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Application of Smashing Pumpkin [Accepted]

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:27 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Good day everyone,

My name is Thijn. Many people don't know how to pronounce this. Everyone knows how to say the word "Nein" in German right? When you put Th in the place of the first N you know how to pronounce my name. For the people who don't know how "Nein" sounds like, "Thine" sounds like my name too. Now with that mistery aside. I'm a 17 year old guy from the Netherlands, or as some call it Holland.
I really love to listen and make music. I almost love every music style, and listen to alot of it. I play the Guitar and also a little bit of Ukulele and Mandoline. In the past I played some Piano too, but I haven't for years. I also love to share music with people, and get to know some new music.

My Tibian History:

The first time I played Tibia was about 6~ years ago. I made a character wich I unfortunately forgot the name of. This character was made in the server called "Kyra". This was my very first Tibia server that I played on. Here I chose to become a citizen of Carlin. Wich became my favorite city. And it still feels nostalgic when I come there.
In this period I made alot of friends, some new characters, bought PACC, got my own Guild, and a Guildhall in my beloved Carlin. Untill the day came that we just, stopped playing Tibia.
Some time after that I played on Inferna for a few weeks. But I don't really like PKing. I'm more of a Questing type of person. And in Inferna, Questing is almost impossible.
I also played a little Tibia in between these years, but that wasn't for long time periods and I don't really remember what I did there anymore.
Now I decided to play on a new server, this server, Antica. Here I made a new character named Smashing Pumpkin, a Royal Paladin. She was created on 'Sep 09 2012'. I play alot on this character right now. And it's alot of fun. This is the first time for me playing as a Paladin, and I love it. And I've got no enemies, and I would love to keep it that way.

The reasons I want to join the RR:

I didn't know what Roleplaying was at first. And I learned it from some people now, and I figured that I always did it and love to do it. And RR is a Guild where Roleplaying is very important, and I really like that. I also came to know some of the members, and I really like these members, and I would love to be in a Guild with those people and become a part of their "familiy". Wich comes to another reason, the guild members are very close, and not a random "soup" of people that barely know eachother. That's what I really like about it too. It's just all, very close. And that's how it's supposed to be. I've also read the Codex of the Guild, and I like what is stated there too.

The people I've been talking to are: Kaylei, Cinny, Halfhigh, Black Falcon and Munch.

I would also like to share a part of a story I wrote for you,


I was found and raised in Carlin. That's right, I was not born there, as far as I know. I don't know where I come from this is still, untill this day a mistery for me. I was found in the sewers of Carlin by the man who raised me. He was drunk at the time, he was drinking at the secret pub in the sewers of the city. But don't tell anyone that I've told you that it's there, because as you know, alcohol is forbidden in Carlin. And even I come there sometimes nowadays. My life in Carlin was very peacefull and fun. I've always had the urge to throw stuff, so I did that, alot. I didn't have much to throw so I was mostly throwing stones, these were easy to get and I would never get in trouble. As you know near Carlin are the Feremor Hills, this is a place where Goblins live. Goblins throw stones. So they always thought it were the Goblins who did the job. So it was very easy for me to prank everyone! But well, one day everything went awfully wrong and changed everything...

