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Another wanderer comes along. (Postponed)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:47 am
by Nosyt Ekim
Red Rose, a name that I even I, coming from far away and having arrived in these lands just a couple of weeks ago, stumbled across various times already. A guild with a history to be traced back to the very early dawn of these glorious lands. A guild where personality is everything. A guild where friendship and comradeship stand above anything. I actually had not believed I would ever find a guild again in Tibia that truly lived these motives. But you do and that’s why I’m sitting here right now and making up my mind about how to convince you that I truly want to join your family, more than everything else. The reason is simple, actually. I always stood up for my opinion that levels, skills or cash will not ever be as important as personality in this game. You can archive everything of the three things I counted up just two lines ago and I still would not call you a successful Tibian if you had reached these goals by ignorantly running across this continents leaving dead bodies and blood stains behind. You can go and act for your own advantage all along, you might even end up at lvl 200, being one of the richest and most powerful warriors around and still, when you take a breath for a minute and look back at what you actually archived, you might realize you are poor. You turned down and betraid friends, you treat other people unfairly for your profit and then you figure that your profit is nothing but a few pixels. Never you mind all the hatred you successfully gained as well. The tons of people who just pity you for your attitude will not make you feel any better, either. All what Tibia is about is friendship, even though that seems to be nearly forgotten nowadays. It is not forgotten in your guild and this is why I am here.

To sum up, I identify with your ideals and I could not leave out the chance to find together with a group of people who share my ideals and stand up for them for more than 10 years already.

Even though you might already have an idea of what kind of person I am I want to tell you some more to expand the opinion about me which you’ve built up so far, so let me introduce you the person behind the character a little before I go on to the character itself.
My name is Tillman, I am 18 years old and I play Tibia since early 2003, I think my first account was created in January or February of that very year. I started on Antica just a little while ago, but I am getting to know a lot about this server by keeping my eyes and ears opened, listening to the stories that are being told by nostalgic ol’ wizards and warriors in the game chat and I also read the forums to get to know Antica’s political situation way better. I am currently at 12th grade of school what means I will graduate in about a year with focus on biology and chemistry. This also means I have to spend much time on studying, what might affect my online times slightly but I’m online daily I guess, unless I go out partying right after school on Fridays or so. This brings me to my hobbies, I like sports, I swim regularly, I go out running in summer up to 5 times a week and I go to gym eventually. I did judo til two years ago but stopped it due to my training mate changing sport to Rugby and a trainer switch as my old trainer had to stop due to work issues.
I speak and write English fluently, aside of that German is my mother tongue and I also have basic knowledge in French and know some words in Spanish, so I can communicate with most people in this game pretty well. I am a talkative person, I like honesty and enjoy sharing my opinion on political, cultural or whatever kind of themes I surely ever respect my opponents opinion, but a little argument is never wrong as long as you stay on topic and do not turn offensive. That’s for I like different personalities, there is nothing worse than people who just accept things as others tell them to them and there is no better place to exchange different opinions than in an argument what agan helps everyone to find his personal point of view onto a certain matter. This does not mean now I am an ever serious person that has nothing else but politics and sports on his mind, I like joking around a lot, my sense of humor is widely framed. I am not that kind of attention seeker though who tries to dominate every conversation, I use to live up Denzel Washington’s statement in his role as Frank Lucas “Listen to me, the loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.”


