@ Cinny

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@ Cinny

Post by Minniery »

I dont know what was taken from your house or how your gona blame this on me... I was trying to be diplomatic about it but you dont want to go that rout seeing you sent sallys-druid and luzie and MM after me... I thought you were a friend, i would never take your stuff...

I dont know what to do anymore... guess its time to permanantly quit...

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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Nirdor »

Can we meet tomorrow and talk?

A lot we don't understand either...

Thais, depot. Basement. 8 hours after ss?

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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Minniery »

yes ill try my best to be there
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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Cinny »

Lol? You don't understand, you were the only one invited to my house.. and I did not get hacked.

stop lying and just send my sh*t back. theres nothing to be diplomatic about.
I guess I'm naive because I like to see the good in people, im still shocked that you'd f**k me over like that. You basically took this whole game from me... it kinda feels like a huge piece of my childhood is gone lol its weird. So thank you for depriving me of what i've worked so hard on since I was 12 years old. I guess thats what I get for being nice.

the ONLY other way someone else could've taken it is if you let someone on your account. Which in that case still makes it your fault.

Also, I didn't "send" anyone after you when I could just as easily do it myself. I was talking to Luzie on Skype when I logged on yesterday, they make their own decisions.
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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Minniery »

Im not lieing you see its kind of funny you say i was the only one invited, and so did sallys-druid and luzie, they kep saying the same thing. and then later luzie said "only her old friends are invited" so wich is it? and also if you diddnt send them after me then why is sallys-druid saying that "shes just fallowing your orders". I diddnt take Sh*t from you you guys were like a family to me, helped me out when i got hacked ive been playing since 1999 and this is the first time ever ive been accused of theifing someone. If i were to theif someone it would of been Zantax with 20kk+ in his house or Wintance back when he played with all the e-plates and mm shields back when they were worth over 1kk each... hell i was even invited to Arieswars house when he lived in edron. I diddnt take sh*t from you stop pointing you finger at me and grow up im sick of saying i diddnt do it and noone from RR beleaving me. I DIDDNT FUCKING DO IT
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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Cinny »

Grow up? No, NOBODY else was invited. Not even Simu who has been invited for the past year or 2. Everyone was removed a couple months back, then I added you and your seconds to it a week or 2 ago since I wasn't using my beds.

Therefore there is no possible way that anyone else did it, unless they were on your account.

And idk what you claim Sally is talking about, I haven't talked to him. I haven't even been on Tibia since you and I talked the other day, except a quick login yesterday to remove you from the invite list... (not that it matters anymore, I have nothing left). I guess Luz told him what happened and he's just sticking up for someone who doesn't deserve this.

As I've already said to you, I am not one to point fingers. I like to see the good in people, and I trust way too easily. But there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about this one... theres just no other possible way. Unless CIP did it.
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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Minniery »

yes, yes you are pointing fingers but i dont fricken care anymore i give up...at one point i agreed that you diddnt deserve that but not i think your just sticking to some bullshit story... keep pointing them fingers at me, their pointing at the wrong person
Vanyel Ashkevron

Re: @ Cinny

Post by Vanyel Ashkevron »

There are two things that you just CANNOT do...

1). If you have some rare items in your house (or most of your equipment), never invite people inside. You never know people.
2). If you want to invite someone inside, hide all your worthy items before.

Just look at Kreft and many others that were robbed.

I hope everything will be solved soon. If you need my help, Cinny, just drop me a message.

(Sorry for writting it like that but I don't like to see people robbed <sad face>)

Signed by:
Vanyel Ashkevron
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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Nirdor »

Well, I stood in Thais depot for an hour, from 18.00 to almost 19.00.

You can decide the time and date and I'll meet you next time. I really do want to talk with you, Minniery. Just tell me some days before... Busy schedule...

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Re: @ Cinny

Post by Cinny »

oooohhh ok I see now, Vanyel, this is all my fault. :roll: And aren't #1 and #2 pretty much the same thing?

Min you can deny it all you want but [someone] on your account did it, whether it be you or someone else.
But why even bother denying it? Its not like the Tibia police can come arrest you. All I can do is hope karma pulls through
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