Brian Boitano's application [Denied]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
brian boitano
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Brian Boitano's application [Denied]

Post by brian boitano »

1. Character information

Brian Boitano was created at the end of 2012/beginning of 2013 when I started to play again after being retired for a while. I've heard many great stories about Red Rose since I've started playing many years ago- but at the time I was still a quite immature person that was sure I would not have a chance to get accepted in to such a well respected guild. A person that I've recently got to know "Sir Mats" told me about what a wonderfule guild this is- and that finally convinced me to atleast try to win your respect. I am going to be honest, Brian is obviously not my first character though it is my main at this moment.

On this character I enjoy hunting creatures and talking to people in chat. I am a very social person that have a strong belief in that respect is not just something you get- it's something you earn, and I do my best to live up to that belief when being in contact with others. If you'd let me into your guild you'd never have to be worried about that you'd need to "babysit" me as I am quite capable to take care of myself- and I will never be a burdon to you.

2. Why would you like to join the Red Rose?

I have heard so much great things about this guild and it's members. I've read the Codex of Red Rose and I feel like
it suits my way of playing very well. I think your democratic system looks very fair. I enjoy to help out new players
that shows their will to learn. One of my goals is to be seen as a good example how a player should act towards others. I think I can find likeminded people in this guild, and as I see the social part of the game being 50% of the experience I'd like to share it with good and intressting people. I understand that it might be too late to apply now but I do hope you will think it through and maybe give me a chance to prove myself- because I believe strongly that you will not regret that decission.

3. My story

Brian was a boy born in a rich warriorfamily and he grew up living in his fathers shadow- the great general Brian Boitano SR. His father died in a great battle when Brian JR was just becomming an adult. His people, the great citizens of Venore mourned the loss of one of their great protectors and expected Brian JR to follow in his and his ancestors footsteps and become as great or even greater warrior than his father.

Brian tried for many years to live up to peoples expectations but his selfconfidence was very low, and one day after his troups got raided by bandits- and Brian was taken hostage- he took the decission to join these thugs. In the group of bandits he did not call himself by his real name, instead he pretended to be a farmers son and finally he could lift away the fathers weight on his shoulders. During the years he stayed in that group he got to know himself, who he was and also earning the respect and trust from the bandits by just being who he was and not because of his legacy. Everything would have been perfect, but he could never accept the way he was living with the bandits fully as during his childhood he had learned that it was wrong to kill without reason and steal. He did a lot of things during those years he wasnt proud of, and that made him silently cry and pray to the gods for forgivness every night before falling asleep

One day Brian took the hard decission to leave his group that even though they were a group of thieves a lot of them have become quite good friends. He realized he couldnt live a life build of lies and remorse, so one night he sneaked out of the bandits camp and came back to Venore as a grown man, and few people really knew who he was. He confessed his deeds and asked for his forgivness, and after being punished in a fair way the king and the
citizens of Venore finally forgave him and wanted him to join their army but Brian rejected the offer. He explained that he wanted to search his own faith, fortune and become a great warrior by his own deeds and not by the deeds of his ancestors.

He left the city once again but this time he did not run away, instead he walked with his head held high and with a childish expectation of the adventures he knew was ahead of him.

In Venore he had now made his own name, and whenever a hard decission had to be made the prase "What would Brian Boitano do?" often came up.
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Avenlia Silvershade
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Re: Brian Boitano's application [TO BE EVALUATED]

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Hello, thanks for your application!
Unfortunately the recruitment is closed for the summer - we will evaluate your application when we reopen the recruitment post summer.

Best regards,
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    Sir Balder
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    Re: Brian Boitano's application

    Post by Sir Balder »

    Greetings Brian,

    August is here and we are now looking into your application. Please contact roses so that we may better get to know each other.

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    Avora Skyfallen
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    Re: Brian Boitano's application

    Post by Avora Skyfallen »

    Best of luck!
    Yours sincerely,

    Marcus Skyfallen.

    Sir Mats
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    Re: Brian Boitano's application

    Post by Sir Mats »

    Good Luck Brian,
    Hope to see you soon.

    / Sir mats
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    Even in love, sadness is a part of my core
    brian boitano
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    Re: Brian Boitano's application

    Post by brian boitano »

    Have talked to atleast some of you now and you seem to be a nice bunch of people. Hoping that you will see through my previous "flaws" and accept me as a member:)
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    Avenlia Silvershade
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    Re: Brian Boitano's application

    Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

    I am sorry to say that your application to the Red Rose has been denied.

    We wish you the best of luck on your future endeavours.

    Best regards,
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