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Fengel appication: (Application withdrawn)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:39 pm
by Fengel
Fengel application:

1) Character information
+ This includes things such as: creation date, friends/foes, guilds where you have been, descriptions on what you like to do, how you like to play, where you like to hunt, etc.

A: Fengel has been created not long ago but this account exists since many many years. I started with Tibia in the end of 2000 and played until 2004 and now I'm back. I dont have friends nor foes. I havnt been part of any guild on Fengel.
When I'm on Tibia I like to adventure myself and explore dungeons and places. Also I always prepare myself to slain evil creatures in Banor's name. I'm a follower of Banor and I like to help people that deserves it. I believe I have good knowledge in Tibia but being honest I need to update myself a lot, as you all know Tibia has changed a lot since 2004. I play for fun and thats what I expect to have as a member of the Red Rose. I also believe that the guild can transform me into a better player and that will help to improve myself a lot. The Red Roses can expect from me everything someone can expect from a valuable and good member. Only reason I'm playing now (as mentioned before) is for fun and my main objective is to join Red Rose.


2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
+ You must read the guild codex (found in the general board) and the post explaining how we recruit (found here in the joining board).

A: I'm looking for a place to call home. I'm not a powergammer but I always grow (slowly). I'm noble by blood as one of the sons of King Tibianus and I have learned all my life noble virtues as the Red Rose has. I'm a follower of Banor as the Red Roses are. In my humble opnion I believe I can fit in the Red Rose virtues and way of life, thats the reason I'm making an application.


3) Story
+ It can be a Role playing story, a more real-life story, even a poem.
+ This should be written by yourself.


My first time fighting the evil:

Many many years ago the Thaian Kingdom were recruiting valuable warriors to defeat a cult that was taking part in a hidden cavern near the Thais city. An evil cult has been born and they started to expand a lot with the passage of the years... so much that it took the attention of the Thaian authorities.
Warriors of the whole kingdom has came to study and investigate this cult. The rumours started to be true... some people left the walls of Thais and never returned... the roads near the city started to be dangerous. A lot of rumours came to the ears of the citizens. Dark sacrifices in the name of the dark gods, rituals murderers... the citizens started to be scared and after a short period the children, old people and comon womans started to be locked inside the city, scared.
I was very young at this time. I had my 16 years old and my whole traiment has been in the Royal Knight Academy of Thais. I had always the best teachers of the realms, as a prince of Thais, my father always offered me the best he could, after all if the time comes I must be prepared. All these years of preparation but I had never been in real action. My father seen it as an good oportunity to make me gather experience in real battle field and sent me on one of the missions with a group of witches expert that came from Edron to help us to investigate this dark cult.
I remember like it was yesterday, we were camped near MT. Sternum and it was night... Full moon. We had a group of 5. Two knights (me and another more experienced), 2 druids (expert in killing witches) and one sorcerer (expert in the dark magic).
We were all sleeping while the other Knight was making a round to guard the camp... suddenly I woke up from a nightmare. I was sweating a lot and was very scared. Looking around I noticed that the guard wasnt on his spot. I quick looked around and heard a small noise, like someone was trying to screean but he couldnt. I came closer and saw 3 old womans wearing a dark robe. The guard was tied up on a cross and they were perfoming some kind of dark ritual reading an old black grimory. There was no time to call for help, the life of that guard depended on me... without thinking much I decided to light up a torch and get my sword in my hands... then I jumped in the middle of the circle shouting loud and trying to burn the witches. At first they were scared but then they noticed I was very young and that was just a desesperated try to save the life of the guard. Very fast all the witches changed their attention on me and all of them shooted fire on me. Thats all I remember. I woke up in a bed with my whole body burned. Took a lot of months to be recovered, I almost died.
When I came back to Thais my father received me as a Hero and very proud, with all the honors I could receive. The guard I saved offered to be my servant forever to show how thankful he was because I saved his life... an offer that I obviously declined.
Theres nothing better than the feeling of help someone in real need. This was an special day that marked me forever and from this day on thats what I try to do: Follow the steps of Banor the Divine warrior and make good in this lost evil world.


4) Anything else you want to say
+ Here write anything else you want to tell us.

A: I want to thank you all for your time and for the oportunity of apply to this legendary old guild. It was a honor. I'm looking forward to have the chance of become a Red Rose someday, if you think I deserve and that I fit.
I wish you all the best and may you all find fun in Tibia.

Re: Fengel appication:

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:16 pm
by Chikilina
Application noticed. Hope I can interview you soon.



Re: Fengel appication:

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:34 pm
by Fengel
Thanks mylady Chikilina. Looking forward for it.

Re: Fengel appication:

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:02 pm
by Fengel
I'm deeply sorry but my reality changed a bit and I wont be able to be a part of the Red Rose. Fengel shall follow another path. I thank you all for the oportunity and I hope I see you all in Tibia.
I withdraw my application, maybe I apply again once I'm more experienced in the game.


Re: Fengel appication:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:06 pm
by Black Falcon
Sorry to hear about your change of heart, Fengel.
I wish you the best of luck in your tibian life and perhaps some day your path will lead you back here ;)

Thread closed