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Drizzie's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:46 pm
by Drizzie
Greetings! First of all, I want to say that I've been thinking about posting an application for the Red Rose for a while now, but never really had the spirit to do so, thus, I do feel a little nervous while writing this (I hope I do not seem an awkward fellow).But I 'd really appreciate it if we'd get to know each other better.

Well I better start with the applicaton itself, I don't want to bore you :D

1) Character information
My adventure with this character started in late 2005 with the creation of the game server Askara, I've moved around quite a bit (I'll drop a list later, probably in the RPG story section, as I'm eager to write that one).
I've been in quite-a-many guilds through the years and worlds, but most of them were short termed Teams (and we all know a Team and a Family are quite different concepts) only put together for the sole purpose of warmongering.
I wouldn't really say meaningless, endless wars are quite my idea of fun, as I'd rather spend my time on a good teamhunt or a team quest (Not to say I felt really uncomfortable having to VT or TS the 100% of the time I was online). So I got away from that with a new idea on mind: going back to the beginning, the thrill of adventure, and the warm feeling of nearby friends; and not only battle drones beside you.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
I've been searching for a nice, neutral, and compact guild for a while now. And the search always gets me back to the webpage of the Red Rose. I know it's extremely hard to join, but that only proves the membership to be even more rewarding.
I also know you're the oldest guild in the lands of Tibia, through its many worlds, home to few legendary players.
You have your own in-game item, and your guildhouse is named after you.
You people really seem like a guild that fights for its beliefs until you get them done; and that's exactly what I was searching after.

3) Story
As everybody knows nowadays, the same being is allowed to rotate through different souls during it's time in this realm.
Just like many other people, I do remember very little of my past lives, since I'm immerse in living this one.
My story as this soul began in a distant world known as Askara, many time ago. I can't say I was not quick on the trigger on those times. However, things were different back then; and in a world with no leaders there were many the times were you had to kill or get killed.
Time went on, I grew up and, as I did, so did the game I was playing. It didn't take me long to realize I wouldn't be able to keep on with that, since many people, enemies and foes equally, turned themselves to the dark side, using forbidden magic to get stronger by hunting restlessly.
That was the trigger that made me take a rest, and so this soul fell in a sleep.
When I finally woke up, things were even worse than they used to be; luckily enough, shortly after my comeback, the Gods gave us the possibility to switch between worlds, and so I did. That was the first time I visited Antica. (And visited is the correct word, since I was here for barely 6 months before leaving again, this time heading to the world named Kyra.)
While in Kyra, I got in some troubles, and since I was there alone, resistance was hard and expensive. Regarding the events, I packed all my things as soon as I could, ready to head back to Antica.
I spent quite some time in Antica this time (near a year) fighting here and there. I swear I can't remember the name of the teams confronted, but i remember fighting against people like Master Fraver, Jira Gary, or the Wrazchikes.

In that time we were losing ground, and some people were moving away. I myself decided to go to Aurea, since I had a couple of RL's playing there. In those times we fought hard, side by side, and I felt happy and alive on the battlefield, but activity started decreasing after a few months. And without a doubt we jumped in Titania, where war was raging.
There I had the chance to fight (and defeat) the legendary Eli Stormstriker (or someone who had took possession over his soul, for the matter.) shortly before his existance was removed from the realm.
Tides were constantly turning and it all started to become blurry and boring again, just like it did back in Askara. So I took a substantial look back:

The best times of my Tibian existence had not been in the battlefield, but in the road to the magical, to the unknown. And as soon as I realized that, I couldn't resist the urge to move to the land of the unknown adventure again.
The land of the Genesis.

4) Anything else you want to say
·Though Antica is widely known through the servers because of it's community, I seem to find it somewhat hermetic to outsiders. During the time I was playing with this character, I also played in Antica with a character named Zannarkand, which was hacked and taken away from me as of June 2010. But most of the faces I knew were no longer around when I came back.

·As I said to Avenlia Silvershade in-game ( I had a short chat with her before resolving to post my application, she solved all my doubts kindly and gently) I am searching for friends to spend time with, to chat, to hunt and to quest around.
In all honesty: I'm searching for bounds. I've been mostly playing solo for a while, and it's not nearly as rewarding as doing it in family.

·I'm a 21 year player from Spain, and I study away from home, so my log-ins during the week depend entirely on the very unreliable Wi-Fi service we have in our residence; thus, I'll be much more active during the weekends than during the week. All in all, I doubt activity could be an issue with me, but RL should always go first.

I think I wrote too much :mrgreen:
Looking forward to know more from you :D

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:26 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Hello, thanks for your application!

Try to catch us in-game for a chat.

Funny that you should mention Master Fraver as he actually attacked one of our members today (after your application was posted). Do you think this is a mere coincidence, or would he be mad at us for you applying?

Best regards,

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:36 pm
by Drizzie
I'm completely wordless right now...
I have no enemies on me, I can guarantee that.
However I'll try to contact you ingame asap, since this seems a subject that needs to be solved.

Also, I might edit my application if you feel like it has something to do, whatever fits you better. Anyway, Master Fraver has been a known random pk for quite a long time... But I don't think anybody would randomly attack a Red Rose, and that's what makes me worry.

I hope this doesn't completely spoil my application, since I doubt it has anything to do with me.
Anyway, we'll talk later ingame, I have to leave the computer for now.
With best regards,

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:54 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
In all likelihood this is just a random PK. I can't really convince myself into believing that he is monitoring our application forum.

Best regards,

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:08 pm
by Sir Balder
Best of luck, Drizzie. Look forward to a chat with you.


Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:18 pm
by Drizzie
So do I, the few members I've had the pleasure to meet seem to be really (and I mean really! :) ) nice people, so I hope I get to know more about you.
I'll try to catch you ingame for a chat :D

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:34 am
by Sir Mats
Good luck!
Looking forward speaking to you.

/ Sir mats

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:36 am
by Mardin

Good Luck! :))

You can catch me in the game :P :D

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:21 pm
by Drizzie
Be sure I'll try to, Mardin! :)

@ Sir mats: I saw you just log in when I was leaving a few moments ago, I hope we have the chance to chat again soon :D

Re: Drizzie's Application

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:34 pm
by Quel Marth
Feel free to message me anytime you want.

It's always fun to have someone new to talk to ;)