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Vergil Vigilante - Application[Denied]

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:34 pm
by Vergil Vigilante
A thick bristly beard billowed through the wind. The journey was at an end, and his legs quite sore from his travels.
It was an all too quiet night in Thais, however attentive ears and eyes would know that the city is never truly stifled of life at night times.

The weary traveler fell victim to the looks of many as he wandered down the street.
With a robe full of holes and his barefeet covered in dirt, his fingers drenched in remains of berries and possible other offerings of nature.He took a moment to admire himself and it was then and only then he came to some form of revelation.

"The life of a Vagabond, is far too taxing. Perhaps it is time I met .. people?"

With his hat modestly in hand he began his endeavour.
Word quickly reached his ears of a guild, a community, perhaps a place he could extend his hand and be met as a fellow being in the world.

The night had grown cold and dark, using what little resource he had, he bartered for quill and ink along with a single parchment. "Where do I begin?" With his fingers tangled into the beard he quickly sank into deep thought.

Greetings! My fellow beings of this kingdom and realm. Allow me to introduce myself first and foremost! My name is Vergil Vigilante and I am but a simple travelling sorcerer, in search for comradery and knowledge.

Having been graced with the opportunity to meet some kind individuals from this community I have been convinced to push my luck as a mere vagabond, in hopes that perhaps maybe one such as myself could still find a home.
I may not be a succesful merchant of wealth, or a noble, or of royalty. However I regard myself a man of principle still, and of loyalty.
If I was to be granted a chance to prove myself worthy of your guild I would work hard to set an example for myself and others. To inspire, such as those of the Rose inspired one like me. If indeed this letter proves to be more than a waste of my dear readers time I would be glad to meet for tea and cookies and perhaps further discuss and get to know one another.

Best wishes V.V. The Vagabond Sorcerer.

Character Information.
Ohoy, I've been playing the game since around 2001, not exclusively on Antica but a large portion of my time was spent on this fine server! I'm a lawful player and having read your codex I believe Red Rose is just what I'm looking for. I enjoy an immersive experience of combining elements of RPG into my style, I love chatting and questing as well as hunting. I hunt whatever is accessible to me at the time, is it so hard to say with who happens to be occupying which spawn and sometimes you can get chased out too. I've mostly been playing solo and have not been part of any groups or guilds on Antica.

Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
I think as a guild on Tibia, Red Rose has a very strong integrity and I like that about a guild. I know this guild has been around for a long time and the recruitment is quite strict, but all for good reasons of course. Still, here's hoping!

A short little roleplaying story can be found above, I'm no writer but hopefully you'll all enjoy it.

Anything I'd like to add?
At this point I can't really think of anything I could add, though if anyone wants to chat, message me ingame at anytime. :)

Re: Vergil Vigilante - Application

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:14 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Good luck with the application!

Looking forward to meeting you!

Re: Vergil Vigilante - Application

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:18 am
by Sir Mats
I like your application.
Let's talk ingame.

Have a good weekend/
Sir mats.

Re: Vergil Vigilante - Application

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:15 pm
by Sir Mats
Greetings Vergil Vigilante,

I am sorry to give you the sad news, your application has been denied.

On behalf of the Red Rose guild, I truly wish you the best of luck in the world of Tibia.

Friendly regards,
Sir mats

Re: Vergil Vigilante - Application[Denied]

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:22 pm
by Halfhigh
Der Vergil Vigilante,

please let me add the two main reasons why your application was denied. Your past participation in a lot of player-killing and your current inactivity lead us to the decision to deny your application.

Yours faithfully