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Quel Marth's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:32 am
by Quel Marth
Hail to the Rose and Its Champions!
Hail to Banor The First human!
Hail to the good Tibians all around!

Oh boy, I have the butterflies writing this. I've wanted to join the Red Rose ever since I first learned about her so it's really exciting and frightening at the same time to finally step up like this.

How rude of me! Saesa omentien lle (a pleasure meeting you). Sorry, when I get excited I sometimes forget my manners.

I'll first talk about me (Quel Marth) but I'm going to keep it simple to don't bore you guys to death ;) , then how the Rose caught my attention and why ever since I first started wandering the land of Tibia and this neighboring islands. Following I'll talk about how I came around to be who I currently am and afterwards I'll talk about the great amazing dude (TGAD) called Gustav who controls me.


I am Quel Marth. TGAD sheltered me with the sole purpose of joining the Red Rose. My very own name is a charm created specifically for this very moment. Quel Marth is Tolkien elvish (Quenya, not Sindarin) and means "Good Luck". I can say I feel Lady Luck's fortune around me every moment because ever since that first encounter with Kraknaknork's Demon I haven't needed the God's intervention once again. Not that really counts since I haven't done anything really dangerous anyway... :oops:
As a good Tibian, I try to be a Red Rose even BEFORE I joining. I already live The Rules (aka CODEX) even before knowing them to be quite honest. I not only totally agree to them but also have been following them my entire life. Also, TGAD is quite organized (he even makes me clean Ank's depot once in a while when there are too many parcels around!) and said that if I ever even shoo a dog he'll make me pay. I dont even want to know what would happen if I happened to hurt one! I've never made an enemy and I try to be a good sorcerer and treat everyone nicely. I live in Ankrahmun because there are many scarabs around here and I just love their smell after I barbecue them. They also help me make some money so as a new citizen in this Antique World helps me settle down and buy spells. TGAD wants me to say that after I get stronger he'll take me to the Edron dragon caves or even Cyclopolis! I can't wait to see and play with those big nasty green lizards or those one eyed giants. Do you guys think I'll get to see one of those legendary red dragons too? Anyway, I'm really excited to walk around these lands. They're really cool!


As for what I think about The Rose... When I was nothing but a simple kid reading about adventures and equipments on the library I once heard about a special shield. A shield so rare and beatiful that the Gods themselves handcrafted only 6 of them to some very distingished heroes. The Gods wouldnt make something so special for a bunch of nobodies so I decided to learn more about such amazing champions and discovered that they belong to the very history of the world and helped to mold our reality into the great world of Tibia is today!
The stories, the loyalty, the friendships, the hunts, the parties, the events... I long for all of this! I already believe and expect to find not only friends but real brothers and sisters here. I can promisse that if I ever join I'll never let any of you down, no matter what I need to do! I'd go down a demon hole for you guys, even though I'm pretty sure I wont be able to get out of there! :D TGAD once told me that he never managed to settle on a world because he never found the qualities that the Red Rose preaches and lives anywhere else. He wants those things so bad that he will do whatever it takes to earn your trust!


As for me, Quel Marth, I was born in a wealthy family from Edron. My parents always took good care of me but since they were always working so hard I didn't see them much during the day. In the end that turned out to be really good because in our library I managed to travel to distant lands that I never hoped to see and made friends that taught me so much without needing to leave our house. After I've read every single book my parents owned several times, I decided to visit Noodles Academy of Modern Magic to seek more knowledge. I was decided to become a druid to try and help all those poor adventurers that always need emergency healing on raids. I was always amazed at Eliza and her skills! Gundralph showed how nature can cure but also can kill and showed me the kind of damage druids can make. I was always astonished at the powers a druid has.
Until it happened.
They said he would never come.
They said he would never get close to the city.
But he did.
I was at the academy when it happened. My dad was at Venore on that day but my mom was was preparing supper for me and my siblings at that time.
In the end, the city was saved by the sorcerers. Hundreds felt to the demon's wrath. My mom and siblings were among them.
In the end, it was Zoltan and Avar Tar who saved the day. I'll never forget the words Zoltan told me on that day:
Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. I think he was so drained from the battle that he couldn't translate his toughts anymore.
On that day I understood that if I wanted to make Tibia a better place, it was not standing beside the ranks that I would make it. I would have to work on it myself! I boarded the first ship to Rookgard as my first step to become a sorcerer. Gustav talked to me for the first time on that ship...


