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The missing moon (new chapters realeased!)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:15 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
"Aah, my young ward, I see you have finally arrived to my little but warm cabin!" the old man said with a smile as he closed the door.
"Yes s-sir, the cruel cold weather and the bear a-attacks d-drove me here." said the young boy as he shivered tremendously.
"Sit down boy, have a cup of warm tea. Tell me all about the bear attacks, I have noticed a change in their behavior lately.
And how many times do I have to tell you, you don't have to call me sir!"
The boys face turned even more red then it already was, Charles had told him at least a hundred times not to call him sir.
"S-sorry sir.. I I I mean Charles." he stuttered.
"Don't worry Adrian my boy, don't you worry about that now. You seem exhausted, why don't you go to sleep and tell me all about it tomorrow?"

The missing moon

Adrian was fast asleep and dreaming the most horrifying dream. In the dream the moon was missing, it was supposed to be full moon that night.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Charles said as he poured a bucket of water over Adrians face.
"I'm awake! stop shouting, please!"
Charles had a strange expression and he kept looking out the window, it was almost like he was afraid.
No, Charles never got scared Adrian thought, yet there was something with his eyes.. could it be?
Yes, it was horror.

"Get your wand, your coat and your hat, boy, we have to get out of here"
Adrian who was still confused by his dream and sudden wake up call sat on the edge of the bed looking for his boots.
"What are you waiting for? The grass to grow? Hurry up, we have to go, now!" Charles almost screamed.
"Where are we going?" Adrian asked with wrinkled eyebrows.
"Always asking questions.. well I guess that's why I offered myself to teach you.. we are going to the caves and we are in a hurry!"
"The caves.. why? You've always told me not to go to the caves, its dangerous, you said so yourself!"
"We have no time for chatting, I will answer all your questions when the time is right. Are you coming or do I have to carry you out the door?"

As they walked out in the dark cold night Adrian immediately heard branches breaking and heavy footsteps running towards them.
As he lit his wand to see where he was running Charles threw himself at him.
"Are you crazy?" he whispered "they will catch us if they see the light, didn't you notice the moon is gone? They can see the light from miles away"

Adrian stood up and looked up at the night sky, he could see many stars but no moon.
"Isn't it supposed to be full moon tonight?" Adrian asked
"Yes boy, indeed it is"

Re: The missing moon

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:17 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
They ran until dawn when Charles finally stopped and said
"I think we lost them"
"Lost who?" Adrian almost coughed because of the exhaustion.
"You see, I believe that they are what we call Nightwalkers. Horrible men who can't face the light of day." Charles had that face he usually had when he taught Adrian.
"W-why can't they..?" Adrian looked very frightened
"Face the sun? Ooh I can only speculate in that, but last time the moon dissapeared, these men or creatures almost turned the world upside down"
"Has this happened before? When? How do we stop it?" Adrian was chocked, how come Charles hadn't told him about this? he had heard Charles many stories of great adventure, but not this one.
"When the time is right my boy.. when the time is right."

The Prophecy

When they got to the Blightwood Forest it was almost noon, Adrian had been here only one time before but he could barely remember it, this is where Charles found him, that day, many years ago.
"What's the matter? Don't you recognize this place?" Charles said with a grin.
"Of course I do.. or not really, I don't remember it looking so.. beautiful."
And it truly was, the big tall trees shimmering in almost every color imaginable in the strong light of the sun. The sounds of water streaming, the birds singing, it was almost perfect! But it was still cold, very cold, winter was near.
"Oh, it was not this beautiful where I found you, that part of the forest we won't pay a visit again, that I can assure you"
Adrian knew why. The werewolves, Charles hate werewolves.

Two hours later they stopped by a small river, they caught a salmon and they cooked it with some herbs and spices that Charles always had in his belt.
They ate under silence while warming their hands over the fire.
Charles broke the silence:
"Is something troubling you boy?"
Adrian almost felt Charles piercing look. Charles could always tell when something was wrong. He had probably known since he woke up that night but hadn't found the time or place to talk with him about it.
"Adrian, whatever it is you can tell me. Maybe I can help." Adrian knew that was true, he could help him through almost anything.
"My dream.. I foresaw this." Adrian didn't know how to explain his horrifying and strange dream.
"Foresaw what? That we would get attacked? that we would sit here and eat this fish? What?" Charles got very curious as he usually did when Adrian had something that seemed important to tell.
"The missing moon." Adrian replied quickly.
"Aah, you had your first prophecy, I knew you had it in you boy! I'm very proud of you!" He had a big smile on his face.
"A what? Prophecy? But I am no prophet am I?"
"Apparently you are, and oh what a great one you'll become, maybe even greater than Julian the third!"
"But I know nothing about seeing into the future! How can you know it wasn't just a coincidence?"
"A prophecy isn't always just seeing things, you have to read them, study them. In that way you can really change the course of time" Charles looked up into the sky and continued
"You see that bird over there? You just know where it's going because you can see it, right? Well your dreams will work the same way, you can see the things happening, you will just know them, feel them, just like you know what that bird will do. From now on you will focus and see what happens next."
"But I don't know how!" Adrian was beginning to get frustrated. "I can never learn how, all this dream did to me was scare me almost to death!"
"On the contrary my boy, I believe you are almost fully learned."

