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My Initiation to the Society [Denied]

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:23 am
by Dark Nanis
1) Character information

Dark Nanis was created back in 2003..

Since I have stepped away for at least 2 years I am still trying to discover which friends are left and which remain. For this sake I will name the people I know in this guild that I would hope would call me a friend; Cinny I have known probably since 03-04 when she was a member of Hikari, I was never in that guild but we shared the same friends. I also was a member of the Black Rose Society on my old sorcerer Silkfest, and therefore I know Nirdor and Sir Balder and Avenlia Silvershade :)
I have been a member of Mystic Flame and Final Exodus in the past, two guilds that are unfortunately long gone. Mystic Flame was led by Blue Flame, which I believe was a member of RR at some point! :)

I have always like questing; by that I mean trying to solve unsolved quests, I used to have a pretty good collection of books and keys however when I left last time I gave it all away. (I was not expecting to return, hehe). I also enjoy group hunting and occasionally pging in phases, depending on whether or not I have the time or resources. I would love to have some conversations about some certain areas in order to brainstorm ideas! I also enjoy the RPG factor, hence the reason I had joined Black Rose Society :)

I can explain more of my history of Silkfest to those who would like to know, I am very open and honest about the past.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us

This is very simple, seeing as I am somewhat old to this server now that there is this world transferring; I have always wanted to join this guild in the past but never felt I had the credibility to do so. Now that times have changed, I feel I have the maturity to be a positive influence for the guild. I also enjoy the company of the people I know in this guild and would be cool to be their guildmates once again. I would say I know most of the history of the Red Rose just since I have played Antica off and on since 2003.

3) Story
I wrote these while I was in the Society and I feel they fit for the Red Rose as well :)

I am with peace with whichever way our Roses grow,
so long as we are free and make it through the snow
What must be, patience only knows, the roots
a seed and the leaves, are one for water to flow
I will carry the Roses with me wherever I go.

you can find kin in kind, but no kind for our kin,
and we sin and we sin, even though nobody wins
together we stand, loyal within
so remember that this story just begins,
like a rose, and the phoenix we die to be reborn,
for our seeds are laid not in land, but in the oaths we have sworn.

This a story I had started a while back, unfortunately I have not had time to sit down and continue, hopefully I can soon!
(This had always been a plan to do guild created quest, and have actual people as NPCs. However the effort to pull this off would require many people helping me, if this intrigues you then perhaps we can work on it further. I believe with the title of Red Rose it would be possible to do...)

Legend has it that the gods were also planning to create a twin brother for Banor, and that this twin was to wield incredible magical powers. However, it is said that Zathroth stole this prototype to create from it the very first demon overlord. (taken from the Genisis)

In fact, the twin is alive...many stories have been told of a blinding power radiating from a soulless body. His wand instilled silence from the villagers; fear flowing throughout them. He could smell their aroma as he approached their inevitable death, craving the taste of fresh blood. A mushroom of smoke erupted from the tip of his wand. Blazing fires scorched the surroundings, suffocating the life helpless below.

Zathroth had fooled the other gods, the twin to Banor would not be any demon lord. NO.
It was he that was the twin to Banor, his greed for power made a brilliant discovery: to create an apprentice, a soulless slave to his desire for power.

It is also told that when the twins were born, they were born beneath a bed of magical roses.

The Red Rose...the symbol of peace (Red Rose)
The Yellow Rose...the symbol of risk (Rising Pheonix)
The Blue Rose...the symbol of practice (Illusion)
The White Rose...the symbol of support (Loremasters/Divinus)
The Black Rose...the symbol of dreams (Black Rose)

A mystical tree covered the landscape with its shadows...Crunor, the Lord of Trees...held the secrets to life. Within the roses he put what he thought was most needed for survival and to continue the balance of life.

However, Crunor could not control how the twins would react to such pure forms of thought...
Zathroth, had no need for peace...he was already within the ultimate risk...for a god nothing needs be practiced, but alas! His support and dreams could be given from within the white and black rose.

And so, Zathroth blasted the sky with a blinding bolt of energy distracting the other gods and with swift speed grabbed his new apprentice and the white and black rose...but before he could disappear back within the darkness he came, Banor grabbed hold of the white rose with his baby hands with such force that Zathroth left it behind, he was only to take it as a mere toy anyway.

Which brings me, the the untold story...the one suppressed, kept hidden from society...the story of the Black Rose.

It starts with a little boy, he was very curious about the world around him...something told him that things were not how they ought to be. All the suffering he endured and observed, the endless wars, the greed and the disrespect for the souls of the world...none of it fit into the picture that his mother had painted so beautifully. He could sense the dissatisfaction in the people around him too, he knew this feeling stretched farther then his mind, it was being suppressed and neglected...the people were fighting their own conscious, their own innate will to love...but for what? Viktor Wildcat with all his concentration was having problems putting the pin on the source. Everyone was capable of being good or evil, he knew that..but why did they so easily choose evil? Why did they love to kill? Why did they like to hoard gold instead of sharing the wealth? Why was everyone fighting eachother and not working together? Something had to be the source, something must have swayed the balance. Viktor was determined to find that source, even if it meant his life. Unfortunately he had a major problem, he needed a mentor; someone to guide him and teach him the secrets of the land...and so he took the boat from Rookgaurd to begin his adventure; to become an apprentice, to learn the ways of a leader.

4) Anything else you want to say

I'm 24 and I am from Canada. I believe in continual learning and growing. There is a saying; Rich people learn and grow. Poor people think they already know. I try and live by it. I want to be rich in every area of my life and so should you! If you enjoy reading you should read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. If you were to ever only read one book, that should be it!

Thanks for considering my application to join your ranks! I will await any questions or comments you may have!

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:54 am
by Gimli Wulfstan
I liked your application and I wish you the best of luck!

I will try to contact you in game for a chat :)

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:52 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Hello Silkfest, old friend! :D
This is certainly an outstanding application, and I wish you the very best of luck!
Should it go the right way we may yet again share a great guild.

Best regards from me!

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:50 am
by Cinny
Great application, good luck!


Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:07 pm
by Nirdor
Dark Nanis wrote:The Red Rose...the symbol of peace (Red Rose)
The Yellow Rose...the symbol of risk (Rising Pheonix)
The Blue Rose...the symbol of practice (Illusion)
The White Rose...the symbol of support (Loremasters/Divinus)
The Black Rose...the symbol of dreams (Black Rose)
I remember this and I love it :D

Great to see your application here at the board :)

Same as Avenlia said, and good luck!

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:41 pm
by Dark Nanis
Thanks for the support guys :D

and yes Nirdor me too! :P I haven't had a chance to look at a bunch of my old stuff, I wish I still had access to old society boards, unfortunately I believe there is stuff I did not save anywhere :(

noticed some of those guilds no longer exist but the idea is still sound :D

Gimli, which times are you usually on?

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:50 am
by Dark Nanis
Hiho :) Still here. I have been super busy in rl but I am still here! :)

Went on to explore the otherday day and found out the plaguethrowers aren't the nicest of things, thought I found some super cool place and it was only a pharoah room. xD!

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:00 pm
by Nirdor
Aight, thanks for letting us know buddy :)

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:32 pm
by Chikilina
Nice application and good luck Dark Nanis!

Re: My Initiation to the Society

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:44 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
I wish I could catch you more online, mate :)
Still really busy?

Best regards,
Avenlia Silvershade