Jimixe's application [Closed]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Jimixe's application [Closed]

Post by Royalsnus »

Personal Information
My name is Mats Johnsen, I'm 22 years old.
I work at a company called Biltema selling car parts for a living.
Been playing Tibia sinse year 2000 but on different characters.
I used to be a member of the Red Rose on my second character Criticalsnus.
I found not to enjoy Druids so i started this Paladin. The reason i left Red Rose before was
due to some personal problems that blocked me from playing Tibia for a while. I keept in contact with everyone but didn't feel i could be active enough to do my novice tasks. I still have a strong friendship with my friends from RR to this date.

My Game Personality
My name is Jimixe, I'am a Royal Paladin
I spend most time running from stupid Cyclops on Mistrock,
I love the social side of Tibia and enjoy talking to people to find out there
story. I'm not really a power gamer but do have a goal to reach level 100 soon, and will be
working hard trying to make this happen, as its been my dream for some time :)
I would love to be apart of making Tibia the old loving game it used to be back in the golden days,
I miss the feelings i used to get playing Tibia with friends and for that reason is really looking to reunite with my old family :) "Red Rose" I allways try to find an alternative way out other than fighting. I dont like violence.

Why do i want to become member of Red Rose?
It's easy to explain why i want to. but harder to convince you that i fit the part in your family.
Red Rose has been the guild I've been looking up to from the early years i started playing Tibia.
I remember befriending Mygroth back in 2004 and he was just so friendly and helpfull, I remember thinking to myself as a young Tibian, that's who i want to become.. And so I'm trying to be the best that i can. After beeing retired for about 2 years most of my friends left, and i miss having a family in Tibia. I'd say my best friends online now is my fellow Norwegians "Avenlia Silvershade" and "Nirdor"
I guess what I'm saying is that the Red Rose have the same goals that i do.. I want to be a good person in Tibia and surround myself with people who i can trust and who trusts me. What's better than having a family to achieve this with.

My Roleplaying Story
Once upon a time Jimixe was a small boy who had a loving mother and father.
Residing in Rookgaard with his family he allways dreamt of becomming a mighty royal paladin.
One morning he woke up feeling adventurous and decided to pack his backpack with some food and a lucky wooden stick he allways kept around with him. After walking for a few hours he decides to camp down and eat his food. "Mmmm" His mothers jelly had never teasted this good. He begins drifting away in his dreams, thinking about how his a 14 year old kid out in the woods alone. It becomes impowering and he feels strong enough to keep going further from home. He packs up his things a keeps on walking deep into the Rookgaardian woods. After another hour of walking he suddenly hears something wierd. #Crack#
It sounds like some wooden sticks breaking behind him. He quickly turns around and find himself beeing followed by a mighty Orc Spearman. #Graj Qoak!# Jimixe decides to make a run for it, his tierd from all the walking and the Orc seems to be to quick for him. He has never been this scared and focused in his entire life. The Orc keeps throwing his spears after him, Jimixe manages to dodge them until he slips on a wet rock and hurts his ancle. #Ouch# all of a sudden he thinks of his lucky wooden stick and decides to try and fight the Orc. His time has come, now its kill or be killed.. his final test to see if he has what it takes to become a true mainland warrior.. He risks everything and charges forward and swings his stick, but the mighty Orc is to strong for him and throws him back on his back.. All of a sudden he notices an old rusty crossbow laying in the dirt. He picks it up.. loads it with his wooden stick.. he holds his breath and pulls the trigger. The shot is perfect and pierce right through the Orc's forsaken heart.
This is the day Jimixe became a true Paladin.

~The End~ (Please keep in mind im not the best at comming up with storys)

I've never used any illegals softwares, Account Sharings or other illegals
and have acquired all my items and levels in a true lawful way.
(not wanted by any guilds for theft or anything like that)

Application Ending
I put alot of effort into this application and hope you find it interesting.
Hope i get a chanse to get to know more people from the Red Rose :)

Kind Regards
Jimixe "Currently level 52 Royal Paladin"
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Re: Jimixe's application

Post by Leojaliz »

Hi Jimi!

I really liked your application :) very well presented and a short but very nice story!

I wish you the best of luck on your application.

You may try to contact me anytime if you see me online for a quickie ;)
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Re: Jimixe's application

Post by Royalsnus »

Surely I will take you up on that :)
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Avenlia Silvershade
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Re: Jimixe's application

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »


Thanks for your application, I've only known you for about two days but you seem like a decent guy.

Hopefully we'll be able to speak more in-game.

Best regards,
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    Re: Jimixe's application

    Post by Sir Mats »

    Greetings Jimixe, royal paladin.

    I'm glad you hit that orc with the wooden stick you were carrying!
    Really liked your application and it was nice talking to you earlier this morning.

    Good luck !
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    Re: Jimixe's application

    Post by Royalsnus »

    Thank you, the fact that you liked my application makes me happy :)
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    Re: Jimixe's application

    Post by Royalsnus »

    Just want to let everyone know i changed my name from Jimixe to Royalsnus.
    Always loved my "snus" names. So if you see Royalsnus on your VIP lists. It's just me.

    I would change my name in the forums aswell but i don't know how to? :)
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    Avenlia Silvershade
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    Re: Jimixe's application

    Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

    Changed :)
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      Re: Jimixe's application

      Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

      Nice application! Good luck :)

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      Re: Jimixe's application

      Post by Sasirel »

      Nice to see you around old friend, ive missed you. Talk to me ingame when you can :)
      Image ImageImageA vision shared, no blood would be shed. Long live the Red Rose