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My Submission in the TibiaJourney contest:

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:41 am
by Smashing Pumpkin
This is my submission on the Story Writing Contest of TibiaJourney. You can find all submissions here: ... ubmissions

It's quite a nice contest! It ends at 31 Januari, so still plenty of time for you guys to participate :)
If you join the contest, please also leave your submission here! Would be fun to read it. And "feedback" on eachother <g> (Too lazy to scroll trough ALL stories <whistles>)

Hope you enjoy it!

Re: My Submission in the TibiaJourney contest:

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:06 pm
by Cinny
this is awesome Smash :D wonderful story!
I hope you win!!! Good luck mate

Re: My Submission in the TibiaJourney contest:

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:31 am
by Halfhigh
Great short story. ^^

Re: My Submission in the TibiaJourney contest:

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:51 pm
by Sir Mats
Nice one Smash, I also hope you win! :)
/sir mats

Re: My Submission in the TibiaJourney contest:

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:53 pm
by Drizzie
I already told you, but you're good man.

It's a nice plot you created there, and I wish you the best of the luck ;)

Re: My Submission in the TibiaJourney contest:

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:46 am
by Smashing Pumpkin
Found the story again on my PC randomly, maybe fun to share with people who are new :)

Amadea stood infront of the big dwarven doors with no clue of how to open them, all she had was pick, shovel and a knife. She could not see any key hole, the only thing that was located on the doors was a huge sign of dwarven beard. There was no way back knowing that the Dragon Lair would not offer her anything nice. As the Dragons already burned up all her clothes with one fiery breath, but being an optimistic person she was happy that at least her tools were intact and her clothes protected her body from burning. Even though she was left butt naked in a cave, cornered, in front of three dwarven architectured doors everything seemed to be just fine. She knew looking for the ancient Followers of Zoralurk was a dangerous task, and it seemed she was in one of the deepest parts of the Cormayan caves. It was time to inspect the doors, and find a way to get past them to continue her journey. After inspecting the doors for some time, it became clear the beards on the doors didn't really fit in. They seemed quite fragile, unlike the doors themselves wich were made of a very solid stone. And so she swung her pickaxe at one of the beards... ~crackle~ As expected it fell into pieces on the ground. There seemed to be a sentence written on the door. Out of excitement she decided to break the other beards too before reading it, to see if there were more sentences. And indeed there were, and so she read the sentences out loud : "The Triangle will arise, The darkness will return, Hail the almighty Zathroth" ~SCREEEECHHH~ A loud noice, came from the center door, like the earth was getting parted, a thick heat slowly rose up in the cave while a small alter was coming up from the ground in front of the center door. Amadea walked up closer, and inspected the alter. It was a fairly small stone alter with a goblet attached to it. In the center of the goblet, seemed to he a hole leading to the alters surface. The vaguely red stone surface of the alter seemed to be curved out, something was written there but unreadable. After a while it became clear how to read it and why the alters surface was vaguely red. Amadea sighed after she realized what must be done to uncover the secret sentence. She came this far, she couldn't stop now. And so she fetched her knife. Slowly she cut her hand above the goblet, while letting her blood drip into it. As she expected, at the bottom of the goblet her blood spread further, making the words visable. Whispering she read: "Everything will burn" As she finished the sentence, her blood bursted into flames and disappeard. From the sudden ignition she jumped backwards and fell on the ground. ~SCREEEEEECH~ once again the loud sound appeared, but now the middle door opened. There seemed to be a hallway behind the door. Midway stood a black robed figure that slowly drifted towards the entrance of the door. It was mumbling something "She.... Awaken... Not..." As it came closer, the words became more and more clear: "She must not be awakened..." Amadea got up, and stood there, looking at the robed figure getting slower towards her, mumbling that one sentence. She walked up to it. She came close enough to see that it was a quite old and fragile man. Amadea tried to comunicate, "~coughs~Sir..?" But he old man kept on rambling the same sentence, and started saying it louder - nearly shouting as he came closer. Untill he stood almost beside her, he looked up, with an intense look on his face shouting: " SHE MUST NOT BE AWAKENED! ~EXEVO GRAN MAS FLA~cough, cough~ M..~ A faint explosion came around the old man, only harming himself. The old sorcerer fell on the ground - dead. Shocked and surprised Amadea ran op to the old man trying to help him, but it was too late. Slowly she looked up, towards the door that was still open. ~sigh~ It was time to venture on, into the hallway. At the end a small faint blue, magical light could be seen as if there was a sea of crystal coins. And as she would've never immagined her trip to end, her thoughts were true, valuables were just laying there for the taking. With big eyes she walked up to a pile of coins and grabbed one. ~prrrrrr~ The cave started to tremble, just as Amadea touched the coins.. ~prrrrrr~ " Who is this? Awakening me from my eternal sleep? ... " Said a Demonic voice out of thin air. The athmosphere in the room changed, the blue turned into red, the coins shifted together and changed in matter... A huge horn appeared out of the pile, big red glooming eyes, claws of unimmaginable size. " A mere... Mortal? How could Blackhorn allow this? That foolish Sorcerer... I should've known I couldn't trust a mortal. " The Demonic creature looked upon Amadea full with disgust, while slowly an evil grin appeared on it's face. And it changed into a very, cute, harmless bunny in the blink of an eye. Amadea rubbed in her eyes, blinking a few times. Not believing what she just saw, while the bunny hopped harmlessly into her direction. Untill Amadea looked the bunny into the eyes, and it changed into a perfect immage of her. The creature walked up to her, and spoke: " No one awakes me, Zoralurk, and gets away with it... " And then, Amadea felt an intense pain, a huge demonic claw was piercing her entire body, blood flowed everywhere, and everything was getting faint. The last words she heard were: " I will roam the lands of Tibia, no one will notice me, I am the master of disguise, the demon with a thousand faces, Zoralurk. I will take revenge upon the mortals for awakening me from my beauty sleep..."