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Elverienna's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:46 pm
by Spear Bear
The name is Elverienna, and here's my application. Enjoy.

My account was created Apr 28, 2007 and my first character was named Spear Bear.
I currently don't have any friends in RR, but hopefully that's all gonna change if I get the chanse to join.
Although, I was a member of Knights of the round table, for a short period, just to realize that it was too inactive for me.. and that's when I decided to try Red Rose out instead :)

I am not a huge fan of hunting, but it happens that I ride my panda for some pirate killing time to time.. When I'm not slaying pirates, I'm normally in English chat, messing around with some friends or who ever is there.
If someone asked me what kind of player I am, I would probably say that I'm a RPG player, one of those who rather get new friends and talk to people instead of getting into conflicts or waste alot of time to get higher lvl.

I wanted to try this guild out, beacuse I've heard quite alot about it.. and of what I've heard, it sounds good to me. As long as it's not a guild that gets me in trouble, and respect the person behind the screen, instead of the character, I'm happy.

3). My story.

The fairy of the bear.

In a small village close to Thais, called Greenshore, once lived a small family.
It was just another normal family, with a mother, father and three small, brown, fury sibblings. The three sibblings were called Little bear, Brown bear, and Blue bear.

And because all the small animals were.. bears.. they loved fish! Especially the shiny, juicy salmons that's playing in the shallow water in a small river, not far from their shelter.
This is where the story begins..

It was a warm, windy day in the middle of July, Brown bear and Blue bear were in the forest, playing hide'N'seek like they normally do when they're free from chores.
Blue bear used to sneak off into the forest sometimes, when his parents didn't know about it, so he knew some of the best locations to hide in! He ran as fast as he could down the stream, along the river.

He ran, and he ran.. untill he reached a tree, it was an oak. With a small opening between the roots. This is where he normally go when he has to think, or just need some time alone.
But there was something different this time.. he could feel it in the air, but since he didn't belive in sorcery and those silly stuff, he just assumed it was the flowers that made him dizzy.
When he started to twist and turn himself, in order to fit in the very tiny hole, he noticed that in between the roots, there were like these unusual shiny, red stones.

He picked one up, and looked at it.. It almost felt like it was looking back at him, but not in his eyes. But through his fur and skin, right into his soul.
And from that moment, he was changed, Not longer the kind and sweet cub he used to be. He was filled with anger. So much anger.

Blue bear left the tree, and walked slowly back to his brother.

"What are you doing?! It's not supposed to be this easy to find you, It's no fun!"

But Blue bear just ignored him. walked past him, in silence.
Brown were now worried, and ran home to his mother. He knew that something was wrong.. He had never seen Blue bear this way, and it frightened him.
When he came home, he walked straight to his mother and said:
"Mommy! I think there's something wrong with Blue bear.. He's acting all strange!"

"What's wrong dear?"

"I don't know, mom.. Me and Blue bear were out in the forest Hide'N'seeking, and he ran away and when he came back he was changed! almost like he were possessed with evil spirits or something!"

"Calm down, my child.. I'm sure it's nothing serious."

But wow, She sure was wrong.
When Blue bear didn't come home for many hours, Mother bear got worried, and told her husband to go out and look for him. And he did.
It was getting dark, and neither Blue or Father bear was home yet, so their mother went out in the forest aswell..
She could smell something.. Something horrible! She moved some rotten leaves, and bushes. Where she found her husband.
He was all torn apart. and covered with blood.

Like any other bear would've done, she went crazy, and ran back home.
She picked up Little bear, and put him on a donkey and said:

"Go! Go far away! It's not safe here anymore. Take your brother with you and ride this donkey to the south, untill you reach a city. When you've arrived, search for a man called Gregor. Tell him what happened. GO! NOW!"

The donkey galloped pretty damn fast for a donkey, and it didn't take long before they could see the walls of Thais.
After they talked to a few citizens, they got Gregors location, and found the man. They said that his brother went mad, and he killed their father.

Gregor said:
"Hmm.. There can be many reasons of why he's behaving like that, I will need more information about the case before I can do anything I'm afraid."

The two brothers were scared.. What would they do?
And then, like a lightning from a blue sky, he remembered.

"Mr, There is something I noticed.. When he walked past me, His eyecolor changed, It's no longer brownish, as before.. It's a light red color."

"Red?! I never thought this day would come. I know what happened to your brother."

Before they could say anything, Gregor was gone. He red his horse out in the forest, in hope to find Blue bear. As he did.

Not far from another village, east from Thais, he found Blue bear, eating from the corpse from a dead Wolf.
It was no hard battle for Gregor, he was used to fight with wild animals. and it didn't take long before Blue bear lay on the ground. Red dust came out of his eyes, and flew up to the skies.
When he was about to leave, he heard something.. It was a cub, crying.

Gregor picked the cub up, and brought it back to Little bear and Brown bear.

"I found this little cub not far from your brother. I think he's okey, but without a family, he won't survive very long."

The two brothers looked at eachother, as if they were thinking the same thing. and said:
"We'll call him Spear Bear."

The end.

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:07 pm
by Goldwine
Good luck my little Elvi:)


Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:12 pm
by Spear Bear
Thank you, dear =)
Best of luck to you aswell!

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:45 am
by Gimli Wulfstan
Had fun reading your story,
great application :)

Wish you good luck!

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:59 pm
by Spear Bear
Thanks guys =) Means alot

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:32 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Hiho Elveriena!

Nice app! And you sure got at least one friend in Red Rose. <points at himself> :D
Good luck with your app! ^_^

Smashing Pumpkin.

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:56 pm
by Spear Bear
Thank you! And congratulations for the spot in RR :)
See you in game <3

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:35 pm
by Cinny
Best of luck to you!

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:27 pm
by Spear Bear
Thanks alot, Cinny!

Re: Elverienna's Application

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:08 pm
by Black Falcon

Nice application, mate. Best of luck to you!