As always I was throwing stones at the pumpkins of the neighbours, they just bought them fresh. It's always fun for me to see their faces when they see the pumpkins smashed by my stones. But they think that the Goblins did it, so luckly I won't ever get in trouble for it. And the soup they make from those pumpkins is delicious! And we always get some. But this day was different from the others. My neighbour was really angry now. He was yelling something like: "Im going to kill those damn Goblins! Always ruining my fresh bought pumpkins! I'm sick of it!". In his rage he ran out to Femor Hills. I was too slow to tell him it was me who was throwing the stones at his pumpkins all the time. I felt really sorry for the Goblins, I just wanted to have fun and soup, I didn't want anyone to get hurt. But the bad was already done, I saw my neighbour running back to the village. He yelled: "This should teach them a lesson! I've killed their youngest!". It was horrible. They threw the body around, he hummiliated it out of anger. I couldn't sleep that night. I felt really sorry for that young Goblin. And it was all my fault... I'm the youngest person from this village. What if I was a Goblin? And they would've killed me because of some Human who just pretended to be a Goblin to annoy his neighbours, and ofcourse get some soup? With that thought I eventually fell asleep, untill the moment I heard alot of screams comming from outdoors. I looked outside. It was a Goblin raid. They were angry that their youngest child was killed for no reason. They wanted to get revenge. They searched for me, but how would they know I'm the youngest? And than I heard the horrible screams I never wanted to hear: "That house! That's where the youngest person lives! Take him! Leave us alone please!". Before I knew it the Goblins saw me trough the window. I saw a rock flying towards me, the last thing I could think was: "This is all my fault.." And after that everything went blanc. I woke up in a dark place. I didn't know where I was, I heard some pig sounds. And it stank really bad.
Where was I? What happened? Urggh, my head hurts.. I vaguely remembered something from last night, the Goblins attacked the village and, I can't remember any more. "Booga! Booga! What do with Human Child?" What was that? A Goblin talking? Oh n... "Booga! We cook! Human tasty munch me hear!" Oh god no! I've got to get out of here? But how? There isn't anything here I can use to escape.
I heard the Goblins comming towards me. And there I saw my chance to escape, a stray stone just laying on the ground next to me, why didn't I see it before! Now I had only one thing to hope for, that only one Goblin comes so that I can knock him out with my stone.
Here comes the moment of truth. The Goblin or Goblins come in. What will it be? I'm full of adrenaline... I'm scared. What if is more than one? Will I be eaten? The moment of truth arives. I see one Goblin walking around the corner... I just have to wait a little longer to be sure. He seems to be the only one! <throws stone> I've hit his head! The Goblin falls to the ground while I'm running towards him, to get some new ideas. But just when I'm halfway running 2 other Goblins come around the corner. I am done for. I can't take out two more goblins. The stone is too far away. In just seconds one of them was close enough to me to grab me. "Human! What done you! Punnish you will be! We cook slowly y...." *Swish!* What was that sound? Why did the Goblin stop talking? As I looked up I saw the Goblin his head. An arrow was going right trough it. As the Goblin slowly fell to the ground and let me go the other one tried to run away, from the shock of what happened. In his panic he also got a arrow in the head. I was looking around, all shocked. Will I be the next one to be shot? What is happening here? As I looked around I spotted a man. Standing in the corner, I didn't notice him earlier. He was wearing brown with green clothes, it was a classic Hunter outfit. He slowly walked towards me. I was all in shock, I couldn't move or do anything. When he was standing just before me, he put his bow away, got on his knees and tapped me on the shoulder. "Nice throwing skills you've got there little girl. You sure knocked that Goblin out real good. And that with just a stone." All startled I replied "Th.. Thank you. You, you saved me.." He just smiled very gently at me. His pressence suddenly felt warm and kind. "Lets get you out of this stinky place, shall we?" As he said that, he picked me up and walked out of the Fermor Hills. On the way out of there I saw alot of other people like him, wearing the Hunter outfits with the same colors. There were no Goblins to bee seen anywhere. Just some dead bodies on the ground here and there, but not much more. I was wondering where they could have gone? Why were all these men here? Finally we were out of the hills. He took me south-west of the hill. Near the mountain where Kazordoon is. In the small forest here I saw a little camp from far away. Was this where he was taking me to? When we came closer I saw some men in warrior clothes standing near the camp. This was when I realized it. This was a raid on the hills by the Hunters and Wild Warriors. How couldn't I have realized that earlier? But why would a Hunter spare my life? Weren't they outlaws who just attack everyone? At least, that's what I've been told by the people from Carlin. We arrived at the camp. Everyone who is there looks at me. The guy who is carrying me walks up to the only tent that's there and puts me down. "Go on, wait in here. I'll be back in a little while" I nod with my head and headed in the tent. It was a small tent, it was cosy. There was a bed in there, I walked up to it and sat down. It felt really comfertable. I just wanted to lay down for a bit. The events that just occured made me really tired, it all was just a bit too much for me. Before I knew it I fell on the bed and I was asleep.

To be continued...

This was my Application! I hope you liked it. If you want to speak to me ingame you can just message me! I'm always in for a nice chat!

Greeting from,

Smashing Pumpkin

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:32 pm
by Halfhigh
Thank you for your application, Smashing Pumpkin.
Let me add that I really liked the story and I am looking forward for the next part.

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:37 pm
by Kaylei
Hey matey well i thought that was a great app and reali enjoyed it its a great teaser aswel

makes me want more!

but Gz mate its great

more hunts to come i hope ;)

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:46 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Thanks Halfhigh! There will surely be another part! I really enjoyed writing it. It was my first time writing a RPG-Story, or even a story in English.

And Kaylei, thanks! ^_^
And we'll hunt some more, for sure (:

Smashing Pumpkin

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:41 am
by Smashing Pumpkin

Thanks Vanyel! ^_^

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:56 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Great application!
Catch me in-game (if you can manage!).

The best of luck from me.

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:21 pm
by Cinny
:) Nice application Smashing!

Good luck!

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:55 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Thanks Avenlia! ^_^ I will try to contact you ingame!
And thank you Cinny! :)

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:50 pm
by Munch
You finally found our forum ;-)

Good luck Smashing

Re: Application of Smashing Pumpkin

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:02 am
by Nirdor
Cool to see a roleplaying- story here again :)

Good Luck!