Old Pictures: RR Carnival, Miss Fibula, Some weddings & more

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Old Pictures: RR Carnival, Miss Fibula, Some weddings & more

Post by Rob'Doomsday »

Images from Halfhigh:

The Guildhall of the Red Rose in the old times: Image Image The final explanation for lags! Image

The classic way to play Tibia-Ball (with a dead bear!) Image Image
Hagbard testing his magic:

This was when the Ultimate Explosion was re-introduced: Image Someone was lucky :) Image Image
This was back then when the Blue Robe was unique Image
The Crown Armor was a super rare also: Image
Halfhigh performs knight's old ultimate attack on a festival in Cormaya held by the Followers of the White Dragon. Image

Stormhawks wedding in Fibula: Image
Pepelu and Halfhigh at Demona: Image
Demons: Image Image

Fire Elemental VS Demon Skeleton in Fibula!: Image
Fire elemental loses :( Image
But the Demon Skeleton wanted Kajala! Image
DS down = Kajala happy! Image

The Red Rose Carnival!

The entrance: Image
A Noble armor and a Griffin shield ;) Image Halfhigh trying to reach the bar! Image Some minutes later... Image The famous Tombola: Image

Miss Fibula!!

Image Many beautiful ladies in Fibula Image Image Image The bar Image And... the winner!!! Image

Halfhigh wearing a Ball Gown :o Image Halfhigh went to see his friend that raises rotworms and spent the night with them! Image Bokaj's weeding Image
Die gs die! Image
An Ultimate Explosion by Guido Image
Drunk people hunting Giant Spiders! Image
Insane drinking: Image

These ones are from Neppot:

Playing some music outside Edron depot Image
Pepelu and Neppot hunting Black Knights: Image Image Image Image Later that day, Neppot visits Halfhigh in Kazordoon: Image
Neppot hugging his teddy bear :) Image

This other pictures I have found on Taghor's Tibiahistory page:

This is one of the TibiaBall matches between The Alliance of Free Tibians and Red Rose Image A crowded Guildhall of the Red Rose after one of these TibiaBall matches Image
Here are some interesting pics from Trymon:

As he said himself, not all sorcerers got such screenies.. Image Image
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