Gustav here!
Roses, writing this was HARD! I actually had a lot of fun writing for you guys and hope you also enjoyed reading it! :D
I decided to roleplay writing this application because it is a lot of fun! Really hard, but fun. Never quite managed to do it this good in-game though.
Now lets talk a little bit about me:
I'm 25 years old, I live in Brazil but I am not the usual Brazilian. I like to always have a good time and fun wherever I go but dont really enjoy trolling like my fellow brazilians do.
I am curently a Med-school graduate. I'm on my second of SIX years of graduation right now. The course is really REALLY hard, but rewarding. I dont mention this to be cocky, just to explain that I have crazy schedules and sometimes I have some trouble finding time to play. Some weeks I have more time, some not that much, but I'm never too far away ;)

The first time I played Tibia was back in 2003. Back on those days I was a real noob! :lol: No matter what I did, no matter how many hours I've spend I never managed to get even a simple lvl 20! I was constantly getting pk'ed back then until one day I rage-quitted.
I've came back this year when a classmate of mine mentioned he wanted to play Tibia again just for the hue (lol). Since I've always wanted to actually DO something in this game, I immediately accepted. We created our chars in Ocera but quit the server when we discovered how horrible the server is due to the Br there! After Ocera, we went to Secura were for the first time in my life I got a lvl 20 (got up to lvl 26). Then my friend quit Tibia and I was left alone once again. Since I didn't have a friend to play with me anymore, I decided to pursue my childhood tibian dream of joining the Red Rose and created this character here on Antica. Best server I've ever played so far.

Please seriously consider me as a pick for a new Novice! I may not be an experienced player but I am sincere in my words. I really look for a guild in which I can feel like I'm part of something more tangible than just some dudes/gals getting together with no purpose! I really want to be a Rose too and I'll follow all the instructions I'll be given.
Am I willing to be a novice for several months up to over a year? Aren't I already doing this afk (real life)? College life is EXACLTY that! 
Can I "live between some expierenced players who are testing you [me] over and over again"? What is the game of life if not EXACTLY this? Yes I can! I already do this on the hospital every single day! You can try to break me, you can test me in eery subject but in the end it will just feel like another normal day to me - and that will be fun!
By the way, I wont mention here what happens when you finally get to college in Brazil. I'll wait for the crossfire for that. Funny stories and good laughs for everybody when it happens ;)

Thanks for your time, your patience, for being this amazing guild and SEE YOU ON TIBIA!

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:44 am
by Sir Mats
Hello and nice job on your application.
Good luck!

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:20 pm
by Quel Marth

You know, there is something I forgot to mention on the application.
Yesterday I was talking to a friend I met here on Antica and he invited me to go pk. I told him I don't think that pk'ing as a sport is fun. He then immediately asked: then why do you play this game?
My answer at the time was "I don't know. lol"
Now I know.

I want to have fun on Tibia and I want to make good friends with even more people around the world.
The Red Rose promisses to be the perfect Guild for me. I know I'll fit right in and after the first adjustment period we will all go along really well! : :D

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:07 pm
by Hopfenhorst
Well, you took a lot of time in your Application! Well done!
Wish you much luck bro!

It would be great if you contact me in-game for a little chat :)


Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:38 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Interesting application.

Thanks for applying, we will be in contact with you soon.
While waiting I will advise you to get in touch with as many red rose members as you can!

Best regards,

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:59 pm
by Quel Marth
I'm really grateful, Magister.

I have already added to my VIP list all of the Rose's leaders (youself, Agrippa, Cinny, Coronius, Halfhigh and Mild) and of course, Hopfenhorst. Earlier today I even managed to talk to Halfhigh. He was very nice.

Nevertheless, I have a question: who should I try to contact? Everybody? I dont mind adding everybody to my VIP, just not sure if it will support so many people... :P

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:05 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
You can use the online list tool on our website under the category 'resources'. If you prefer to use your vip you should focus on the active ranks, which are basically novice and above, when looking at the ranks on Tibia's website.

Best regards,

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:48 am
by Parrilla
Good luck bro, hope we can chat soon!!

Best regards,

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:10 pm
by Hopfenhorst
Well, I liked our chats and looking forward to may hunt a little bit with you :) you can always message me in-game. Just relax and good luck mate.

Re: Quel Marth's Application

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:51 am
by Quel Marth
I'm really liking to get to know all the Roses.
All of you are super nice and cool. Never saw so many nice people together like this! Everytime I message someone they always answer even if it is just to tell me that they can't talk at the moment!

I really enjoyed that Halloween party that the Guild threw in. The decorations were awesome, the game fun and the Guilhall amazing. I can't wait to meet more even more members and make more friends.

Thank you all so much for the patience, attention, good time and answers you all already showed me so far!

See you all in Tibia! :D