Mystic Zcalot application.

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
Radwulf Aureus
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Mystic Zcalot application.

Post by Radwulf Aureus »

Dear Red Rose Members:

A lil'bit from me:

My name is Raul Reyes Salazar. I'm 20 years old, right now I'm living in Mexico, in a city named Monterrey in the state of Nuevo Leon. I'm studing Medicine, I want to heal children in the South of my Contry when I finish MedSchool. I love poetry, one of my favorite writters is Edgar Allan Poe, other ones are the called "Cursed Poets", also like all the books of the rommanticisim it's my favorite era of literature. I also love indie music, or punk music, Rancid, Rammones, Sex Pistols are one of my favorite bands. I'm also the Leader of a Young people Asociation called A.J.E.F. (Asociacion de Jovenes Esperanza a la Fraternidad) that is under the counsil of the Free Masons of Mexico.

Me in Tibia:

I made my first character in Antica around the 1999 its was called PopoReyes (Popo because one of the most important volvanos in Mexico is named Popocatepetl and Reyes because it is my last name) right now i lost that account but made this account after the first account (i was really yung like 12 or 10 and I forgot the password :( ) but well then i made Mystic Zcalot and Ujula (harmonia) but delated ujula because i did not knew nobody in that world and stayed with Mystic, then i joined several guilds that all with the time went down because the leaders have no more premmy or they fusioned guilds and let people out of the new one, I really do not remember the name of the guilds. I retired Tibia in 2006 and I returned 2 Months ago for real, right now I'm level 30 and im proud of my liltle but awesome Sorcerer, it may not have the greatest level, or the greatest magic level or skills, but it is part of me, it's me in the game, and it's a pasionate sorcerer, smart, we never search for trouble with no players, we always are hunting and moving and doing lots of stuff, and I really like it.

Why I would like to join Red Rose guild:

Since I've started tibia in Antica I wanted to be a part of Red Rose Guild, because:

1.- Its one of the oldest Guilds in Tibia
2.- Has a lot of history and i want to contribute to that history to keep going
3.- I know everybody has something in these guild special to contribute and i want to learn from them
4.- I have the necesary heart! to do as I need to enter the guild
5.- Its the Guild with the best name in Tibia! (I'll explain my favorite flower it's the Red Rose and Black Rose)
6.- The CODEX it's one of the best rulebook I've ever read in Tibia and it shows a great organitation of a REAL Guild
7.- I do not know anyone in the guild, but i asure you I'm an honest bro, a responsible man, and a loyal friend to anyone that opens space for me.

and that's what it comes in to my mind when I make that question to my self.

Story time?:

Since the 7th of December of 1998, the hearts of Real Tibians could not wait, and a Guild rised in the land of the siners, with the objective to bring peace and balance to the Tibians.

Red Rose was the name, Red Rose is the name! Of the legendary Guild that restored the order in the hardest moments when the Demons ran Free...

It was a Hard battle, from the mines of Kazz to the Plains of Havoc, They fought with Tibianus the I and the old Durin, to locked down the Demons in where they belong.

They Fought day after day, year after year, until one day that they marched in to the last battle...

Dwarfs, The Royal Army and the Red Rose Guild marched through the dessert, down to the deadly plains... The Plains of Havoc...

It was a firce battle... Demons coming from all the Shadows, Demons sumoning firce atacks and deady creatures... but the Gods saw how the Red Rose warriors fought without fear... and they gave them a shild... a shild capable of stoping any damage, any hit of evil forces... a shild forged in the deepest mine in Kazordoon in the heart of the volcano... the Red Rose shield... and with the hammers of the Dwarfs and the spears of the Royal Army and the shields of the Red Rose Guild the horror was sealed and the peace was brought again to the World of Tibia...

Today... dose warriors still out there watching Tibia... destroying the evil on Tibia... watching the back of the inocent... saving the world again... marching day after day to keep us safe...


Anything else I want to say to all of the Red Rose members:

I'm very sorry if my grammar is not that good, of my spelling is incorrect... but english is my thirth lenguage and I'm still learning it...

I will like to thank you all for your time and wish you success in every matter of your life (not only Tibia) and that in this December may God bless you all.

Sincerily -Raul Reyes Salazar-
"In ticuatum, in tecelome"
Nahuatl Proverv
Sincerily yours R:.A:.
.:In Ticuatim, In Tecelome:.
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Smashing Pumpkin
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Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

I liked you Application, good luck!
And your English is not that bad :) I've seen ALOT worse <g>
Try to catch me ingame if you can :D

Smashing Pumpkin
Gimli Wulfstan
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Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

Post by Gimli Wulfstan »

Great application,
glad to see you apply for our Guild and I wish you Good Luck!

Catch me in game for a chat !
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Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

Post by Halfhigh »

Thank you for your application, Mystic Zcalot. I read it with interest. We will come back to you soon with our feedback to your application.
I recommend that you contact some of our members. Introduce yourself to them, I am sure they will be happy to chat with you, if they are not super-busy.
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Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

I liked your application as well :)

Hopefully I can speak to you in-game sometime soon.

Best regard,
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    Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

    Post by Chikilina »

    Nice application Mystic Zcalot. Hope to meet you soon.
    Propraetor of the Red Rose
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    Sir Balder
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    Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

    Post by Sir Balder »


    Best of luck to you!

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    Absolut Wileen
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    Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

    Post by Absolut Wileen »

    Nice Apply!!! :D ! Good Luck Mate ! Try to catch me in game !

    Nuevo Leon? nice ^^ ! im from Michoacan \o/
    Yours, Wileen :*

    You can't feed a lion with vegetables, neither have a lion as a pet
    -Absolut Wileen-
    Radwulf Aureus
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    Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

    Post by Radwulf Aureus »

    Thanks to all your wishes of luck and also again thnk you for the great party i had lots of fun and im loocking forward to talk to all of you in game :)

    have a grat night or morning... or afternoon haha right here is night :)
    Sincerily yours R:.A:.
    .:In Ticuatim, In Tecelome:.
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    Re: Mystic Zcalot application.

    Post by Goldwine »

    Nice application!
    I wish you goodluck,fellow.

    Goldwine,sixth king of Rohan.

    In my sword I trust...