Sir Dante Alighieri Application [Accpeted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
Sir Dante Alighieri
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Sir Dante Alighieri Application [Accpeted]

Post by Sir Dante Alighieri »

1) Character information

Created my account on Aug 29 2013. I'm a friend of Ullric (in real life too). Had some problems with a girl that told me she would kill me in 7 days (it should be on September 05, but nothing happened).

I doesn't like to hunt, cause what really took my attention on Tibia was the quests. So I thought "I will learn the 469 language", so I must gain level to go talk with 'Blinky', and that's why I "like" to hunt, only to gain access to certain areas. First I need to find an excuse for stay killing monster for many hours, if I can't, so I don't hunt. There is no roleplay on killing monster with no achievement in mind.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us

Cause of the history and the roleplay. I read the name of Red Rose many times when trying to discover more about the world of Tibia, but I thought the guild was deactivated, until my friend Ullric talk to me about it. Why I thought that? "It's too much time for a guild still be working", silly thought. So I want to be part of it, make my own history and contribute with the guild history.

I know the Red Rose was the first guild of Tibia, something about the Red Rose Shield, and that all member of the guild loves dogs.

3) Story

Day 1
It was a good day since I left that boat, with the hope that someday I could have a better life. The people received me very well; it seems many people arrive here every day. They gave me clothes, weapons for defending myself, and they taught me how to hunt, so I could survive on my own. I've helped a woman who needed more wood for her camp fire. When I was prepared to find a place to end the day, that happened.

Day 2
I was confused and burned. Took a fast look on my hand and could see my recently burned wounds. It was like volcano, but the thing that have really caught my attention was a giant creature coming to me. Even if I've trained year for this I wouldn't be prepared for this moment. I tried to run, but the last thing in my memories is an horrendous laughing. I don't know how many time has passed since I was attacked by that creature, but someone called Cipfried managed somehow to heal my wounds; it was like a miracle. This place has nothing to do with my hometown. My hometown. How it was like? I don't remember! Maybe the fall did it to me. Damn creature!

Day 3
My hometown, my name, I don't know anything. And it doesn't seems it was in result of the fall. I remember only part of my travel, but before this, only shadows. I can't remember even why I've decide to come to this island. Or if I'm the one who decided it. But my thoughts were instantly interrupted by someone calling me Dante. Sir Dante Alighieri. How could this person know my name? I've made many questions about my life to him, and he only says that they know the name of everyone that arrive here, but nothing about their past. Where am I? Who am I?

Note 1
There's no sense in calling 'days' the time changing here. They pass so fast, and the people doesn't go to their house when it's dark. Or is it just my perception about the world that has changed? Doesn't matter. A man called Vascalir told me about the demon, that's what he called the creature that killed me. Killed me? I think the people here have a strange definition about death. He told I could avenge my death if that's my desire. What I have to lose? I'm already dead. I was curious about the offer, so I've accepted. How a man, that even don't know his real name, could defeat a monster like that?

Note 2
This day was exhausting. Vascalir gave me many tasks and told more about the demon; but, according to Vascalir, the demon isn't the problem, but his owner. Kraknaknork, that's the name. I don't know if this should make me happy. The idea of fighting with that demon is terrible, but someone who controls him doesn't seems to be any better.

Note 3
I feel like that sword Vascalir gave me is somehow becoming a part of me. Swinging it around is much easier than before. For the first time I left the village, it's wonderful. Not the creatures I've never seen before, but the trees, the mountains, the water, everything is so vivid. If someday I had a hometown, I don't believe it was like this. I've explored many places, digged many holes that i could fit in, hoping that I could leave whenever I wanted to. Everything was well, until that day. The day of revenge has finally come, and I must go see Vascalir for my lasts advices.

4) Anything else you want to say

That's the way I feel when I'm playing Tibia, if I write about the discover of the Sword of Fury, or the 469 language, or my theories about solving these quest, I would write a book. But that's not what I want now, I want to show you, people from Red Rose, that I love the roleplay of Tibia.
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Sir Mats »

Greetings Sir Dante Alighieri.

Good work writing your application,
I hope to catch you in game soon!

/ Sir mats
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Ullric »

Really good mate, hope you will join us as soon as possible ^^
"By my life or death, my sword is yours"
Sir Dante Alighieri
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Sir Dante Alighieri »

Thanks a lot, Sir Mats for the reception and Ullrich for all hunts and quests we did and will do. Hoping to join Red Rose as soon as possible, and meeting the other roses too.
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Parrilla »

Good luck to us mate!!
Hope we all succeed joining this wonderful guild!

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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Good luck with your application, like the rest; I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

Sir Dante Alighieri
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Sir Dante Alighieri »

Thanks Rafael and Avora, hope we all can succeed too. Anyone would like to hunt with me today? It's too boring hunting alone. Exactly now I'm doing some services for Grizzly Adams, if anyone want to join or go to any better place for hunting in party just PM me.
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Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Are you able to attend a crossfire at 20.00 CEST (10 hours after server save) at Sunday the 20th of Octobre?
Come prepared.

Best regards,
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    Sir Dante Alighieri
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    Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

    Post by Sir Dante Alighieri »

    Avenlia Silvershade wrote:Hello!
    Are you able to attend a crossfire at 20.00 CEST (10 hours after server save) at Sunday the 20th of Octobre?
    Come prepared.

    Best regards,
    Sure. It wil be at the Guild Hall?
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    Avenlia Silvershade
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    Re: Sir Dante Alighieri Application

    Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

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