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Gryphis - Application [Accepted]

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 4:12 am
by Gryphis
A young knight walked into a darkened, humbly decorated room. The air was glimmered with a rather homely scent of the nearby farmyard and the only thing that disrupted the near-perfect silence was the sound of local livestock. Strangely enough, it wasn't displeasing. Quite the contrary - it was the gentle smell that gave this place a very welcoming and homely feel.
Walking up to an oak round table by the wall the young man opened the wooden frames of a window apart, almost instantly bathing the whole apartment in bright, morning sunlight with a gentle touch of a chilly, fresh breeze.

He stood there for a second, looking out of his apartment window at the calm Thaian streets. Distant squeaks of seagulls were coming from the shore along with a smell of freshly baked bread. It was a beauty of a winter morning.

- This is the day... - he quietly spoke to himself

The knight reached out to his bookcase and grabbing a small notepad filled with writing paper he sat down on a chair. He took a deep breath and taking the feather out of the inkwell he began writing:

To The Red Rose Council

25th December,
Alai Flats 14, Thais

Dear Sirs and Madams,

My name is Gryphis Whisperwind, a storyteller and an aspiring writer with a burning desire to become one of the Red Rose Family. I would like to hereby present you with my humble application which I would be most grateful if you cosidered.

I have previously spoken to Avenlia Silvershade, your Magister Noviciorum and she very kindly explained to me how the Red Rose chooses its new family members. It took me a while to make my final decision with which I would like to come forth now, as I hope you may see me fit in your ranks.

I am a Thaian Knight, faithful follower of Banor. I am an adventurous, joyful soul from the little island of Rookgaard, where I spent most of my life. Two years ago, I embarked on a quest of my very own existence: To bring hope back into the hearts of men and to make the dream of fairness, justice and true peace real once again.
I have not yet been a member of any guilds or societies that would have the same ideals as mine, thus I became a Vagabond Knight, trying to bring my ideals to life alone. I came across several people during my life, most of which are now long gone. Honestly, people are usually in so much hassle, it's hard to even get a drink of ale to start a conversation.

I am a peace lover at heart and every problem that arises, I try to solve without force - there are no winners in war. If all else fails, however, and combat is absolutely inevitable, I am a very fierce fighter. I keep my word and my loyalty is that of a life friend - willing to take any measures to protect my comrades, often putting my life on the line without a second thought. This is why I have decided to write the letter you are holding now - I will fit into any role, be that of a fighter, a loyal defender, captivating storyteller or just a friend you can trust with your problems (many people seem to pick the last option - I never figured out why!)

As an adventurous and social soul, I am looking for friends. True bonds that are created for lifetime - people with whom I will humbly stand together as Family, or if a need be, unite as Banor's Shining Blade.

I do understand that if you choose to test my character, I will be expected to strictly follow orders of my assigned Mentor. As a Knight, I am indeed accustomed to this scenario and will gladly fulfil the requests of my superiors to the best of my ability - that is the kind of person I am.

I have also read on your Notice Board, that Applicants are required to show themselves with a piece of writing. Please allow me to present you with a poem I have just written:

Of what once was gold, what shone divine,
When liveth the hope in that heart of thine,
The Age of Lord Banor, kept us alive,
It kept us going where no one dared strive.

Do you remember Venorean lakes?
Beauty and grace of elvish bridesmaids?
The warm heart of dwarves and kindness of tongue?
Where weak were supported and all did grew strong.

When life was the beauty of this land's face,
Where love went round with Tibiasula's grace,
Remember those times, truthful and fair,
Replaced by the cunning of deadly despair...

The hordes that drove good souls down to dust,
With daemon blades' fierceful human blood lust,
Down came empires, new graves arose,
The end drew near, death came so close.

Knocking on doors of those not expecting,
No mercy, just reaping and heads collecting,
I do remember. I watched it by.
I did see what happened to mother of mine.

I saw her look, that glimpse in her eye,
A slowly and silently whispered "Goodbye".
I kept on quiet, hidden and scared,
Under the sheeting of blood covered bed.

This is what happens when good men step down,
When they let corruption and hate run unbound,
And that is when finally I understood,
This very simple, but only truth.

If good is to triumph and erase the pain,
Never these sacrifices can in vain.
So this I promise here unto you,
I'll bring back peace, I will hold true.

I thank you for taking the time to read my application. If you would like to ask me any questions, do feel free to send me a mail or find me wandering around the Thaian streets and get a drink together - my treat!. I will also check your boards regularly.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a pleasure writing to you.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Sincerely Yours,

Gryphis Whisperwind
Knight of Thais,
Storyteller and Writer
- It's done! - the young lad put his feather back into the inkwell and sat back in his cushioned chair.

He sat still for a moment reading through what he just wrote down on the loose notebook pages. The sunlight was beginning to fill the room more and more vibrantly with each moment. The once quiet streets of Thais slowly became crowded with merchants ready to trade their goods with customers hungry for the taste of orient.

Gryphis stood up, came closer to the window and looked down onto a farm in the distance. Small, white chickens and hens were running around in front of the small cottage. Beyond it stood a mighty building, shaped almost like a fortress in the middle of the city. Through the thick medley of sounds and noises coming from the market, it almost sounded like someone was giving out muster commands inside the huge fort.

The young knight looked up into the deep blue sky above .

- It's not the end - he squeezed the envelope he was holding in his hand - I think, this is just the beginning...

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:50 pm
by Sir Balder
Greetings Gryphis,

Thank you for your well written application. It will now be considered, but feel free to
contact Red Rose members meanwhile, that we may get to know each other better.


Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:31 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Hello Gryphis!

I have been waiting for your application.
Thank you, I loved the poem :)

Please try to contact other roses for a chat.

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 5:10 pm
by Sir Mats
Greetings and well done.

I liked your application and there's no doubt you put in alot of effort.
I hope we can have a chat soon.

/ Sir mats

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:22 pm
by Gryphis
Thank you very much for the kind welcoming Sir Balder, Ave, Sir mats!

I already had a couple 'ales with some of the Roses - looking forward to more drinks and fun conversations!

Kind Regards,
Gryphis Whisperwind

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:25 pm
by Fergon Ganakin
fun is not allowed since 6 years. please stay serious :twisted:

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:35 am
by Cinny
good luck sir!

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:36 am
by Quel Marth
Feel free to msg me in game and buy me a drink ;)

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:34 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Hello Gryphis.
Your application was a nice read, I wish you good luck with it and hope to catch you around soon.

Re: Gryphis - Application

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:49 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade

You are invited to the Guildhall of the Red Rose at 20.00 CET (10 hours after SS) at Sunday the 12th of January.
On behalf of the guild I hope you will be able to come, and please be prepared for your crossfire.

Best regards,