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The Red Rose Anniversary 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:57 am
by Avenlia Silvershade

Here is how beutiful Fibula was decorated before the party started!

And this is how calm the place was!

And so it begins... With Meriado not being especially
glad for my feet in the fishbowl...

The Radioactive Shrimpz doing their radioactive music performance while everyone politely listens and smiles.

Seydd Duki claiming she is not drunk... When we all know she is, of course.

A thank you to the Mercenarys for their fine gifts!

Seydd Duki, Meriado and myself singing a little song for the occasion.
Meriado as lead singer, of course.


Some award is announced and...

Cinny gets her well deserved award, however she is not there to accept it.
(Look in the Eques room Cin :) )

Nirdor gets his award for his creativity with the Rose Shield! He was not there to accept it either.
(Look in the Eques room Nirdor! )

Halfhigh has the crate game. Many fine a present was given out.

And so goes the traditional memory game. Congratulations to the winners!

Some neat and creative decoration in Fibula when the party is coming to an end


Here is rescue nemo, the game! Very well played everyone.

Thanks for a great party, and thanks for attending!
I hope all of you had just as good time as I did.

See you next year, fellow anticans!

Re: The Red Rose Anniversary 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:05 am
by Cinny
I'm so glad you brought your camera Avenlia.. it's great to see pics!

Also I feel so honored to get an award... thank you guys!! :') I really wish I could've been there.. my body wouldn't let me

Re: The Red Rose Anniversary 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:56 am
by Sir Balder
This was great to see, thanks for sharing it Avenlia! Looks like you all had a really nice time :)


Re: The Red Rose Anniversary 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:32 am
by Black Falcon
Oh, wow. Awesome pictures Ave!!
I really wish I had more time but I had a party to attend IRL... :/
Great work guys!