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My Joining Application [Accepted]

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:06 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Red Rose!

First I would like to introduce myself, my name is Isidora, i'm 19 and I study art. I'm from Chile, and it's a challenge for me to work on english.
My way of life is based on respet to any living creature. I'm vegetarian and I like a lot rock music.

I started playing tibia with Chikilina when just Antica and Nova existed. It took me a long time to learn well how to play but I finally got the rhythm. I can say I miss the old graphics, but anyway I enjoy a lot playing because I meet friends and find my old friends from the past.
Since I play I have always admired Red Rose, and it would be an honour for me to join you. I'm very peaceful and I don't like trouble. I will help in anything the guild needs me. As in my real life in tibia I can't stop being a good person. I'm looking for fun, friends and nice things to learn about tibia and people.

So here goes my story!


The young mouse Alberto oppened his eyes and realised he was alone. The morning sun was appearing and he wondered where the other mice might be. He walked a little close to a river to get some water when suddenly a huge eagle tried to cought him and hurt his back. He ran as faster he could and got into a hidden cave between some bushes. Alberto needed desperately his mother's warmth and safety but there wasn't other chance than surviving by himself. Because of the eagle, he had to wait inside some hours. The cave was dark and had a wierd smell, like if somebody was cooking some spiced potion. The curious rat walked into it following the smell and noise. Slowly and silent he discovered what was inside, there was an strange creature, between a skunk and a fox. It was big and almost green coloured. Alberto tried not to be discovered but a rock made him fall to the ground. Alberto tried to scape but was too late. The creature came, took a look and hold him.
- "Young child why are you bleeding? Let me heal you that wound!"
Alberto was crying and didn't want to talk. The creature took him to a stone bed where he put over his back some medicine herbs.
- "Looks like this little rat have a trauma, tell me little boy, what happened? "
- "I have lost my family" and Alberto closed his eyes.
The skunk-fox went back into his potion and thought. Hours later Alberto woke up and found some fruits behind him. When he felt better he went to check closer that potion. It was deep red and had a movement. The creature came and started to move its finger.
Suddenly an image appeared in the liquid, and he saw that evil eagle tooking his mother and family and ate them. Alberto could not stand the pain and went outside the cave to find the eagle.
-"Young mouse, where are you going? you can't move with that wound!" but Alberto didn't doubt about it. He took the first wood stick he found and waited in a clear place for the eagle.
Minutes later the eagle appeared in the sky flying in circles. Alberto moved as any rat feeding or playing in the grass, when the eagle went down and cought him. Very fast he hit the eagles eyes with the stick and blinded it. The eagle and Alberto fell from the sky. The creature took him into the cave and the eagle was unable to hunt rats again.
Alberto did never know why that mistery creature was there and helped him, but he considered him for the rest of his life as his only family. End.

I enjoyed a lot creating my application so I hope you like it too.
I'm happy to have the chance
Thank you,


Re: My Joining Application

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:07 am
by Sir Balder
Greetings Chikilina,

Thank you for your application - I really enjoyed your story, eventhough it was somewhat sad :)

Please feel free to contact our members. Yours,

Re: My Joining Application

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:56 pm
by Jahala
Aloha Chikilina!

Nicely written, please contact me ingame when you got time for a chat :)


Re: My Joining Application

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:14 am
by Skorn
hey chiki! you did it =D i wish you gooood luck ^^

Re: My Joining Application

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:25 am
by Chikilina
I apologyze for the 2 or 3 grammar mistakes I made in my story I discovered them after reading it 10 times!

Re: My Joining Application

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:41 pm
by Sir Balder
Nevermind that - that's not what matters most to us :)

If you catch any of us online, please contact us so that we may have a talk.


Re: My Joining Application[Accepted]

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:50 pm
by Sir Balder
Warmly welcome to the Red Rose!