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Xentinlu's Application. [Denied]

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:36 am
by Xentinlu
Acc Made :Jan 25, 09.

Hi, I am Sarah. I am 23 years old and i live in America. Texas to be exact.
I live in a town called Victoria. I work at Sonic Drive-inn. I am pregnant and been
in a relationship with 1 man for 6 years.

I am applying to Red Rose because since i can remember it always has been respected.
I have a high respect for the guild.

In-game- I am a royal paladin. mostly my time consumes of me hunting dragons and DL's.
I dont party hunt cause i can never find n e one to hunt with me =[ (except black falcon when
he has time <3 ) but i continously try to hunt or train.

My Friends are Anr, Black Falcon, Elite Teddy Bear, Eldoo, Felissa swin, Feyen, Fox Angel hell,
Lord Goza, Lord Saurin, Lolsen, Lord Krynn, Maxoon, Shadow Synze and Thrasher Mage.

I am married to Sasirel ingame. :) <3

I love to hang out ingame and just have fun. I like to hang out with friends more than
hunt cause friends will always be there for me. And where levels cannot always make me
smile my friends always can! Friends mean the world to me and i hope to make some
new friends. I dont really know alot of people in tibia except for the ones i mentioned.

Thanks for letting me apply. I hope i can be part of your family. I would be honored to be one of the few to be accepted among you.

My Story-

I lived in a house on a far side of the world... Lived with my grandparents and everything
was wonderful.. Til one day a Demon came, he destroyed our village and killed my family.
I was sad... hurt at the loss of my family i grieved long nights and vowed for revenge....
Not long after i picked up a bow and started practicing... my arrows now fly straighter than they ever
have before. I still search for the demon that killed my family. I walk the lands looking for some
hint of his whereabouts. I searched high and low, far and wide and still haven't found him.
But one thing is sure, I am coming for you Demon, no matter where you hide, who you got
fighting with you, I will find you, i will... and when i do... >SD< i will keel you!


Thanks for your time.

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:00 am
by Chikilina
Application noticed.

Good luck,

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:47 am
by Capitan
I suggest you to give a little more informatoin about you and your tibian life, for example your name? Where are you from? What usually do you like to do ingame, things like that :)

You also can check the others applications than was accepted and our codex, will help you alot :)

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:50 pm
by Xentinlu
Sorry, my name is Sarah. in game i like to hang out and hunt with friends. I love soloing DLS and dragons and huntinf vamps.. my tibia life consist mostly of leveling and hanging out. Is there anything else you need to know?

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:53 pm
by Xentinlu
SORRY forgot to mention im from the USA and i live in texas. Sorry I'm writing this from my phone cause im at work. Everything is small. Please let me know if yall want to know anything else.. <3. Xen.

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:45 am
by Nabeki
Haha sweet, I actually like this application ;b but gotta agree with Luichi, update it with your tibian history n stuff! Goodluck though!

, Nabe .

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:42 am
by Capitan
Thats much better :)

Wish you good luck and try to catch as the manys Roses you can, everydoy will like to know more of you, see ya :)

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:13 am
by Xentinlu
My tibia life isn't much. I usually hunt DL's and Drags in ank. But other than that i love to train and i love hanging out with friends. I am very social and i like to hang out more than level.. call me crazy but to me friends are more important. Anyone feel free to message me when you see me online which is usually in the afternoons. I would love to chat with anyone who feels like messaging me and i would like to know any Rose more, even if im not accepted.

Thanks again for sparing your time.
<3 Xen

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:19 pm
by Sir Alpha
Good luck Sarah!

Re: Xentinlu's Application.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:06 pm
by Munch
Good luck