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Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:10 pm
by Archibald
Hello all,
I'm Archibald the archer. Some of you may know me, but most would not. I'm writing here because some of you would like to join me.
As you may noticed there were many changes in warzone teams. Now there are more, smaller groups which are walking at different times. As far as I know, most of you is already doing warzone with other team, but maybe you don't really like the time they are doing it or the rules of sharing loot.
I'm representing one of these smaller teams. We have been 3 times together, but every member has got experience with warzone from the past.
If you would like to join other team, or you just want to make it at other time try to go with us. Right now we are going at 20:30 CET but it can be all changed, after every warzone we're setting hour.

For more info you can check this (as you see there are no secrets, every player can see what's going on):

If you're not sure just try to go with us once. Now, while we are freshers the rule "3 attendings to roll" doesn't work, so you won't lose anything, hah, you can gain a lot :)

And remember, it's all about helping lil' gnomes!

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:12 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
"I'm Smashing Pumpkin and I approve this message"

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:18 pm
by Chikilina
Greetings Archibald.

Thank you for the offer. If any rose is interested we will message you. I removed the link because it didn't look safe.

Be safe,

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:31 pm
by Archibald
Chikilina wrote:Greetings Archibald.

Thank you for the offer. If any rose is interested we will message you. I removed the link because it didn't look safe.

Be safe,
Thanks for keeping my thread. When Pumpkin told be to feel free to post it here I wasn't so sure ;)

This link was to google docs with rules and the list of players which are going on warzone with us. But I understand it's about safety so I don't mind. Maybe one day we'll all get known and there won't be that problem ;)

I made a screen from this document so you won't need to risk your account and you can still see what's going on. As I said, every important thing is here. There are no secret statistics and rules like in other teams-every member can just open this link and see what's going on. Only leader and vice leaders of team can edit data.
Image We're still talking about rules so a bit can change in future. If you're interested in joining us, your vote will count aswell

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:53 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Sounds really nice.

What is the suggested level requirement for the warzones?

@Chiki, I think google docs should be pretty safe though :)

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:13 am
by Archibald
Avenlia Silvershade wrote:Sounds really nice.
What is the suggested level requirement for the warzones?
Level 80 is needed to make tasks for gnomes.
Then you'll need to make warzone 1, it's pretty hard without good team, but if you'll survive it you will survive warzone 2 for sure. But players with levels 90+ are surviving this so it won't be hard for you.
Warzone 2 is simple, not much risky situation. Team just need to know what they are doing and be calm. Our team is just like this. As I see you have level 120, I'm 119, also RP-I'm doing warzone 2 with this team easily ;)
WZ 2 is the only warzone which we are doing right now. Other requires more knights/druids so we're not doing it..yet.
@Chiki, I think google docs should be pretty safe though :)
That's ok.
That's true that google docs links look very weird. It's totally ok, most of you don't know me so you

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:47 am
by Cinny
this sounds great, if I ever wake up in time I will be there :lol:

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:17 pm
by Man of electric
Thanks for the info Archibald

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:35 am
by Smashing Pumpkin
Vanyel Ashkevron wrote:I will go if I ever reach 80 level...
Same here, haha. Maybe we should team hunt sometime (: Powerlvling gogogo! If you have acces to Zao.. It's like 150K/h there when I was there for just 20 to 30 minutes~ o:

Re: Nice and peaceful warzone team

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:47 am
by Absolut Wileen
Hai Archi !!!!!! :DDDDDD !!! Great list and picture of War zone XD ! how u know i said this to Aggi , usually i arrive to my house at 22:00 :( so is imposibble sometimes go with u. and i have to go with Nc and Fa team. Anyway im glad to this team grow up ! and ill try to be with u if i arrive early *w* !