“It is an evil weapon”, his father had once told him. “All the men who ever possessed it were slayers without a soul.”
He remembered well how his father had come home one evening, and he still knew it had not been the fact of his father being covered in blood that had attracted his attention.
No, his father came home his clothes full of blood stains nearly every day, usually it was not his blood. His work as guard of The Lord over the Hills required his full attention as a well-trained soldier. The Lord was no good man, in fact it was said he was cruel and unfair and treated his landsmen bad, hence he had many enemies who eventually sent assassins to kill him what brought Nosyt Ekim’s father on the plan but Nosyt Ekim knew that his father did not only protect the Lord but also did jobs for him and it was not hard to guess what kind of jobs these were. Nosyt Ekim’s father was a loyal man and never questioned his lord’s methods. Sometimes, Nosyt Ekim even had the impression his father enjoyed the work he did. The drowish blood in his veines, given by his elfish mother had given him a fetish for violence, surely also caused by the fact it made him superior to the usual humans. Nosyt Ekim’s father had night eyes, even though that caused little problems at very shiny days, and he was, like all elves, very agile, unnatural strong and had very quick reflexes. All this caused a certain fear in the men’s minds around him that he knew to use very well. Nosyt Ekim had been given some of these attributes too, he did not have the nightsight, though he could see perfectly at brightest sunlight unlike his father and his reactions were little slower but he was way stronger, quicker and more skilled at anything that required body control than any other child at the age of 15 around. Even though he disliked violence, he tolerated his father’s work and also trained himself in the arts of death, shooting with bow and arrow, fighting with any kind of weapons, even killing with fists or using traps and poisons to get rid of possible enemies.
This evening, it had been the sword, well-packed in leather that had attracted his attention. From his first view he had only been able to say it had a unusually sized length, too long for a regular long sword but also shorter and not as heavy as a two-handed sword. Swords weren’t typical for his father, he knew that he preferred daggers since these were lighter and quicker weapons that could be better hidden and transported, aside of the plain advantage you could carry plenty of these and eventually throw them, too. While his father took a bath and his mother prepared a welcome-back meal, his father had been away for more than 3 days this time, Nosyt Ekim dared to take a look at the sword and unwrapped the heavy leather which smelled of tar what seemed odd to him, he knew this smell because tar was commonly used at building houses to damp noises down, aside of its function to isolate against temperature. As he had assumed, the sword was of an unusual length. He guessed it was supposed to be able to be used by either one or two hands depending on situation since the hilt was of a middle size as well. When he looked more closely he was astonished. This sword seemed to be more than an usual weapon in any kind. From his own experience with weapons he could say it was perfectly balanced and the blade was sharper than he had ever seen one. Testing, he touched it and immediately pulled back his hand as an immense pain rushed through his entire arm. He looked down at his thumb, it was covered in blood, the flesh was penetrated down to the bone. Forbearing a swear and the tears in his eyes caused by that sudden pain, he spit onto his thumb and thought to feel how his spittle, which had healing abilities, decreased the pain while cells were re-produced and the wound disappeared as though he had never been injured. Another little bonus of being of elfish blood, he had to silently admit in mind. The damage had already been caused, though. Fresh blood on the sword hilt. He bend over it to try and undo the damage before his father would end his bath and see he had unwrapped the sword without his permission. And then he he thought to hear a whisper. It was of no language he could identify, but the whispering seemed dark and cruel to him, like the hissing of a snake, a really angry snake. Fear grew in his stomach, he stumbled back a metre and looked at the sword but the whispering seemed to have disappeared. He quickly looked around but he was still alone. His fear was replaced by excitement. He made a step forward and intended to lift the sword but suddenly he had an angry voice from behind, heavy steps and he already knew that it was his father before he was packed and heavily pulled back before his fingers could touch the sword’s hilt. When he turned around, he saw his father who watched him angrily but for a moment Nosyt Ekim was sure to also see fear in his father’s eyes. Both did not know what to say. Then his father said these words that should burn into Nosyt Ekim’s mind and not be forgotten for a long, long time.
““It is an evil weapon, All the men who ever possessed it were slayers without a soul.” Then he silenced again. There was no need for more words, Nosyt Ekim new what his father was talking about, he had felt it, had heard the whispering. “Why do you keep it then?”, he asked. His father looked at him for a while, then answered “Where I keep it, it cannot kill” and that was all he said. In later times Nosyt Ekim had wished he would have tried to find out more this evening, he had wished he had asked his father where this weapon came from, how he got it but he did not.
Next day, early in the morning, Nosyt Ekim woke up by the noises of horses, clashing of heavy plates such as knights armors were armored with. He stood up, quickly got into clothes and went out of the house. It was a sunny, bright morning which could have been a great start into the day if it had not been for the surely 30 heavily armored men on big war-horses who stood in a half-circle before their house.
One of them, Nosyt Ekim recognized him all of a sudden as The Lord From Over The Hills himself, was talking with a loud, aggressive voice to his father now, who was standing before the 30 riders.
“That’s betrayal, soldier, I gave clear orders, I know it was there!”
Nosyt Ekim was shocked for a moment, his father had always been loyal to the Lord, in all matters, surely not because they had been friends but because being the Lord’s first man was his only chance for his family to be left in peace, after all they were foreigners, hybrids with elfish blood, Drow blood and humans generally feared and loathed them and their kind. Hence he could barely believe what he was hearing but then again his mind starting ticking, deep inside he started to figure what this all might be about. Now he had his father’s calm voice:
