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My Joining Application! [Accepted]

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:54 pm
by Darkness power
Hello Fellow Red Roseans ( if this ever exist ),

My name is, as you can read, Darkness power, someone devoted to the archery powers.
I came here through this Document to register my intention and desire to join your ranks.
So for that I've worked out something for you to spend your time with...

"I am a quiet paladin, walking around tibia looking for diferent and better ways to live this life Bannor alowed me to have.
As my dear mother baptized me as Darkness power, Im not all flowers... Sometimes I hear Zathroth's voice and power deep in my heart and veins, but as much time has passed since it first happened ( I do not really remember when this happened at first, but would risk to say it was just with my first breath) I can assure anyone I learnt how to deal with this and use it in a good way.

This condition wasnt aquired in a easy mode... It took me decades to understand what and why would this happend to me. And the time I spent to develope enough wisdom to dominate evil inside me wasn´t really Good.

Harsh times came... Zathroth's will is kinda not imaginable. It could blind me for months; bring me into long periods of hibernation with the worst Nightmares I could imagine; loosing control of my own body and sometimes of my mind; And some other specific situations I do not dare revaling.
Just wanted to let it clear it wasn't pleasant... My entire childhood was spent in Academies of Magic, being studied by Elder Druids and Master Sorcerers, the Mighty ones.

I lost mom and dad without even celabrating a single Birthday together. To be sincer I don't even know what happened to em... it was after one of my Atacks ( I link the Zathroth's powers inside me as the same of Heart Atacks, they sudenly come and as nothing go) I was notified of their death, which happened in the end of 2001. It is the date I consider my reborn when Scientists left me alone to live my own life.

Fearing being the reason of their passage to the other side I have never investigated the happening itself. I would not be able to dominate my issue carring such a burden. But now I consider going deep in this sad happening. After the knowledge I got during this Ages around tibia I consider myself able to deal their death's cause. However I do not know where to start.

During the upon time I've met some interesting peronalaties with their duties and jobs... From those worth mentioning ( in my humble opinion ) Some guys who taken his lives into the Black Dragons nest as Thuragon and Osialdo Alcoma, A known and feared Mercenary called Berimba, some primitives who lived around Venore's swamp and called themselves Valherus Jony and Finger. Two guys I could not forget are Murdafus and Fenich, people who takes their life in a nice quiet style, not taking atention and being reasonable and fair. Finaly one of the reasons your community made me turn my eyes to is Sir Crowley who is someone I can count with since my first slain Rotworm. During the time and living together him, I've met Black Falcon and Cinny.

As its remarkable I do not have many active friends and this is due to my loneliness which Im decided to let behind. Also from now on I will be up to team hunts, questing and Role Playing... To be sincer I am eager to that...

I can usualy be found at Edron Caves. I really enjoy hunting down those Underground Heros, they say They saved the world but they have never seen a Sun set. Oh! of course I must mention their red capes are incredible, so I collect its pieces when in good conditions so I can ask someone around the world to create me something new fashioned...

My proposal now a days is to let the lonely life behind and start to study and feel what goodies the Group/ pack life shall offer. For that I've walked all Tibia looking for some kind of community would pact with my own Codex. And so far I haven't seen any better place then Red Rose ranks."

I hope I've placed the needed information in the text above... Anyways I am ready to answer possible questions and update this if needed.

Darkness power

Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:35 am
by Anr
Darkness power,

I really enjoyed reading your story and I appreciate the effort you put on it.
I hope you have learned to fully control Zathroth's anger inside of your soul by now!

Look for me ingame so I can get to know you better! :)


Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:50 pm
by Munch
Please contact me for a conversation.

Good luck

Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:28 pm
by Sasirel
Greetings, first of all it was nice chatting with you. Aswell as I appreciate when people visit, but you forgot your blessed wooden stake.

Stay safe and read our boards for knowledge!


Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:39 pm
by Chikilina
Greetings Darkness Power,

Thanks for your story, I enjoyed it.

Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:16 pm
by Black Falcon
Greetings my friend!
I hope, as Anr said, that you have learned to control Zathroth and have let the light of Banor into your soul.
He is the true God and if you embrace him he shall bring you inner peace and prosperity!

I liked your application and I wish you good luck.


Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:20 pm
by Nirdor
Hey hey, I liked your application. Wonderful how you puts in the words and sentencens of yours in a roleplaying way :)


Good Luck.

Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:18 pm
by Capitan
Have good feelings about you.

Wish to chat some with you.

Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:02 am
by Meriado

I'm glad to see that you're a fellow roleplayer and I really liked the way you wrote you application - good job!

I got a little Baldur's Gate feeling from the story you got going there! I don't know if it was intentional, but either way - lovely! :mrgreen:

I hope to get to know you a bit better! Lets try to find each other in-game.


Re: My Joining Application!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:33 pm
by Darkness power
@Anr: Hey, I am glad you liked it. By the way it's been nice chatting with you !

@Salta Apor: Hello there! Unfortunately I wasn't able to find you online so far... but will keep looking.

@Aroen: Was really nice! And hey, Your house got really nice after the rew decoration... Congratz to Anr and you for the good job!

@Chikilina: Greetings Lady! I am really glad you enjoyed it... hoping to get in tought with you soon...

@Black Falcon: Hello there Buddy! Thanks for the kind words!

@Anr & Black Falcon: Both you and all Red Roseans may be in peace... I can asure I am with Bannor and I shall say, He likes me. Else I wouldn't be able to handle it all. Zathroth's evil only exists inside me to make me stronger now, not to control me.

@Nirdor: Hello there! Thanks for your words and time!

@Luichi: Greetings! I am trying to find you online but still could not succeed. Hope to do it soon!

@Meriado: Hiho! Thanks at first! I should Inform you that I've already listened the name Baldur's Gate, but never saw nor played it. Hoping to get the chance to know you better...