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First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:49 pm
by Anr
First Sight of the Castle
a true story by Anr~

I was lost in the world
Couldn't find a place to rest
When I heard a story before untold
About a castle.. beautiful and old
where I'd be a well-treated guest;

It was a place full of light
shining from far away in a distant land,
Where you'd never see blood nor fight
But be welcome with food and music in a wonderful delight
and find yourself to have a fine time to spend;

So I grabbed my purple backpack
in a dark and scary night
and started following the track,
Walking through lava and small corridors with no coming back
until I met an old warrior, very polite;

"May I help you, little one?",
"Sorry.. but I need a place to stay",
as I said it, we turned to watch the rise of the sun
The sky was firstly red, then orange and finally yellow when it was almost done
and I suddenly thought that I could hang around that pretty island all day;

"Come, come, I think I can help you", he smiled,
and I followed his steps 'till the entrance of a fantastic castle
with a sign that read "Guildhall of the Red Rose" in a handwriting so big and wild
right next to a garden with flowers so exotic, exhaling a perfume slightly mild
but yet welcoming, in a way really beautiful and fragile;

"My name is Black Falcon, welcome to our guildhall!", I heard him say,
I walked in and was immediately amazed by the people there
And I had such a pleasant day with them, thinking it'd be only a quick stay
But it actually turned into a place from where I'd never want to walk away
and now it's my home, a shelter where until these days all my time I spare.

Re: First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:54 pm
by Chikilina
Beautiful words..made me imagine all

Thanks for sharing

Re: First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:38 am
by Black Falcon
I loved it!
I can definately relate to that welcoming, warm feeling that Fibula and the guild offers and it makes me glad I'm not the only one feeling it.

+1 for naming my name <g> :mrgreen:

Re: First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:37 am
by Cinny
omg you are just the cutest thing ever <3


Re: First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:09 pm
by Meriado
Beautifully written, Anr!

I really like it! You gave it just the right feel and it was really easy to picture it all.

Good job! :D

Re: First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:58 pm
by Anr

Glad you liked it lovelies~~ ^^

Re: First Sight of the Castle

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:20 am
by Sasirel
I read this when you first wrote it, I thought I commented .... but seems i didnt.

It was a good read :)