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Adrian Bravehand's application [Accepted]

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:47 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
Hello everybody. So this is my application, I hope you like it!

About me

My name is Joel I'm 21 years old and I come from Uppsala, Sweden but since soon two years I live near the city Lund.
Besides playing Tibia I work with sheep and I'm studying to become a guide/translator.
On the weekends you will probably find me at some pub with a Rum & Coke in my hands!
I love music, movies and TV-shows and I can discuss these topics for hours.
Feel free to ask me anything about my real life in-game!

Character information

I started playing Tibia in late 99'. I wasn't very old back then and I believe my first character was named Soft Man and of course I accidentally made "him" a female. I quit playing in 2006 and started back up this year.
This account however was made in February 2004 but Adrian is far from that old. I created Adrian Bravehand when I heard of the Harpers project back in April this year.

My only previous guild with Adrian is the Harpers which sadly has gone very inactive. So I decided to pursue one of my goals and after a talk with Meriado (founder of the Harpers) I decided to leave so I could apply for the Red Rose! I will of course never leave Harpers fully behind me, I will attend to their gatherings and events, keep updated on their board etc.

I like Tibia because of the community I play to make friends which I find harder to do today than it was before.
Of course I love to explore, Tibia has a huge map and it's constantly growing, finding new library's and books are my favorite!
Levels are not at all important to me, of course I take levels, but that is so I can have more fun killing new, harder monsters and go on more dangerous adventures and quests etc.
I try and help out the community and my friends as much as I possibly can, I try to be the best friend you can have and I always like putting a smile and a possible laughter on your face!

I would like to join the Red Rose because

I search for equal minded people, people who show respect, are friendly, obey the Tibian laws etc.
You seem to value the same things as I do, friendships and trust most of all!
The few of you I know are great people and I am sure the rest of you are equally as nice and helpful!
Of course I'd also like to be a part in one of Tibias most respected and oldest guilds as well.
I believe I know your ways, but I would also like to fully learn them, what better way is there than to actually joining you?

Red Rose has such a rich history which I'd love to be a part of, of course I would like to be a part in the future of that history as well!
I'm a sucker for events and such so that's just the tip of the iceberg!

My story
This is something I wrote some time ago, some of you might have read it already.
(I'll only post the first chapter)
Note: it's not the same Adrian as Adrian Bravehand. Sorry if that is confusing.

"Aah, my young ward, I see you have finally arrived to my little but warm cabin!" the old man said with a smile as he closed the door.
"Yes s-sir, the cruel cold weather and the bear a-attacks d-drove me here." said the young boy as he shivered tremendously.
"Sit down boy, have a cup of warm tea. Tell me all about the bear attacks, I have noticed a change in their behavior lately.
And how many times do I have to tell you, you don't have to call me sir!"
The boys face turned even more red then it already was, Charles had told him atleast a hundred times not to call him sir.
"S-sorry sir.. I I I mean Charles." he stuttered.
"Don't worry Adrian my boy, don't you worry about that now. You seem exhausted, why don't you go to sleep and tell me all about it tomorrow?"

The missing moon

Adrian was fast asleep and dreaming the most horrifying dream. In the dream the moon was missing, it was supposed to be full moon that night.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Charles said as he poured a bucket of water over Adrians face.
"I'm awake! stop shouting, please!"
Charles had a strange expression and he kept looking out the window, it was almost like he was afraid.
No, Charles never got scared Adrian thought, yet there was something with his eyes.. could it be?
Yes, it was horror.

"Get your wand, your coat and your hat, boy, we have to get out of here"
Adrian who was still confused by his dream and sudden wake up call sat on the edge of the bed looking for his boots.
"What are you waiting for? The grass to grow? Hurry up, we have to go, now!" Charles almost screamed.
"Where are we going?" Adrian asked with wrinkled eyebrows.
"Always asking questions.. well I guess that's why I offered myself to teach you.. we are going to the caves and we are in a hurry!"
"The caves.. why? You've always told me not to go to the caves, its dangerous, you said so yourself!"
"We have no time for chatting, I will answer all your questions when the time is right. Are you coming or do I have to carry you out the door?"

As they walked out in the dark cold night Adrian immediately heard branches breaking and heavy footsteps running towards them.
As he lit his wand to see where he was running Charles threw himself at him.
"Are you crazy?" he whispered "they will catch us if they see the light, didn't you notice the moon is gone? They can see the light from miles away"

Adrian stood up and looked up at the night sky, he could see many stars but no moon.
"Isn't it supposed to be full moon tonight?" Adrian asked
"Yes boy, indeed it is"

What I'd like to say more than what I've already said
Thanks for taking your time reading this and I really hope you pick me!

With the kindest of regards,
Adrian Bravehand

Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:56 pm
by Munch
Greets Adrian Bravehand.
I met you at the guildchat of the Harpers and it was nice talking to you. I am looking forward to speak with you once again in the near future.

Good luck to you :-)

Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:57 pm
by Meriado
Hello, my friend!

I'm glad to see you pursuing your Tibian goals. For me, joining this wonderful guild was a Tibian dream come true. A dream I'd had since I first heard of the Red Rose!

I wish you the best of luck!

Don't forget about roleplaying! :mrgreen:

Kind regards,

Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:14 pm
by Nirdor
Adrian really good to see you here at theese boards. Was really not expecting one from the Harpers to apply here :D

Nice application, I always thought you were from Poland, dunno why...

Good Luck :)


Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:06 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Adrian!

Thanks for your application, I enjoyed reading it. Please share with us more chapters of this story! I got really involved with the fear of those Nightwalkers..

I hope I catch you online soon.

Best of my wishes,

Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:46 am
by Anr
Adrian Bravehand,

"Rum & Coke"
"I love music, movies and TV-shows"
"finding new library's and books are my favorite"
"Levels are not at all important to me"

May I adopt you? <3

Just kidding but.. I really enjoyed reading your application, very well done!
Where can I read the rest of your story? I found it fascinating!

Please look for me in-game so we can chat a bit!
Best of luck :)


Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:12 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
Thanks everybody :)

Looking forward to talking with you in-game! I've got in touch with quite a few already and as I suspected you are all very nice!

I can post the whole story (it's only two chapters so far) on the role playing section if you guys like?

Kind regards,
Adrian Bravehand

Anr, anyday! I bought myself a bottle of ol' Captain Morgan just two hours ago, he's going down tomorrow! You are more then welcome to come and share it with me. A bottle of le Capitan and a long discussion about the latest movies is in order!

I also noticed a big error in my story and I must apologize. The last part is supposed to be the beginning of chapter two! I removed it now, but I'll post both chapters on the role playing section now :)

Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:03 pm
by Sasirel
We have talked a bunch already, you seem like a nice guy. More to come in the future, nice story you got going on there.
Keep us updated as you progress :)

Talk more ingame, take care.


Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:11 pm
by Black Falcon
Greetings Adrian!
I really liked your story and I'm going to read the other chapters in a bit - I cant help but wonder what happened to the moon!?

Anyways, as others have already said please try and contact roses in-game as getting to know the members is part of the process and will make it faster and easier for us to judge your character.

Good luck!


Re: Adrian Bravehand's application

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:08 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
I'm trying to talk to you guys as much as I can. My VIP list is full with names from the Red Rose :)

Be patient Black Falcon! It all will be revealed whenever I get there myself :p I'm having trouble deciding I have a few scenarios of what might happen