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Application for admission [Denied]

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:19 pm
by Siobkerry
1) Character information
Siobkerry was created around september of 2000, in my highschool keyboarding class, I remember this because Precise sat next to me, along with Nobak across the room. My friends and foes....some of my oldest foes are now my friends, some dissapeared, I cant think of anyone who will actively seek to hurt me. I was a member of the mercenarys in 2001, then created my guild ronin, moving on I was a council member of the Hokuten who were at war with satori and The Rising Phoenix. A few years ago I recreated the Hokuten in order to bring old friends and characters together to share stories and adventures. How i like to play now is mostly trying to solve ancient or secret quests in this game by reading every book and questioning and interrogating every old npc in the game. I like to hunt in the fibula dragon lair, poh, deeper mines, basically everywhere.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
I wanted to join the red rose because it's the essence of old tibia. Where the old members in germany would go out to bars and talk about their experiences and how to get better at the game. This was the first real roleplaying guild. My Mentor Gheric used to share stories of how he would always have respect for those guys, like lightbringer. Stories of magical money, old keys, and places such as opa wetterwachs and the old watch tower in poh.
3) Story
I have many stories, such as the Magic Longsword which i was apart of, or perhaps the assassination of recca or Wurzel, losing precious items, and Sir Dan throwing his dragon scale egs in the garbage. These are all old stories, mostly involving violence, but my intention for this is to enlighten you of the great memories I can make with red rose in helping me solve old hidden secrets still inthe game to this day no one knows about. We could make our stories now in the present then have me regurgitate the old.
4) Anything else you want to say
I dont care about levels, I dont care about money, I care about nostalgia of this game. This guild is the epitome of of it. I have always had a "crush" on the Red Rose, and would be honored if you accepted me into its ranks.


Re: Application for admission

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:29 pm
by Capitan
Tired of waste wars?¿

For an old char with alot of history between us, your application is a bit small and hidde alot of information.

Hope you are a man with patience, cuz that will help you alot.

Au revoir.

Re: Application for admission

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:16 am
by Chikilina
Application noticed.

Re: Application for admission

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:56 pm
by Nirdor
Thanks for the application.

Try to contact as many roses as possible so we will get the chance to know you better, and be patient.

Good Luck.

Re: Application for admission

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:22 pm
by Siobkerry
I'll try to contact some roses while i'm online, thank you.

@ Luichi i'm an extremely patient man. I dont know if we have a personal history or not...but if you'd like to speak to me about my intentions on joining the guild or myself as a man and person, please message me, I'd be glad to conversate.

Re: Application for admission

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:50 pm
by Capitan
Oh, don't take it wrong Siobkerry, we didn't have a problem in the past, or even a history between.

Cya ingame then.

Re: Application for admission

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:10 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
I wish you the best of luck with entering the Red Rose! :)

Alot of great people there.

// Avenlia Silvershade

Re: Application for admission

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:01 am
by Mild
I'm sorry to say that your application had been denied.

Good luck on your adventures mate.

Stay safe.