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Applying, hope you got some space! [On Hold]

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:31 am
by Xiuu
The great roses, who could tell that after all this time I’ve admired you I finally get the chance to make an application to walk along with you in your journey? Since I started playing I haven’t find any guild that’s more of a guild than you. No, I’m not saying this because I want to join you; it is that I want to join you because of that. I was just a new comer in the lands of Tibia back in winter 2002, when the good Hertabon humbly agreed to help me and teach me a thing or two about this game. Since that moment I started to find more about the Red Roses, and it turned out that this kind of behavior was common with you, I was impressed… I wanted to be like you, I still do.

Oh well, enough flattering for today. Let me introduce myself. My name is Adrian, I’m 19 years old and I’ve been playing in Antica since oct/2002, I know a little bit about how stuff works around here. At the moment I’m in college, studying for Civil Engineering in the Technologic Institute of Monterrey, in Mexico, I’ve always liked being challenged. Right now I’m struggling a little bit with my grades since this is my first year, so I’m still getting used to my new school. I’m Hispanic so I obviously know how to speak Spanish pretty well, and I know a bit of English, at least I understand it and I make myself clear with it. I’m learning Italian and I’m joining the French class the next semester.

In game, my name is Xiuu. I’m a Level 30 Royal Paladin. You might wonder “how did he manage to make only 30 levels in 6.5 years?!” well the truth is that I’m starting from scratch. Believe me, being Level 30 at the moment I’m applying for the Red Rose might be the worst luck I’ve ever had in Tibia. The purpose of this character is to forget every fall I had in the past, I’m really looking forward to go far with this character. Even though I don’t think Level is the most important, I do believe it is needed in order to make one of the goals I’m willing to achieve. I’ve always got three main goals: to discover an unknown quest, to be a role model to one or many, and to join a true guild. That last one is where the Red Rose comes in, that and, of course, I’d LOVE to make friends with any of you, seriously.

Level thirty is not the best I’ve had. I had a Level 65 or so knight here in Antica, which I deleted after a little in-game depression. In Vinera, where I played for 2 or 3 months in 2007, I made it to Level 121 with the character Zudokum, which got hacked and killed to Level 80. Yeah, life sucks sometimes, but is great that you can always rise again. That is precisely what Xiuu is for, and what could be better than to do it with the greatest guild ever to walk in the lands of Tibia.

Now I’ll tell you a little story I wrote some years ago just for fun. I call it the Helios and Selene.

…that’s him, that’s Helios, the one that keeps you warm in the cold days of winter, the one that makes the wind blow, the one that makes our grain crop, the one who feeds our plants. No, the sun is not his name. And her, that beautiful lady in white who guides us at night, who makes our seas grow, the one who decorates our skies in some days even when Helios is shining. She’s not the moon; she’s Selene, Helios’ love. Now you might wonder, how did they ever made it to become celestial bodies, as big as a million worlds and as beautiful as any wonder ever built by man or nature. Well, that’s something that has a story behind.
A really long time ago, when men were just blooming on earth and dragons still ruled the tibian lands a boy was born in a humble house inside the walls of Thais. He was one of those boys you only know about in fairy tales; big green eyes, dark-blond hair, cute smile and a natural strength quite too strong for his young age. His father was just a farmer. Mom was just another woman within the growing human community. But, for some reason, there was something strange in this kid, whenever you were where he was, it is said you could feel a warm hug embracing you. It was too bad that for his lineage, he could never grow as someone important.
Selene, in the other hand, was daughter to the god Fardos. Beautiful girl, long black hair, deep blue eyes, an amazing grace you could feel even when she wasn’t there. She was his father’s pride; he loved her more than he loved any of other creations of him.
One day, when Helios was already 20 years old, Fardos decided to turn into a human and take his daughter down to the world of Tibia to show her how everything worked there. As it was obvious, they went straight to Thais, the human capital city. That’s when he first saw her. Helios couldn’t believe there could be anyone or anything as beautiful as that. He, all sweaty for the work he had being doing at his dad’s farm, decided to go over with her. When he first hit on her, she wouldn’t know what was happening, she didn’t know love as we know it existed, the only love she knew was the one she and her father had, which was totally different. She liked the boy, she was feeling something new, her first love, but she couldn’t tell, but her father could and he didn’t like the idea.
Back on their divine lair, Fardos thought everything about love to Selene. He told her how hurt she could get by it. Selene couldn’t care less about that; she wanted to know what that was. Helios in the other hand was advised by his father not to fall in love with her, as he had recognized Fardos when he was in Thais. Yet again, he couldn’t care less about his father’s advice; she was willing to fight for her.
Selene would come down every night to visit Helios to his house to spend the night with him.
One day, Fardos found out what her daughter was doing, and he got tremendously mad. He would now let his mortal wrath flood humanity. As a punishment for that, he would destroy the sun.
Chaos ruled now the tibian lands. No crops, no warm days, no light, no wind, no vegetation… it was the end of humanity.
Selene went crazy, she begged her father to build the sun back, but he wouldn’t do that. For that, she took a crucial decision: she would sacrifice herself to give her light to humanity. With that the celestial body we know as the moon was born. Fardos went mad. He would now kill Helios himself. He went down to earth again, but this time, his purpose was different. He took his old knife, the one he used to cut Demodra’s when Zathroth made havoc ruled Tibia and stabbed Helios in his heart, he was hoping he burnt in hell, as that knife was built to send evil entities there. But his heart was pure, he was no evil, for some reason, the attack didn’t kill him. The attack turned him into what we now know as the sun.
The couple was together again, now in the sky. Fardos sure didn’t like this, so he condemned Selene to come out only at night, when Helios has to vanish.
Some say that when Fardos is asleep, Selene will come out to spend some time with his love. Others say that when Fardos is not looking, she hugs his love causing an eclipse, causing shade in day, as a memorial of their forbidden love.

I hope you liked it, and I really hope you let me bloom with you, my fellow epic Roses. Believe me, you won't regret that, I won't dissapoint you.

Re: Applying, hope you got some space!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:34 pm
by Sir Balder
Well met, Xiuu,

Thank you for your wonderful story, and for letting us understand your reasons to apply for Red Rose. Please feel free to contact members of our guild that we may better get to know each other, and please remain patient about your application.


Re: Applying, hope you got some space!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:09 pm
by Xiuu
So I will Sir, thanks for reading. I'll try to reach you in game so we get to know each other well.

Re: Applying, hope you got some space!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:33 am
by Rob'Doomsday
Thanks for this great lecture Xiuu, I really enjoyed it.

Good luck

Re: Applying, hope you got some space!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:13 am
by Skorn
great post... i used to study civil engineering too :P well nice post u did lets wait and see what hapen...good luck

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:44 pm
by Xiuu
Thanks for all this support. I'm looking forward to knowing all of you guys, I'll catch you in game, try to reach me if you see mee online or something please =)

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:46 pm
by Xiuu
Hello Roses, I want to apologize for my lack of activity the last week, but it was due to a tragedy beyond anything I could do. One of my best friend's father passed on last week, it's been a harsh week of course, I spent a lot of time with him. But life goes on and we must get back on track, I'll be playing as regular as always from now on. Thanks for your understanding. Yours, Xiuu.

Re: Applying, hope you got some space!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:04 am
by Rob'Doomsday
Hope to see you soon ;)
Take care of your friend,


Re: Applying, hope you got some space!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:40 am
by Sir Balder
Hello again, Xiuu.

I'd appreciate if you could contact us and update us on your situation.
