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Application of Avora Skyfallen[Application Accepted]

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:44 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
1) Character information
Avora Skyfallen is currently on the server Askara, and he was created on the 29'th of March.
I have been thinking about changing worlds for a long time, due to the low standard of the Askarian community, and regardless of how my application here goes, I will probably change anyhow.
I rarely hunt, if I do it's often because I am going on a teamhunt with friends, we explore places like the Ferumbras Citadel and other dangerous grounds.
I like to go really deep into the Lore of Tibia, Mintwallin is one of my favorite places because of the mysteries surrounding it...
On Askara I've spent alot of time in a Guild called "Ancient Alliance". It is the servers oldest Guild with the creation date: September 4 2005.
I've always loved the roleplaying part of this game, I see no reason to raise arms and make enemies unless there is no other way out.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
The Red Rose is a legendary Guild wich (as I see it) people should have a huge ammount of respect for.
It is one of the first three Guilds that was ever made in this game and it has lasted this long.
I am filled with admiration for you all, and that will never change.
It does not matter how much the community changes, the values are still the same, and that is what I am looking for.
People who care not for powerleveling, honor trough war or tyranny...

I saw whilst browsing around for Guilds that you were recruiting and I thought I'd give it a shot.
Since I've always wanted to be a part of something that really mattered in this game (matters to me).

3) Story
Once there was a young warrior had been brought up in a commoners home in Thais, with a dream of becoming a great warrior, perfected in the ways of slaying magical beasts.
Was always seeking knowledge from the elders about the magical beasts, how to slay them.
One day he talked to a man that said: In the city of Venore, there are people that are faced the most evil creatures and returned alive.

The young warrior decided to set off to find the city of Venore, in order to learn from said people.
He could not afford a map so he decided to walk by signs.
Along the way the young warrior got lost and walked in to a dungeon of somekind. In the dungeon he faced trolls and orcs, wich he slayed with his sword.
At the end of the cave he was faced with beufiful lands, and in the horizon he saw the sea!
And he walked towards it as he was thursty.
Upon comming closer to the sea he saw a man, and decided to ask him for directions.
As he asked the man for directions he just stod there with his eyes closed.
Then after a litte while he said that he could either point in the direction of Venore or he could keep me company.
The young warrior was insecure, there was something about this man that made him feel as if he could trust him.

As they were walking, the young warrior told him about the dreams that he had about slaying magical beasts.
And that in Venore there were people that could teach him how to find them and kill them.
The man was just listening and not saying a word.
Then he noticed that the man was looking a bit nerveous, Then all of a sudden five mean looking bandits walked up to them.

The man stod infront of the young warrior and said to the bandits who wanted coin of blood: "We have no coin to be robbed of."
As they did not get any coin they drew their swords out, and prepared to attack.
But a Giant Spider that had been sneaking around attacked them!
As they were struck to the ground so was the man, the young warrior had to face the Giant Spider all by himself...

The young warrior looked at the fainted man thinking that if he could show this wise man, that he is stronger than he thinks, he would maybe help him to become the warrior he has always wanted to be.
So he took one of the bandits sword, started rushing towards this Giant Spider with hope that he would beat this beast!
It was a fight between life or death, of course the young warrior did not think that he would win...
But he had the heart to beat the beast!
He fought for his life, smashing, jumping, running around and around and swinged his blade and it went through the spider!

The young warrior had made it, he killed the beast he had actually killed the Giant Spider!
So he looked over at the man, went to him and piked him up and carried him on his shoulder.
Now he only had to find to Venore, but it was a path that he could follow thanks to the man, so he did.
And after a long long walk he finaly found the great city of Venore.

He had to help the man so he ran into Venore the fastest he could, in faith to find somekind of a Druid or something...
After almost no time at all, he found an Elder Druid willing to help him. He stayed at the mans side all along until he woke up...

The man asked the young warrior "How did I get here? What happened?"
The young warrior replied "I carried you."

The man then introduced himself, He was a renown wizard in the art of destruction.
As thanks for saving his life, he tought the young warrior how to meditate in order to find immense power within himself.
The young warrior often meditate with the Wizard because it helps him become a stronger and greater warrior.

4) Anything else you want to say

My respect for you all is as previously stated, huge.
It will not change with the answers to this application.
I want to tell you that Avora Skyfallen has been involved in a War a long time ago.
There are no excuses for it, I wanted to help a dear friend of mine out and somehow ended up deeper into it all.
After I got out of this mess, I resigned from all wars and have only fought in order to protect myself or those whom I care for.



Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:38 pm
by Gimli Wulfstan
Good application!

Wish you good luck,
and welcome to antica if you decide to come :)

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:55 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Thank you for your application :)

Please message me in-game for a chat!

Best regards,

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:21 am
by Smashing Pumpkin
Nice application :)
I really loved the story, I got dragged in to it. <g>
When you've switched worlds, try to catch me ingame. Would be nice chatting with you. :)


Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:47 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Just want to say it is very hard to know how to treat your application at this point,
as your character is located on another world.

Best regards,

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:23 pm
by Leojaliz
Avenlia Silvershade wrote:Hello!
Just want to say it is very hard to know how to treat your application at this point,
as your character is located on another world.

Best regards,
Agreed, otherwise a good application :) Good luck!

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:19 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
I understand that my character being in another world is making it more difficult to make a decision.

I want to thank you all who wish me good luck and I just hope that there might be a place for me in your legendary Guild.

Hail The Red Rose.

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen [Accepted]

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:06 pm
by Cinny
Greetings Avora! :)

Maybe you could update us on the status of your character? Are you for sure transferring to Antica? If so, when?

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:31 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Cinny wrote:Greetings Avora! :)

Maybe you could update us on the status of your character? Are you for sure transferring to Antica? If so, when?
Hello there, Cinny!

Well, the status is that I'd wait until I had some feedback on the application that I made.
I'm currently not playing actively, my Tibia carrer will have the same fate as this application.

I will get back to you soon with more information regarding the transfer date.

Re: Application of Avora Skyfallen

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:54 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Sir Avora wrote:
Cinny wrote:Greetings Avora! :)

Maybe you could update us on the status of your character? Are you for sure transferring to Antica? If so, when?
Hello there, Cinny!

Well, the status is that I'd wait until I had some feedback on the application that I made.
I'm currently not playing actively, my Tibia carrer will have the same fate as this application.

I will get back to you soon with more information regarding the transfer date.

Well, we do not directly accept applications.
If your application passes the first "trial", you will be invited to our guild hall for a crossfire, where the members of the guild will ask you several questions. This is what will determine the
fate of your application, and that is also why it is a bit hard for me to know what to do with at this point!

However, if it happened that you were accepted, how would your activity be then?

Best regards,