Invitation to the SoJ Christmas Party

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Invitation to the SoJ Christmas Party

Post by Fraggle »


You are invited to this year's Christmas party, hosted by the Soldiers of Justice!
This grand event will be held at our home, Spiritkeep, on Sunday, December 16th from 18:00 CET till the doors close..
The theme of the party is simple: Holiday Spirit. So come in a holiday color suited the spirit of Christmas.
In addition, we will also be hosting several games and a Secret Santa, so get that present ready!

Please direct any question(s) you have to any Elder or Rand Silverfang.

Thank you and hope we will see you at our Christmas Party!

Signed, Fraggle for the Soldiers of Justice
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Sir Balder
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Re: Invitation to the SoJ Christmas Party

Post by Sir Balder »

Greetings Fraggle,

Thank you so much for your kind invitation. It's a great idea for a party, and I think
I speak for all of us when I say we'll all try to be there to join the fun!

Best wishes. Yours,
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Re: Invitation to the SoJ Christmas Party

Post by Chikilina »

Hello Fraggle!

This sounds so fun! I'll try my best to come. Thank you for your kind invitation.

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Re: Invitation to the SoJ Christmas Party

Post by Black Falcon »

Again, thanks for the invitation mate! I'll do my best to be there and I think that goes for all of us.

On the behalf of the Red Rose I wish you and your guild a Merry christmas and a happy new year!

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Avenlia Silvershade
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Re: Invitation to the SoJ Christmas Party

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Thanks for the invitation! I'll try to come as well :D
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