“This weapon shall not taste blood again, giving it to you, might cost another hundreds of people’s lives. I cannot tolerate that.”
This confronting reply shocked everyone in the place, not only Nosyt Ekim but also his mother who had come out of the house in this moment, but also the riders infront of them, Nosyt Ekim had angry voices coming up but also smelt fear in the air, everyone had heard of his father’s killing skills and even with 30 men against one they did not feel well. The only one who did not seem to have any doubts was the Lord himself. He watched Nosyt Ekim’s father closely, as though he would try to look right into his mind, then just nodded. Nobody moved for a moment and for a second Nosyt Ekim thought it was all over, the Lord would turn around and leave but deep inside he already knew better, all these men would not be here if the Lord was not up to everything to get this sword. Then everything happened at once, the Lord gave a sign to his knights, Nosyt Ekim made a step towards his father to help him, felt a spear rushing just centimeters past his head, heard a shout from his mother who went to the floor, blood flowing out of her chest, a spear had gone right through her, and from the corner of one’s eye he saw his father rolling aside, several spears missing him, coming up, pulling two daggers out of his clothes and throwing them at the two men closest to him, slitting their throats and immediately killing them. Then Nosyt Ekim was distracted by a man wielding his sword, aiming for his neck. He stumbled backwards to avoid being hit and then, his fighting spirit slowly awakening, jumping forwards, grapping the man’s swordhand and pulling him down his horse. In the same movement he slammed his knee under the falling man’s chin, dashing the head back and breaking the man’s neck. Then he saw another blade falling down onto his head and he quickly fell down, grabbed the dead man’s sword and rammed it into his attacker’s horse’s stomach. While the attacker was buried under his horse, he rolled away and tried to overview the situation. His father had killed seven attackers and had only a slight injury at his left arm. His mother had stopped breathing, she was lieing in her own blood and was obviously dead. Gulping down his grief, no time for tears, he faced another 3 attacker and immediately knew his father and him could not get out of here alively if they stood here on this open place where the riders had the advantage of their ton-heavy horses. He aimed for his father who was surrounded by a wall of steel and flesh but still managed to keep up his defence, wielding a long spear he had picked up from the floor. Nosyt Ekim sprinted towards the fight scene, jumped onto the back of one of the horsed riders, grabbed his head and broke his neck. Dodging an attack from the right, he kicked the rider on his left in the chest so he fell of his horse and managed to turn around the war-horse he was sitting on himself now. His father used the chance, jumped up onto the horses back behind him and they galloped away, the left-abouts from their attackers, about twenty of them chasing them. Nosyt Ekim dared to turn his head around to have a look at his father, he was bleeding from several wounds and lost way too much blood.
“The sword, it’s hidden in the cave to the north behind our house, you know where we used to train. They must not get it”, was all his father said, his face determined, but in pain. Nosyt Ekim looked back, their hunters were coming closer, the horse was not supposed to carry two riders. His father also saw that “They will meet up us long time before the cave. You go and get the sword and then hide, leave the country and guard the sword but promise me to never use it. Please.” Name, figuring what his father intended to do did not say anything. His father was deadly injured, even though the both of them did not say it, they both knew it. Nosyt Ekim instantly shut down his emotional sphere in his mind, and he knew his father expected him to do so, feelings would only trouble his mind and unable a clear mind now. There was nothing to be said, that was how he had been taught all his life, the 15 years old young man and his father took each other’s hand and then the boy said “Greet mother from me, I’ll see you soon.” There was nothing to reply, nothing more to add, no place for tears nor grief in this world, this is no country for old men. No words of love, nothing, there was no need to. Seconds passed, silence of unsaid things, then Nosyt Ekim’s father jumped off the horse, turned around to his enemies, NAME heard a clashing of steel and flesh and then his father was out of sight.
Disregarding the fact that the world he had lived in just had passed away with both his mother’s and his father’s death, Nosyt Ekim arrived at the cave, only with one intention. To find the sword and to do what his father had told him to. There was only one thing that he could not have given his father and he already felt remorse deep inside him, but he had never given the promise his father had asked him to. The sword was rammed into a stone in the middle of the cave. He grabbed the hilt and pulled it out of the stone, without any difficulty at all. He did not even have to take a look at the blade to know there would not even be the slightest embrasure on it. Then he left the cave, kneeled down behind a big stone and waited. He patiently listened and then he heard his enemies coming closer. A quick look told him his father had taken out another 2 riders, there were still 19 of them left, coming closer and closer to him now. He starred at the blade, heard the whispering again, telling of death and pain. “Now you can kill.” Slowly, he stood up..
When his mind cleared up again less than a minute later, he found himself covered in blood standing over what seemed to be the left-overs of the Lord , his face distorted in unimaginary disbelief and fear, the meadow he stood on was red of blood, dead bodies, arms, legs and heads lieing around like child toys, the entire place smelling of death and the blade in his hands sings of victory. In abomination he realized what he had done and understood what his father had ment when he was talking about soulless slayer.
This day it became clear to me I would never use the sword again, I left the country by sea way, threw the sword into the sea at on its deepest bottom point and arrived three weeks later at the continent his inhabitants name Tibia. Here I am to stay and to live a life of love that was taken from me a long time ago.