Re: The missing moon (new chapter realeased!)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:38 am
by Adrian Bravehand
Later that night Adrian found himself in a dreamlike state yet he was sure he was awake.
All the things Charles had told him going back and forth in his head, could this be true? A prophet?
Charles had put up a lot of different protective spells that he said was working for sure. "Don't you believe me boy? I have done this two times before..! and on the second try it actually worked."
He always knew how to put a smile on Adrians face, but not this time. Adrian did appreciate him trying tough.

The silent scream

Charles knew that Adrian would walk away, not far but far enough for him to feel uncomfortable, yet he could not follow him. Not tonight.

The clock had just passed midnight when Adrian took a stroll around the wood, not far from the camp with his wand in his hand giving him light.
The woods was far from as beautiful as during the day. It was the sun, not the woods that was beautiful. Adrian thought.
But maybe if the moon was shining - as it should, it would probably be just as eye blinding if not more so.
In his thoughts Adrian suddenly felt a shock, for not even a half of a second it felt as the thunder struck his spine. He saw a woman, he tried to put all her features on his mind, for he knew this wasn't real, at least not yet..
The woman was screaming, he could not see her mouth nor hear it, but he felt it. He knew she was screaming. She was in pain and she was scared, Adrian could feel that too.
She had black hair, green almost impossible shining green eyes. Adrian told himself this as he was looking for the way back to the camp to tell Charles.

Charles could tell in an instant that something was wrong. It was like it got darker then it already was.
He ran in the direction he saw Adrian walk before.
He heard branches breaking, it must be Adrian he thought. At the same time he heard loud footsteps coming further away but from the same direction.
Charles then lit his wand casting an even greater light then it already was. He saw Adrian running but not from the gigantic Nightwalker behind him. But towards Charles, not even aware of the foul creature gaining on him.
"ADRIAN, BEHIND YOU!! RUUUN!!!!" As Charles screamed his lungs out Adrian got very much aware of the big, gray.. what was it, a human? no.. it was bigger, much bigger.
But then he stopped, this is what the woman he saw was so afraid of.
He felt a massive pressure in his chest and head. The last thing he heard was Charles distant screaming "ADRIAN, NOOO!!" He fainted.

Re: The missing moon (new chapter realeased!)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:32 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
It felt like days of darkness, with only short moments of consciousness flickering by.
It felt as he was aware of time but how could he be sure? Was he able to think? He saw something, just like before, he heard noises
but he couldn't tell what it was. He felt a presence of something out of the ordinary. He felt pain. He was waking up.

The world beyond

"Schh!! Be quiet, he's waking up!" It was the sound of a young woman. Adrian was afraid of opening his eyes because he was sure they were gonna sting.
He knew it was a bright light, it was just as if he could feel it. His body was aching badly, what had happened? He had no idea.
"Charles..?" His voice was weak. "Charles.. are you here?" He opened his eyes, they didn't sting at all.
"Hello Adrian. Charles is not here I'm afraid. How are you feeling?" It was that young woman again. Now he could see her and two others slightly younger than her.
She was beautiful with eyes shining just like the girl he had seen in his vision but they were blue, sparkling blue, shining blue.
There was something about this young woman, he couldn't put his finger on what but his very first impression was that she is pure goodness.
He fainted.

Hours later he woke up again feeling much better.
"Water.. please.. water" His voice was still very weak. The young woman came in a hurry with a cup with water.
Adrian drank the whole cup in a matter of seconds. "Who are you? Where am I?" His voice got a little bit stronger after he had drunk some but it was still weak.
"I am Petrona and you are in a safe place where you can stay until you get better." She said with peace.
"Better..? From what?"
"You were hit with some powerful magic, you are lucky to live but even luckier the Nightwalker didn't get to your first."
"What are you talking about? It was only me and Charles there and he would never cast a deathly spell on me!" Adrian felt a rage coming from nowhere.
"There was one more, one you should thank when you get to meet him, he killed the Nightwalker. Enough of this now, I need to know what you are and that is fast."
"Not before you tell me where I am!" Adrian replied with anger.
"You.. you can't me.. alright! You are in the world beyond."
"The world beyond? What is that?" Adrian said curiously but almost laughing at the same time.
"You don't know of the world beyond? Alright let me tell you:
Last time the moon disappeared the Mighty Seven all combined powers and created a realm.."
Adrian just listened.
".. a realm of powers no one has seen since. Two lost their lives creating this safe-zone from the darkness. That's really all I know."
Adrian didn't fully understand but she didn't lie, she really didn't know more of this. "How did we get here?" He asked.
"You brought us here, Adrian. You did." She said with a confused look. "Now please tell me, what are you?"
"I am a prophet."

Charles was running, it was dawn by now. He finally got to the entrance of the cave he was heading for. He was covered in blood and ready to attack anything that moved.
He knew what had to be done.

Re: The missing moon (new chapters realeased!)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:55 pm
by Chikilina
Adrian!!! I'm anxious to know more about the story!
Please to be continued!


Re: The missing moon (new chapters realeased!)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:13 pm
by Meriado
I've read this story before and it's very cool! Are you thinking of continuing, Adrian?

Re: The missing moon (new chapters realeased!)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:35 pm
by Adrian Bravehand
I want to continue but I can't decide on what's gonna happen next, I got a few ideas :p

Re: The missing moon (new chapters realeased!)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:14 pm
by Meriado
Cool! You should do.Looking forward to it! :mrgreen: