Goldwine's application! :) [Accepted]

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Goldwine's application! :) [Accepted]

Post by Goldwine »


*Some real info:

My name is Adam.Im a 20 years old guy,well soon 21(10th november) from Poland,live in city called Bydgoszcz.By profession im a chef,still studying but were working as one arleady,therefore i love cooking,trying new recpies and such! Also im a fantasy lover,hell yea! Tolkien books are for me like a bible for othey people,also enjoyed a Alan Campbell book called "Scar night" and many others.I love everything about Vikings,even read a norse mythology.I also love to listen to the music,mostly power,nordic and folk metal-love to share music with others and searching for new bands in free time...
Well i guess it's quite a information about myself:).

*Some Tibia facts:

I've made my first character around 2002/2003 didn't know much about game so i did play like 2-3 months or so and then went retire.Came back in 2006/2007
and started to play for real,i did enjoy game and playstyle back then.Meet a lot of awesome people and were a member of KRT.Character with im applying has not such a great history,made it like 3 months ago.Goldwine- a 108 royal paladin(a holy knight,indeed).I guess skills ain't important info but here it is( 95/82 and 18 magic level).Were just in one guild on this character with was called Drunk Viking(my own guild with few friends).Well like all we do,i did some mistakes which i regret,but also i did many things which im proud of:).

*Why I would join Red Rose guild:

I always loved to RPG,even if i never was so good at it,hehe!Red Rose is a great guild with,long and interesting history.I've readed the codex of guild.
Also next reason why i would join is that I know many people from guild and some of them are my good friends: Gimli Wulstfan,Nirdor,Cinny,Black Falcon,Vanyel Ashkevron,Vuzufune(not a member anymore).... Avenlia Silvershade and Xah're(but we did just talk few times). Guild seems to be a bunch of friend,even a family which i would suit in, i think...<3.

*A story...

Once upon a time i was siting and drinking favorite dwarvish beer in Frodo's Tavern,with my two great friends...Gimli Wulstfan a dwarf and Nirdor the Barbarian there was also Archibald the Archer,but eh he was to drunk like always .
Well it was out favorite thing to do at every thing,haha!
But...someday...we went to to our favorite Tavern and something horrible happened!!! THERE WAS NO BEER,NOT DWARVISH,NOT OUR THAIS BEAR NONE!!!!
Gimli has nearly tear in his we all know Dwarfs are biggest lovers of beer...
We did talk to all people,friends and strangers in Tavern...we needed to find out what happened! Some old beggar told us that he saw those ugly...MINOTAURS,with our beer kegs. Nirdor took his axe and said: WE CAN'T LEAVE IT LIKE THIS,time to cut off some Minotaur's heads.We went to our blacksmith Sam,he gave us best weapons he had,we took some food,magic potions,last galons of beer we had and moved to Ancient Temple dungeons...for our task to Mintwallin-biggest city of minotaurs.
So here biggest part of our tale begin...
We were walking there for nearly whole day.. all were tired so we took our time to rest a bit.When we woke up we prepared for a bloody fight to get our beer back!
This city,castle... was so big,so many Minotaurs with crossbow on walls,towers...
Nirdor took his Axe: shall we?
But i told him to wait,we need some kind of tactics to get through gate but then after a while we got spotted!
Those goddamn minotaurs started to shot bolts with their crossbow,we had no chance to keep it longer with our shield and then...
Archibald the Archer...that drunkish...bastard,came with his bow and saved our life,he's a sharpshooter...
We've charged into the castle slaughtering all minotaurs on our way,we were outnumbered but has a great power...
Finnaly arrived in a kind of storehouse of minotaurs...we couldn't belive own MANY beer kegs...not only Dwarvish,...Elvish even ORCISH!
all kind of beers you can imagine...

We sent Archibald to Thais to call every man to get in here and help us get whole beer to Frodo's storehouse near his Tavern...

We came back as heroes...Tavern were full of happy people,all of our friends were waiting for us..
We could live in peace and harmony again because we had our BEER back!..


Hope You'll enjoy this story!:D

*Some more words:

Dear RR members,friends ...since i started this game i always wanted to join your ranks,always though im to bad,my english isn't good enought to such to try... but now i made my chooice and did it!
Hope everything will be alright <cheers>


Goldwine,sixth king of Rohan.

In my sword I trust...
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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Spear Bear »

Those nasty minotaurs.. They're allways stealing stuff.
We'll get them one day, friend.

Good luck mate ^.^
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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Goldwine »

Elverienna wrote:Those nasty minotaurs.. They're allways stealing stuff.
We'll get them one day, friend.

Good luck mate ^.^

Indeed,nasty minotaurs...

Thanks lil one<3

Goldwine,sixth king of Rohan.

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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Archibald »

Good luck my friend

Oh, I'm kinda hero in your story ;o
Character: Archibald the archer

"Every door has a key, sometimes you just need to dig harder."
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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Gimli Wulfstan »

Did I kill some minotaurs on that journey or was I just hiding in the back drinking beer?

Great application :)

Wish you good luck my friend !
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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Cinny »

Good luck my friend!
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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Goldwine »

Gimli Wulfstan wrote:Did I kill some minotaurs on that journey or was I just hiding in the back drinking beer?

Great application :)

Wish you good luck my friend !

For first time you were fighting for real,friend!:D

Thank You<3 also thanks Cinny,Vanyel and Archibald <3:)

Goldwine,sixth king of Rohan.

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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Hiho Goldwine!

Nice app! (: Good luck!

Smashing Pumpkin.

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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Nirdor »

I thought we were going to invite whole Thais down to Mintwallin for a huge party just now :roll:

Nice to see your application here Goldwine.

Good Luck!

A crazy axe fighter and a mead lover.
Nirdor from Farajdvheim, Eanor.
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Re: Goldwine's application! :)

Post by Black Falcon »

Good luck with your application mate!
I'll be sure to ask you some questions in-game ;)

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