Gin Pevishan's Application [Closed]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
Gin Pevishan
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Gin Pevishan's Application [Closed]

Post by Gin Pevishan »

The old necromancer shuffled slowly across the cold stone floor of his one room shack, feeling the ever-present chill of the mountain air more than usual this morning in his stiffened joints. With a groan he pulled out the chair to his table and sat down, pulling a sheet of parchment in front of him and blinking away the cobwebs of his morning meditation.

"Well, well. Time for me to come down into society once more I think." he muttered, grabbing his pen and inkwill and setting to his business.

To whom it may concern regarding membership in your most esteemed group, The Red Rose.

My name is Gin Pevishan, an old necromancer living on the mountainside of Kazordoon, that great Dwarven Kingdom where I spend my days. Alas, the more I age, the more the cold seeps into these bones and makes an occasionally wandering mind dream of summer. Warmth, good beer and companionship, I'm afraid that is what this old body needs. And so I asked myself, where might I find good friends? Souls, who, like myself believe that this land is about more than just killing brutish monsters and having petty wars. Friends who like to enjoy themselves and spend time appreciating the finer things, such as good tales, good ales, and a rasher of crisp bacon. Well, surely enough the dwarves could satisfy the last two, but I'm afraid most of them couldn't spot a good story if it snuck in and stole their trousers right off! If you can believe that! A shame.

So I thought to myself, I must find a guild. But not just any guild; a guild that believes, as I do, in fair play, justice, and peace. And of course, there is but one name among guilds in this land that those thoughts could lead to. And it was of course, you fellows. All that said, I ask that you please consider an old necromancer for a place in your ranks. I promise to keep the ghouls out of the kitchen and the skeletons out of the meat locker!

-Gin Pevishan

Former guilds: Society of the Black Rose, Order of the Unknown.

Why have I left? As several of you know the Black Rose has long since failed, and as for the OotU, it was simply a place to be amongst friends who are no longer around, and the guild is quite dead now.

Haven't I applied before? Why, yes, I have. Sadly, I lost ability to play due to some issues involving balancing full-time student demands with full-time work and a girlfriend. Needless to say I quite forgot the game existed. I apologize profusely for not letting anyone know ahead of time, I absolutely did not mean to leave that application hanging, just got so busy it slipped my mind. The application may be found at viewtopic.php?f=3&t=624

I hope you will not mind that I do not have a story to tell you about myself this time around, I do however have something I hope you'll like. The poem is titled "Dark God"

Once I was man,
Now I’m much more.
Controlled in this world,
I could do nothing before.
Struck down by the Gods,
They replaced me instead.
Nothing more than a robot,
When I returned from the dead.

Slowly I fought back,
Regaining myself.
Now I am one of them,
No mere mortal on their shelf.
A God in my own right,
I control destiny.
My power now abundant,
Their people scream out to me.

I wrest away their control,
As my following grows.
Now they’re left helpless,
It seems everyone knows.
On earth mortals fall,
On their worshipping knees.
They beg me for safety,
But I do what I please…
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Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

Post by Meriado »

Hiho, Gin!

I'm glad to see an application made by an old society-member. I was a part of the guild as well, but under a different name. (Draida was the name of the character which is now called Aerie Windsong).

I hope all is well and I wish you good luck with your application! Maybe we will see each other in the lands of Tibia when I find time to visit.

Kind regards,
Lady Silverheart
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Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

Post by Lady Silverheart »

"Gin? Is that... you...??"

She wipes her eyes, unbelieving what she sees and sits down slowly and silently on that wooden chair in the corner, trying to take in the happening. She mumbles...

"Dear Banor, what a day...this cannot be real, can it?"

A smile creeps on her face, slowly, as she hears those words he speaks and the memories flood her soul in the most beautiful rush of feelings. Gin Pevishan, the old Necromancer... that could just not be true, that after so many many years, their paths should cross once again.
Warmth and happiness make room for a huge smile and a happy giggle.

"GIN! Oh my word, I am lost now in awe and amazing hope. I sincerely cross my fingers, for your task to join the Red Rose. After all... a rose... is a rose... is a rose, isn't it, Gin?"

Silently she thinks ahead and imagines, what a wonderful rose, Gin would be, should he join the ranks and sets all her hopes out for her fellow friend from the ancient times, sending warm rays of sunshine to surround the matter and just stares at him with a happy face of hope.
" Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
" Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. "

Kurt Cobain - he was so right.

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Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Hello Gin!

Thank you very much for your application, old friend.

We will evaluate it, and get back to you soon.

Meanwhile, I suggest you try to speak to the members you dont already know!

Best regards,
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    Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

    Post by Sir Mats »

    Looking forward meeting you Gin!

    / Sir mats
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    Even in love, sadness is a part of my core
    Gin Pevishan
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    Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

    Post by Gin Pevishan »

    Thank you Avenlia, I will.

    And I look forward to speaking to you as well Sir Mats.

    I hope any Roses will not hesitate to contact me in game if they see me. I've added many to my VIP, so hopefully our paths will cross!

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    Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

    Post by Parrilla »

    Good luck to us mate!!
    Hope we all succeed joining this wonderful guild!

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    Avora Skyfallen
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    Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

    Post by Avora Skyfallen »

    Best of luck with the application, looking forward to meeting you.
    Yours sincerely,

    Marcus Skyfallen.

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    Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

    Post by Halfhigh »

    Gin, thank you for your interview.
    You are invited to the next guild meeting for a Crossfire. (Possible date: 13.10.2013)
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    Gin Pevishan
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    Re: Gin Pevishan's Application

    Post by Gin Pevishan »

    Thank you everyone for your kind wishes.

    And thank you Halfhigh, just please let me know once a date has been set!