I hope you enjoyed reading my application, thanks for your attention.
Yours faithfully,
Nosyt Ekim.

Re: Another wanderer comes along.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:34 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Thanks for your nice application, it has been noticed.
Note that your name has been changed, to fit your in-game character.

Good luck,

Re: Another wanderer comes along.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:51 pm
by Nosyt Ekim
Alright, noticed.
-Thanks for the positive feedback.

edit: Incase that question comes up, I answer it in before. Even though I clearly stated my opinion about the importance of levels in this game, I surely will take few levels as well, mid-time goal is level 50 which I consider necessary to serve my family well.

Re: Another wanderer comes along.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:01 am
by Nosyt Ekim
I am not that active lately but I still seek to join this great family and I check these forums daily with the hope for a new reply even tho I am not that active in-game due to exams right now.


Re: Another wanderer comes along.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:21 pm
by Sir Balder
As I told you in-game, you won't see any positive news on the forums if you don't make sure to contact our members so we get to know each other. I'm glad you've started to do so now, so keep it up please. <smiles>


Re: Another wanderer comes along.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:38 pm
by Nosyt Ekim
I am sorry to tell you, that even though I still want to join this family quite badly, I simply don't get around to play Tibia atm. As you might've figured I am hardly online at all, it's mainly because it is summer and there are also some other private reasons.

I don't want to withdraw my application but to keep it in hold, because whenever I get around to play tibia again, if that is, I'll focus on the Red Rose again, so you might hear from me, sooner or later, but not too soon.

My apologizes to have taken your time, I'm sure I'll start playing again, maybe next fall/winter, I wish you all good luck and see you one day again. =)

Re: Another wanderer comes along.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:58 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Thanks for your interest =)

Re: Another wanderer comes along. [On Hold]

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:02 am
by Nosyt Ekim
I am back to Tibia once again, with a new vocation and a new name - Nosyt Ekim. I'd be grateful if you changed my username at this forum and don't forget to read the new rpg story that I wrote only for this character, I put 2,5 pages of hard afford into it! =)

Re: Another wanderer comes along. [On Hold]

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:40 pm
by Sir Balder
Greetings, and welcome back.

I very much enjoyed to read your ambitious story - what an awful fate! I hope you will be able to feel better before too long. Please continue to contact members, as you already have started to do.

Your username has been changed.
