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My application for joining the Red Rose [Denied]

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:53 am
by Eldoo
Hello every Red Rose out there! Here comes my application, I hope that you all enjoy it. Before I start typing in the things about my Tibian life I would like to say some words about myself and my real life.

Lets start with the basics! My name is Filip and I'm 19 years old, I live in a smaller village near Gothenburg, Sweden. Im currently studying my last year to become a chef, so if you are ever hungry and are too lazy too cook, I will gladly help! ;) When I'm not sitting at the computer I like to do all sorts of different stuff. My favorite things to do in my real life is to party and spending time with my girlfriend. Whenever I got some spare time I love to log in on Tibia and hang out with my virtual friends and getting a level or two. :) So now when I've told you a bit about myself lets go on to the application!

My character Eldoo was created on the lands on Antica Oct 21 2005. Since I made the character I've been off and on this game a few times, mostly due to my RL friends. (If you ask me, this game is not worth playing without your friends.) Many of my friends are now retired so I'm not sure if this is worth mentioning, but the heck with it, I'll do it anyways, Jodan'Uke and Zyraxor are two of them. They have really helped me out in Tibia and without them I would not be here. As mentioned before, I just came back from retirement so many of my friends quit or just changed server, but I decided to stay here since Antica is my home and got a great history. I've got two friends in your guild and they are: Chikilina and Nabeki (I'm really sad that Nabeki has stopped playing since she was a great friend of mine.) Of course I got friends of out the guild but as you understand I can't mention them all there cause the list would be too long.

Many years ago I was a member of the guild Mercenary's, this was so long time ago that I barley remember it. Some years after that I joined the guild Bey too help my friends during war times. But when the war started too lose control and everyone was just in it for the "fun". I decided not too stay since I just joined Bey too be helpful for my friends that was in need of me. I hope this wont affect the way you think of me, cause I'm a loyal and did it only too help out my friends.

I enjoy hunting monsters that I can loot some cool stuff from, like demons and other hard things. Of course I prefer to do it with a team. Thats pretty much why I chose to become a druid. But sometimes I like to cook up some funny/crazy things for myself, like taking water over my head and going down to PoI and other crazy places solo. I also do this with teams if it's possible.

Why would I like to join you?
After all the years that's passed I've always seen Red Rose as a respected and a peaceful guild, that care much about their guild members and are really close friends. I also think that it is amazing that this guild has managed to stay together for this long and still working good! I also like that you are doing things together and I'd like to be a part of that.

Since almost everyone is writing a RPG story for you I will try to impress you with a poem (it will be more of a rhyme so don't take it too serious).

It was December of 2005, only the dogs were alive.
Rolf was a poor old dog, he could not see through the fog.
So he lost the group and became alone, now it was only Rolf and his bone.
He kept on going on and on, until he became a moron.
When he had lost all his sense, he saw something really intense.
A strong light coming from a star, that filled up his HP bar.
It also lit up a way back to his pack, so he gave himself a lucky smack.
What is the odds, it must have been a message from the gods.

Haha, worked hard on that one!

Well that was all from me, hope that all of you enjoyed my application, I sure did :p.

See you around!
Yours Filip!

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:26 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Eldoo!

I'm glad that you encouraged to apply. I wish you big luck!!

ps I like a lot the rhythm of the old dog..

Best of my wishes!

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:21 am
by Capitan
I remember you,

have my blessing.

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:25 pm
by Nirdor
The poem was funny, I liked it.

Try to contact some any Red Rose-member ingame, so we'll get to know you better :)

Good Luck with the application.

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:45 pm
by Munch
Good luck

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:35 am
by Black Falcon

I wish you good luck with your application, and try to find some roses in-game for a chat.


Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:53 am
by Kolbit
Greetings on rose petals!

I enjoyed your poem, im glad he got back to his pack :)

I bid you good luck with your application!

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:00 pm
by Cinny
Good luck! =)

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:42 am
by Eldoo
thanks for all the support, means alot for me! 8-)

Re: My application for joining the Red Rose

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:10 am
by Sasirel
Good work man, talk with you ingame :)