then let people fill in more as time passes. :mrgreen: Just start off where the story ends and i'll edit it whenever i can.

Hopefully we'll make a fun story together :) cheers

Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:20 pm
by Kolbit
"Good Morning, did you sleep well? I was afraid u wouldn't wake up at all." a womens voice said.
<a bright light hits the eyelids as someone opens the window>

"Mrghhs, morning.."
"Where am i? Who are you?.. "
the mysterious adventurer mumbled.

"Oh so you dont remember anything? I found you on the outskirts of Thais wounded from battle, so i took you in and healed your wounds. My name is Aletha Marie, im a druid practicing the healing arts."

"Oh Darn... I'm so tired" the adventurer said, slowly lifting his back up against the bed-wall.

"I think just had a ruff night, or.... I don't remember".

He mumbles something while Aletha looks suspiciously at him.

"Yeah, I killed some orcs I remember, and I think I drank their blood, just wanted to test it.. eh".

"Did you drink their blood?! To TEST it?!" Aletha asked in a dismayed manner.

"Well, yes... I'm not entirely sure, but... <he rubbed his tired eyes as if to remember something>. I think it had to do with some kind of bet", the man said.

"Perhaps if I think for a while I can fill in the blanks", he said and and carefully sat up on the bed.

<clouded memory takes the adventurer to a bar>

"ooh, im in a bar somewhere.. i think its Frodo's"
"some knight in black armor i met in venore bought me some drinks"
"that sucker dared me to drink that blood, maybe thats why i have such a hard time remembering.. he stole my backpack too after i passed out. It's all clear now."


Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:20 pm
by Kolbit

Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:37 pm
by Kolbit

Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:39 pm
by Kolbit

Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:09 pm
by Chikilina
Wanna see more! ^^

Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:47 am
by Nirdor
"Oh Darn... I'm so tired" the adventurer said, slowly lifting his back up against the bed-wall.

"I think just had a ruff night, or.... I don't remember".

He mumbles something while Aletha looks suspiciously at him.

"Yeah, I killed some orcs I remember, and I think I drank their blood, just wanted to test it.. eh".


Like this Kolbit?

Re: Neverending story..

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:29 pm
by Meriado
"Did you drink their blood?! To TEST it?!" Aretha asked in a dismayed manner.

"Well, yes... I'm not entirely sure, but... <he rubbed his tired eyes as if to remember something>. I think it had to do with some kind of bet", the man said.

"Perhaps if I think for a while I can fill in the blanks", he said and and carefully sat up on the bed.