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Parrilla's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:26 am
by Parrilla
I would like to introduce myself first!
My name it's Rafael and i'm from Brazil, i'm 22 years old, i study international business at an university in Sao Paulo (Mackenzie) and also work at mine/my parents business during the day and i play Tibia since 2005

1) Character information
My first and still main character was created August 1 2005, i've been namelocked once when my character was named Parrila, then it became anmed Balento for a long time and when the name change was created i renamed it to something similar to my first name, but the best i coudl do it's might ask where this name came from, i'll tell, I used to race karts professionally and the engine i used in my kart was from an italian manufacturer called "Parilla" and that was my inspiration haha, then you might ask why i was namelocked, i'll explain too, seems that "Parrila" it's somehow related to grill or bbq in spanish, i'm not sure about that but i couldn't have my name back and then Balento just came into my mind and i used :)
During my journey through tibia i made LOTS of friends, met lots of interesting places, accomplished lots of "missions" and so on...i always had (and still have) exploring and chating with friends/people as my "priority", lvling was a secondary task (i'm still lvl 91 haha)...i had lots of screenshots of places i've been with friends or alone but unfortunately my old pc broke and i lost everything...
I've been in some guilds in my tibian playing time, but the one the i'll always remeber it's the Uprising, it was an international guild (kinda rare in my server because since the begining of it the server were dominated by brs) and i enjoyed so much that guild that made me sad when it was disbanded...the guild ended because of some troublemakers out of the guild that couldn't resist us as a peaceful and respected guild and began to taunt us until the point we had to make a little war to protect our interestes and our respect....unfortunately we lost as they had the support of many high levels and our high lvls friends didn't wan't to take part on the war...
Every now and then i retire my playing in tibia but i think that is because i don't have anybody to talk ingame anymore, in my server people are not very into friendship with strangers, they all want to make friends with the leading guild or their guild mates, but i believe that here things will be different...
I usually like to help new players or low levels (even though they are not new in the game) by telling them some advices in the game or even helping with some eq if i can afford or leading them to some good hunting spots!
I don't have a favurite hunting place, however i must admit that slaying dragons it's one the most thing i do when we talk about hunting.
I REALLY appreciate knowing new places, even more if it's something hidden or not very explored (not known to most of players), it's something i enjoy a lot, exploring!

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
I'm obsessed with tibian legends, and among them, you guys are always on the list, of course!
I believe that being a red rose it's more than playing tibia, but it's being part of a family, helping each and everyone that requests (or not) our help inside and outside the guild!
I'm kinda busy in real life (study, work, my girlfriend, etc), but i try to log in tibia at least once a day....i don't live in Antica yet, but i, regardless of my approval or not in the guild, will move soon to Antica...since Cipsoft has created the "World Change" i always wanted to move here, and believe me, the first thing that came my mind everytime i thought of it was, first of all, joining the Red Rose, because i believe that the type of playing you guys do it's the same as mine.
However i'll also be honest with you guys, as i believe that every good start must start (and remain till the end) with the truth i char it's hunted at my current server, but then you guys ask me why and i'll you guys must know (or not), american servers are all ( or at least 90%) dominated by brs guild, and we(brs) suffer aswell as any other player from other countries...i thought this would never happen to me, but it did...i was power abused members of the leading guild some times, but when one of them called me "botter" it pissed me off badly, i couldn't hold myself and throw them some cursings ( or swearing, i don't know how to say it in english, like fu** you and such)....for that reason they hunted me, and as i was really angry for that abusing i did some flames about them at the official forum....but that was it, didn't killed anyone, didn't used any illegal program nor stuff, i got hunted by being tired of their power abusing...
I wanted also to restate here that i'm not transferring to Antica just because i'm hunted by the leading guild in my server, as i said before i always wanted to move here, i just needed a kickstart, and that is it!!

3) Story
I'm for not creating a rpg story here, i see/know that most of the applications has one but i'm not very good with telling or creating stories, but i'm really good at doing some rpg roles and playing fair, always with the will of helping and sharing experiences and i really want shot you guys that regardless of not being good creating stories i know how to do roleplay ingame!!

4) Anything else you want to say
I hope you guys at least invite me for a trial, i wanna show you guys that i'm trustworthy and you won't regret having me in the guild!!

Also, i wanted to apologize about the lenght of this application haha, also sorry if it's a bit confusing, it's just that i'm so excited at this moment and lots of things cross my mind and i'm typing it here
Sorry for any english mistake, it's been a while since i last wrote such a big text in english :D
If you guys have any doubt about any information i showed here, or any question about something not said here, please feel free to ask, i want to answer all the questions you may have in mind!

Kind Regards,

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:06 pm
by Parrilla
Hello, i just saw some typing mistakes and as i don't want to edit mu first post (for not think that i changed something critic) i'll just paste what i typed wrong and correct

I'm sorry for not creating a rpg story here, i see/know that most of the applications has one but i'm not very good with telling or creating stories, but i'm really good at doing some rpg roles and playing fair, always with the will of helping and sharing experiences and i really want show you guys that regardless of not being good creating stories i know how to do roleplay ingame!!

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:58 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Thank you very much for your application :)
We will evaluate it, and get back to you with an answer.
How can we catch you in-game?

Best regards,

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:22 pm
by Sir Mats
Good luck!
Looking forward speaking to you.

/ Sir mats

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:41 pm
by Parrilla
Avenlia Silvershade wrote:Thank you very much for your application :)
We will evaluate it, and get back to you with an answer.
How can we catch you in-game?

Best regards,
At the moment i have this lvl 7 char located at Antica called Florper ( ihave this thing with single names haha, except for one at valoria wich i wanted to create fast and i accepted the first suggested name :P )

However i get home late, probably won't be able to log in today, best i can do it's login tomorrow about 13 hours after the Server Save, i believe it's the time that suits me and you ( as our* time differences are quite big hehe)

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:05 pm
by Lady Silverheart
Best of luck, Rafael! :D

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:37 pm
by Parrilla
Thank you all, can't wait to talk to u guys!!!

I'll be logging in in about 1 and half hour!!

See you guys!

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:48 am
by Parrilla
Hello guys, sorry i couldn't log on the time i said, i was dinning out with my father and this it's something that happens often, so i couldn't rush him nor waste the moment :)
Hope you guys don't get angry at me, however i logged about 15 minutes agora and didn't find you online Anvelia, i know you didn't answer me saying that you were going to enter but i thought that this time would be good, sorry about that!!

If there's a time that it's good for you, let me know and i'll see what i can do about it ok!!

Thx again!

Re: Parrilla's Application

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:50 am
by Avenlia Silvershade

It may be hard for many of us to give a specific time, so I suggest you stock us up on your VIP, or use our online list tool at to check who is online, and speak to us accordingly!

Thanks for making an effort :)

Best regards,

Re: Parrilla's Application [Accpeted]

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:53 am
by Parrilla
Avenlia Silvershade wrote:Hello!

It may be hard for many of us to give a specific time, so I suggest you stock us up on your VIP, or use our online list tool at to check who is online, and speak to us accordingly!

Thanks for making an effort :)

Best regards,
Oh that's fine then!!
I'll use this list for sure ^^

Hope we can chat ingame soon