My Application > TAIIO < [Denied]

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My Application > TAIIO < [Denied]

Post by Taiio »

Why i have decided to submit an application for your guild?:

Red rose guild is the most respected guild i have seen, Your not just a guild that recruits high level players and only friends, i like the fact that you give everybody a chance and the whole system you have with application forms is great. I had a bad history with tibian server, come from being power abused and hunted of server for being a so called "gringo".

A bit about me in real:

My name is Sebastian and i am 19 years old, I was born in Poland but since i was 10 i lived in England, I am a full time student at a university and im studying Sociology and Critical thinking. I have a part time job delivering pizza (sound crappy but i get GREAT TIPS). And in the future my main ambition is to become a social worker. I am a very calm and patient person who like to be well organised hehe.

My past server experiance:

I have played many server..Since i Started Tibia. My first server was rubera, thats where i made my first char name seb nelox (2004), my cousin showed me everything i need to know about the game. and i went exping and got to level 19 in 3 days hahaha i was happy with myself.anyway i got bored of the server as i wanted to search for a perfect one. i had characters on empera,furora,hiberna and guardia at the latest.

Why did i now choose to play on antica?:

I want to start my career here on a strong foundation.This is the oldest tibian server, i always wondered what its like to play here and what kinds of people i would come across, i decided to start my last characted on antica. So today i made Taiio and i am going to play on him until i retire tibia.

Have i ever had a guild?

I had a guild on empera called unleashed heroes, it was long time ago about 2005 hehe. Running a succesful guild with nice people is very hard so i admire what your guild has achieved.

What would i bring to the guild?

although i am starting here and you think im a little beginner. I am not. I know how to play this game and you would see me grow strong. dont judge me by my level. I am a funny person and i would love to be a part of your guild so i ask for a chance.

More information:

I dont like dead servers, i look at servers like jamera and ocera and i see there is nothing going on, no lotteries on forums, and no quests being organised. I like servers which make you want to join them. ;]

remember this quote people and take it in :

"I'm not perfect. I live on the planet Earth where humans live. Humans aren't perfect. Never have been. Never will be. I don't always make the right choices. I don't look like a fashion model. I don't always do what people expect of me. I'm human. I'm imperfect. But there is no one else like me in this whole wide world. I'm unique. I'm a miracle..."

i hope you take my application form to consideration

i would love to be a part of your guild.

Kind regards
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Re: My Application > TAIIO <

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Application noticed.
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Sir Balder
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Re: My Application > TAIIO <

Post by Sir Balder »


Your application has been denied. Best of luck in your future endeavours!
